Just Curious...site has changed???


Junior Member
Apr 4, 2009
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Just curious, hope this doesn't stir things, but what happened to Wrightme and the Politcal forum within this site. Been away for awhile and noticed a few changes. Not that I miss it or anything...lol
I believe I've seen some posts from wrightme fairly recently (past 2-3 months). Or maybe those were in older threads that I found while searching, I don't really remember. As for the political forum, that was gone before I got here.
The Politics was taken down due to heated discussions (as everyone knows that religion and politics are not the best subjects to discuss with acquaintances!) WrightMe was upset by some comments that had been made, and decided to leave the forum (which is what led to the politics being removed, as he was a valued member).
The Politics was taken down due to heated discussions (as everyone knows that religion and politics are not the best subjects to discuss with acquaintances!) WrightMe was upset by some comments that had been made, and decided to leave the forum (which is what led to the politics being removed, as he was a valued member).

Yes, Steve was a very valuable member. There were many threads that were created that were and still are very helpful for many of us. Sure hated to see him leave. I really like him as we are both similar in age and got our FZ around the sametime.

I wish he could just put his differences off to the side and stay.

Kind of dissapointing in my opinion, I along with many others helped him get through a time in which he needed help. He lost his job, lost his house due to a fire, etc. started up a donation for him.

How soon they forget....
The Politics was taken down due to heated discussions (as everyone knows that religion and politics are not the best subjects to discuss with acquaintances!) WrightMe was upset by some comments that had been made, and decided to leave the forum (which is what led to the politics being removed, as he was a valued member).

I'm guessing these threads were permanently removed and aren't searchable now? I'd like to read what could make someone so angry that they would leave a forum like this one.
Nothing special to read up on... Steve had started a thread about the fact that he thought profiling muslims in Airports should be a given... it went south very quickly and he slammed the door... it was also due to the accumulation of issues in the Underground Politics forum (which he thought was the best thing on this forum)... the forum has been a much mellower place since this section is gone though...

+1 to Kenny's post.
I'm speculating that after that last anti-muslim post, Wrightme was asked to step down as a moderator and chose to leave instead. He was definately one of the more knowledgable/experienced FZ6ers out there...I'm glad that politics has (officially) been removed from the FZ6 forum, but Wrightme should have stayed...
I'm speculating that after that last anti-muslim post, Wrightme was asked to step down as a moderator and chose to leave instead.

No. To my knowledge, no-one asked him to step down anything... he just got pissed and asked to be removed and finally left. Plus he was not only a mod, but an admin too IIRC.
It always makes me wonder when you have a regular member on this forum and then all of suddenly they dissappear?

All I got to say that if I'm not on this forum for more than a week, something has gone terribly wrong.

I will always let you know if I'll be away like on vacation, but I still end up posting when I'm there anyways.
i guess i'm one of the few that not only dislikes the reaction of steve to leave, but also the reaction to take down the UP section. i love learning from other people and being challenged to think. but it seems like i'm a rare one in that. and since it's not my house i can't complain. regardless, i do love this site.
i guess i'm one of the few that not only dislikes the reaction of steve to leave, but also the reaction to take down the UP section. i love learning from other people and being challenged to think. but it seems like i'm a rare one in that. and since it's not my house i can't complain. regardless, i do love this site.

I would imagine there are political forums out there, for those who are so inclined to discuss politics with others online. I think the UP section was taken down since this is a motorcycle forum, and also because this was not the only thread to cause controversy and upset (through the UP section).
i know. and there are photography forums, and pet forums, and physics forums, and music forums, and helicopter forums, etc. i tend to discuss more than one topic with my friends and it seems like others here do too. i've actually wanted to ask some people some questions since it's been down but won't venture to because i respect dennis and his house. as i said, wish it wouldn't have happened, but it did and life moves on.
If I am in a room full of ppl from all backgrounds, from all cultures, from all around the world (like this forum), I will avoid religious/political debates... they teach you that at school when you take international business/marketing/etc classes... I don't get how some people don't understand at all why religious/political topics are sensitive and a bit different from music/pets/etc... topics, and that they are best left alone to keep a peaceful and enjoyable mood...
i know. and there are photography forums, and pet forums, and physics forums, and music forums, and helicopter forums, etc. i tend to discuss more than one topic with my friends and it seems like others here do too. i've actually wanted to ask some people some questions since it's been down but won't venture to because i respect dennis and his house. as i said, wish it wouldn't have happened, but it did and life moves on.

I can understand that Dean. You have a report with the people on this forum already. You could send them a PM with your questions, rather than address it in a thread, or ask them to join one of the political forums that you like.
i guess i'm one of the few that...dislikes the reaction...to take down the UP section. i love learning from other people and being challenged to think. but it seems like i'm a rare one in that. .

The political section of a motorcycle forum is like the motorcycle section of a political forum. Most political junkies (especially one's who know what they are talking about) aren't coming to a FZ6 site to discuss current politcal goings on, just as motorcycle nuts aren't headed to Politico to check out moto discussions. Now that's not to say lots of FZ6ers aren't well-thought out people...just that the quality of the content of a political section of a moto forum is questionable. I don't miss all that BS, but I do miss ANY 5000+ poster on this site.

All in good fun, though, Dean, it's ironic and funny that someone who is a leader of one particular religious belief thinks that he's a rare one to want to be challenged intellectually. (Rhetorically speaking, not picking a fight)
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