just got a hayabusa

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Hey man, busa's are ok bikes, but just because someone doesn't like your cup of tea doesn't mean they're wrong. I don't personally like them, they're too long, have too much plastic, and just too much power.

On another note, the FZ6 is an internationally sold bike it's not "yuppy Americans" fault it's being discontinued. Quit being a defensive jackass, accept that not everyone is going to ohh and ahh over your Dad's Hayabusa.

of course, arenrt MOST bikes internationally sold? isnt the fz still availble in other countries for '10? if not then i stand corrected. yes it is my DADS, we dont need to pull the daddy card. does that bother u? i didnt post it for oohs and ahhhs, but i also didnt post it to be picked at either. if u have nothing nice to say, then dont say it. everyone (including me) was in an uproar when smooothpapa said the fz is ugly....... people can say, "nice bike, but im not a fan of its looks" but to say "fugly" is ignorrant and like i said nobody liked it when the fz was called that
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"For the 2010 model year, Yamaha continue to sell FZ6 Fazer S2 (Half-faired) and FZ6 S2 (naked) in Europe."

euros know a good bike
Usually I'm the one to piss people off, so I'm gonna jump in (no tag needed:thumbup:) The Busa is the ultimate poser bike. It has no performance! It's a big motor on a two wheels, WOW! It has the same street value as a cruiser. However, I disagree with most on their looks, I like'em. But that poser bike will never be in my garage :Flip:

I had fun;)

THIS is the Fugliest Bike ever made. At least you KNOW that a Busa is a motorcycle... this... this is a travisty...


the front of this monstrosity bike reminds me of this scene if you can guess the movie. it was a classic.

Usually I'm the one to piss people off, so I'm gonna jump in (no tag needed:thumbup:) The Busa is the ultimate poser bike. It has no performance! It's a big motor on a two wheels, WOW! It has the same street value as a cruiser. However, I disagree with most on their looks, I like'em. But that poser bike will never be in my garage :Flip:

I had fun;)

well if u werent kidding, then i can tell u that after we just got back, that ur wrong. i do see what u mean by poser bike, i think we bought it off a poser, but it handles almost just as well and would make a better high speed highway bike(compared to fz6). rides softer on the highway and is probably more stable. the power is endless, and the looks are awesome in my book. great bike! and there again, most american ARE posers, so good for suzuki! but to say it had the street value of a cruiser is STUPID
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I think the busa is sexy and so do many others. :cheer: It definitely gets noticed/admired.

Many people (including me) will say the FZ6 is long.

Some people will say the FZ6 is fugly - especially compared to an R6/GSXR. Each to his/her own.

Everyone has their own tastes. Just accept that and don't hate people on the forum! :spank:
I think the busa is sexy and so do many others. :cheer: It definitely gets noticed/admired.

Many people (including me) will say the FZ6 is long.

Some people will say the FZ6 is fugly - especially compared to an R6/GSXR. Each to his/her own.

Everyone has their own tastes. Just accept that and don't hate people on the forum! :spank:

im not hating, the guy callin me a jackass is... i never asked for opinions either, just wanted to share that my father got one. again, saying u dont like it is cool, but calling it "fugly" is an insult in my book.
Your in a FZ6 forum, and you basically posted "I just rode this and its way better than a FZ6" what exactly did you expect?
They are totally different bikes and comparing them is never going to make you the popular kid on the block. Saying it 'rides' better than a FZ6 is interesting to say the least.

Most of the people who don't like them probably think the way you posted this was rude and insulting to people with FZ6's, if you can't take conjecture probably a good idea not to post.
Your in a FZ6 forum, and you basically posted "I just rode this and its way better than a FZ6" what exactly did you expect?
They are totally different bikes and comparing them is never going to make you the popular kid on the block. Saying it 'rides' better than a FZ6 is interesting to say the least.

Most of the people who don't like them probably think the way you posted this was rude and insulting to people with FZ6's, if you can't take conjecture probably a good idea not to post.

good god where did i say it was WAY better? please show me! cut me a break buddy. i said it rides better(and it does, longer wheelbase helps), handles ALMOST as good, and has a lot more power. i said i like some things better on the yamaha too (guage, centerstand, im sure better mileage etc). you people need to chill out, i just offered how i tyhought it felt to the fz since thats what we all ride. u got guys on here praising buells and gettin rid of there bikes for it, but i dont see them gettin crap
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1st bike perhaps? ride one before u bash one, and that goes for everybody. because of its looks AND performance the hayabusa was around before the fz and will be around long after. its got that plastic look every yuppy in america has to have, thats why the fz wont be around in '10. yamaha could have just put a full fairing on the fz and i bet its sales would have gone up, but instead they come out with a cheapier version, slapped some plastic and an R on it and americas happy. id rather have thin skin then a thick skull

Have to disagree with this statement. Fairings alone isn't cutting it these days.

The naked segment has grown immensely in the past few years. Less fairings are the trend, not the norm anymore.

But wow, you do take criticism very personally. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. Don't expect people to always agree, this is an actual forum.

And I will say it again. The Busa looks just plain old. The current version has been around way too long. It's in a dire need for an update.
good god where did i say it was WAY better? please show me! cut me a break buddy. i said it rides better, handles ALMOST as good, and has a lot more power. i said i like some things better on the yamaha. you people need to chill out, i just offered how i tyhought it felt to the fz since thats what we all ride. u got guys on here praising buells and gettin rid of there bikes for it, but i dont see them gettin crap

Your the one getting upset about anyone who doesn't like a Hayabusa. Take your own advice, chill out, maybe work on some capitalisation and spelling so your posts don't look like something the dog dragged in.
If you had upgraded to a Hayabusa it would probably have been a different story, people are pretty supportive of other members, but you didn't your Dad did so people were honest about how they personally feel about the bike.
You gave your thoughts on the bike after riding it, and other people gave theirs in relation to their opinions and experience.
Next time you try and rub salt into the wound of the FZ6 being discontinued in the US, maybe think about all the people in this forum who aren't too happy.
Have to disagree with this statement. Fairings alone isn't cutting it these days.

The naked segment has grown immensely in the past few years. Less fairings are the trend, not the norm anymore.

But wow, you do take criticism very personally. Everyone has their likes and dislikes. Don't expect people to always agree, this is an actual forum.

And I will say it again. The Busa looks just plain old. The current version has been around way too long. It's in a dire need for an update.

the only time its the norm is when people wreck them decide to make a "street fighter" out of them. explain to me why the naked hondas, z1000 and z750, and now the fz6 are gone? again because of the fairing and the R the fz6r is selling great! and again, i said if u cant just say u dont like something without resorting to names, then dont comment. i didnt ask for opinions on the bike anyway, as ive said before
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Your the one getting upset about anyone who doesn't like a Hayabusa. Take your own advice, chill out, maybe work on some capitalisation and spelling so your posts don't look like something the dog dragged in.
If you had upgraded to a Hayabusa it would probably have been a different story, people are pretty supportive of other members, but you didn't your Dad did so people were honest about how they personally feel about the bike.
You gave your thoughts on the bike after riding it, and other people gave theirs in relation to their opinions and experience.
Next time you try and rub salt into the wound of the FZ6 being discontinued in the US, maybe think about all the people in this forum who aren't too happy.

im not rubbin salt, its the truth in my opinion. and this isnt college, i can type how i want when i want. :Flip:
speaking of spelling, its YOU're the one, ur 1st word is spelled wrong LOL
im not rubbin salt, its the truth in my opinion. and this isnt college, i can type how i want when i want. :Flip:
speaking of spelling, its YOU're the one, ur 1st word is spelled wrong LOL

Sorry didn't you complain about someone calling you a jackass earlier in the thread? Normally you follow up this kind of complaint by not being one.
Also truth and opinion are very seperate things. World doesn't revolve around you, but keep imagining.

Obviously wasting my breath here.
Sorry didn't you complain about someone calling you a jackass earlier in the thread? Normally you follow up this kind of complaint by not being one.
Also truth and opinion are very seperate things. World doesn't revolve around you, but keep imagining.

Obviously wasting my breath here.

boy are u blowin this way out of proportion. hey everybody! now the world revolves around me! and i said its the truth in MY OPINION. they speak english in australia dont they? so stop wasting ur breath if thats what u think ur doing and move on!
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the front of this monstrosity bike reminds me of this scene if you can guess the movie. it was a classic.


That would be Underworld, and I LUST over Kate Beckensale, so back off maggots!

And as far a ugly bikes I think I've got that market cornered. My bike had been univerally regarded as ugly on seven hemispheres. Except for the Dutch, but they wear wooden shoes so what the F???

Gentlemen, it is all in the delivery and it helps to have a thick skin too. And to spell using whole words.


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