It's Time To Ban The Motorcycle

I'm pretty sure this guy is just a huge real life troll. He is probably getting exactly what he wants with everyone getting so upset.

And if he is not, and he truly believes this stuff... It's pointless discussing it. Trying to speak logic with someone like that is like trying to kick water uphill.

+1 That sums it all up right there! Logic and facts are useless against people like that. Whatever the real numbers show are irrelevant, and can and will be manipulated to suite their needs. If they can't manipulate, they'll simply ignore and/or deny. People like that are often referred to as "drones". Mindless little robots simply obeying their programming. lol

On a side note, I knew it was only a matter of time before some nut-job started saying we should ban moto's. Let's hope it gains zero traction! Other wise they'll just chip away at moto's with smaller, "common sense" laws like they do with guns, until they're "banned", without actually passing an all out ban that they know would meet fierce resistance and fail. And someone please get that moron on a motorcycle!! He's probably just PO'd that he isn't brave enough to get off his bicycle and out of his spandex, and onto a motorcycle, so if he can't do it, nobody can, because they're "dangerous". :rolleyes:
After reading the follow up, the only thing I can say - he is definitely a troll. His logic desintegrates in that follow-up. And why is he replying to comments about his living situation? He repeats the "privilege vs right" thought and, I guess, assumes that just repeating it makes it less wrong.
He is clearly unaware of MSF or AMA also as he goes on to recommend us to create an association and promote safety.
But the ending... the ending is the crown jewel: "don't thank me for this epiphany - it's what I do" this one takes the oscar, imho.

He says he is moving on. I truly hope so cuz we all need a laugh every once in a while. I wonder if he next will move on to banning the guns. Would love to see how that works out for him.

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