Just bought first bike ('06 FZ6)


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2012
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Inland Empire, CA
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Hey everyone!
I'm Jacob from Southern California and I just bought my first bike ever. It's a 2006 FZ6 and so far I can't stop thinking about it. I just took the motorcycle safety course and found that very helpful. Now I just need to get that thing insured and get an endorsement and I'm ready to ride!

I bought it used obviously and am now wondering what kind of things I need to have serviced right away. I'm thinking obviously an oil and fluids change/topoff. Anything else I should have a mechanic look at? What are other things I need to do? Any advice would be much appreciated as I'm a brand newbie in this exciting realm.
Hello Jacob! Welcome to the forums! I too am a new fz6 owner (mines a 2005)
and from what I've been reading here at the forums, there are a few things you can/should do:

Lube and clean chain (I would say this is a necessity)
Check Air Filter (replace if needed)
Replace Oil/filter, Brake Fluid, Coolant
Check Battery
Check tire pressures and tread (Replace Tires if needed)

I plan on changing all the fluids this upcoming week so I know my bike is working on a clean slate so to speak.
I would also highly recommend keeping spreadsheets of maintenance, item inventories, mpg charts etc. The extent of course being limited by how thorough you want to be.
Well that is it, I am new as well, however, so if anyone else wants to chime in on things i've missed or things that I said that were extraneous, please do so!
Congratulations and safe-happy riding to both of you!
A lot of what needs to be done depends on the condition of the bike. If it was well maintained then you may not have to do very much. If it's been sitting, then I would do a complete fluid change (oil, brake lines, coolant). Check out the tires. If they are the original stock tires, then you may want to replace them. Another thing to check out is the chain. You may just have to spray wax it or it may need to be tightened. Get a manual, and read as much as you can on this site. Everyone here is very helpful!
:welcome:to this great forum! If you haven't, before anything get your gear together. Boots, pants, jacket, gloves and obviously the helmet.

Ride safe and have fun! :)
Welcome! This is a great bike and it needs minimal maintenance. The most important things are:
1. TIRES! Good rubber is much more critical on a bike than on a car
2. Chain check, adjustment and lubrication
3. brake system checks and fluid check (good idea to flush the brake fluid every year or 2)
4. Oil level checks and changes

Get yourself some high quality riding gear and never ride with exposed skin! Even the best riders will eventually hit the pavement if they ride long enough due to unavoidable circumstances, it's always best to be prepared for the possibility of a mishap...but don't let fear take the fun out of riding! Proper gear, and constant scanning your surrounding like they teach you in the MSF class and you will have a very safe, enjoyable motorcycling career! :thumbup: