IPilot Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Today somebody with a cool Raven FZ6...IPilot

What do you do for a living?
I work with International sales and exports. Out of my field though... still looking for the ideal job...

How long have you owned your FZ6?
Since May 30th of this year.

What other modes of transport do you have?
2007 white Pontiac G6, Bicycle.

If you could have any bike what would it be?
I am pretty happy with the one I already have! But that new B-king is bad-ass!!

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Aiplanes all the way!, computers, working out, Wii!, technology, and did I mention anything related to aviation??

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
The most beautiful city I've seen is Paris, I really liked Rome in overall as well... beautiful city and great people... But I would never change all the beautiful cities and landscapes from my conutry Colombia! Tha is just something you need to see!!

Describe yourself in three words?
Active, Curious, Loyal

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why?
I think the air conditioning/heating systems need to be more efficient... I don't know, like taking advantage of the outside conditions or something... why? I am just tired of paying all those freaking high bills because of that!

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
The Airplane!

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
There are so many things in the world that I don't agree with, that I could not even think where to start... Probably Hugo Chavez and his wish for imperialism? that just makes me furious!

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
a karaoke spanish marathon!

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?
Windows but I think my next computer is going to be a Mac.

F1 or MotoGP?
Both! I used to watch every single F1 race when Juan Pablo Montoya (Colombian) was racing there... Now that I have my bike, I love watching MotoGP. And no! I don't like NASCAR even if Montoya is racing there now... I watch it sometimes just to see how good is he doing... (yeah, I know as well that everybody hates him!).

Which track or album rocks your boat?
And Justice for All!

What is your favourite film?
There are a few... Requiem for a Dream, Matrix, of course Top Gun (I know every single line of it), and recently I think Two Brothers was hilarious!

Meat or Veg?
Meat all the way!

What is your favourite beverage?
Milk and beer!

And finally, your number one rule in life?
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Thanks for the interview Lucas.

This guy is cool. Kinda left out the part about him being in the Columbian airforce and all the cool planes he got to fly. Fun guy to talk to, and ride with.
It's actually not a mix! lol.... beer for the weekends with friends.... milk on the daily basis... couldn't live without it!

sorry beverage was in the singular so I thought ....;) :justkidding:
Oh yeah I've had a few myself too :iconbeer:
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Thanks for the interview Lucas.

This guy is cool. Kinda left out the part about him being in the Columbian airforce and all the cool planes he got to fly. Fun guy to talk to, and ride with.

Thanks Steve! Well.... to make it more interesthing as you suggested, here are some of the Airplanes I used to play in and some pics of me... :rockon:





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It really was!!! and now they have them all modified with crystal ****pits and new weapons systems... I'm jealous of my friends flying them right now!!
thank you for sharing, sounds like you have a fun life to share with us, I love planes, but have no $ to get into flying. I would like an opportunity to drive anything with a motor, no matter how obscure it is.
It was a fun part of my life.... almost 9 years of it, but it was time for a change, so then I decided to come to the States....

I feel you... I was going to get my private pilot's license here in the U.S. (yeah, I have to apply as a student pilot here since I was an Air Force pilot in Colombia and you don't get an actual license in the military) but I got a sweet 08 FZ6 instead... oh well... no regrets!
It's actually not a mix! lol.... beer for the weekends with friends.... milk on the daily basis... couldn't live without it!

Thanks for the interview! Cool!

I guess I'd better stop eating cows! I'm killing you! :D
I would pay big bucks if I could take that tucano for a spin :D ...but then I would need to have the big bucks :(

tucano and the pilatus pc-21 are right at the top of my single turbo-prop machines!
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I would pay big bucks if I could take that tucano for a spin :D ...but then I would need to have the big bucks :(

tucano and the pilatus pc-21 are right at the top of my single turbo-prop machines!

Yeah Tucanos are freaking sweet machines, and now they bought SuperTucanos after I left the Air Force and those are a different story... More power, more weapons capacity, everything! Gah! I would have loved to have the opportunity to fly those ones!

Great IV.:rockon:

Respect for the flying, I only got as far as going solo in a glider. I had thought of doing a PPL, but at the time it was too much, so learned to ride a bike, however 6 bikes later, I think these have cost so much more, but fun is relative and I have no regrets.:(

Take care.
