Keira Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Final lady member of the series..Mrs. Reiobard...

What do you do for a living?
currently, I am working at summer school as an aide for 5th graders/soon-to-be-sixth graders... I am a grad student getting my degree in school counseling, so next year I will be unemployed so I'll have time for my internship, working odd jobs.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
I don't have one, but I have had my '05 SV650S since July of '05

What other modes of transport do you have?
my '94 Mazda MX-3, soon to have a '97 Honda Accord Coupe (just have to get it), and all of Rob's toys :)

If you could have any bike what would it be?
Benelli Cafe Racer :drool:

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
i enjoy reading, walking, listening to music, and Guitar Hero

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Paris, France. it was absolutely beautiful, fun, and I loved the museums

Describe yourself in three words? hotheaded, smart and beautiful :)

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why?
dishwasher. I want it to wash everything, including the microwave, counters, etc. I hate doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
the water pump. Just imagine how rich i would be off all those royalties!

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
stupid (not IQ, but common sense) people

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?

Snow or beach?

Windows or Mac?

moto gp?

Which track or album rocks your boat?
i listen to the radio, but i love disturbed

What is your favourite film?
the indiana jones trilogy .... the original, haven't seen the new one yet

Meat or Veg?
meat with veg

What is your favourite beverage?

And finally, your number one rule in life?
do what you like. like what you do.
If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
stupid (not IQ, but common sense) people

Thank you for the interview.. I know you have an SV650, which is gorgeous by the way, do you ever ride Rob's FZ? Are you interested in ever getting one?

Nice answer, I think the best yet. There seems to be a huge lacking of that quality in people these days. You can have an education all day long.. but sometimes I wonder how some people make it through their days..

Great interview Keira! Glad I haven't seen the Hot-headed side of you.... yet! :D

Sword fighting, eh? Nice!!! Did you do any formal training? Fencing?
I know you have an SV650, which is gorgeous by the way, do you ever ride Rob's FZ? Are you interested in ever getting one?

I have ridden his FZ and its okay, but (please don't shoot me) I don't like it. I have had a couple pretty bad back injuries and something about how I fit on that bike just makes my back ache. I spent 8 hours on my bike on Saturday (the covered bridge ride) and my back was a little sore, but after about a 15 minute jaunt on the FZ I can almost not move - every bump just runs right up my spine.

Oh well, it's still a nice bike, just not for me.

Sword fighting, eh? Nice!!! Did you do any formal training? Fencing?

I fenced competitively all through Junior high and high school. At 16 I went to the Junior Olympics in Epee and actually won a couple local Sabre competitions my senior year of H.S. I tried continuing through college, but it overlapped with Marching Band and Hockey Band, so I had to make a really hard choice, and I chose music. I have recently started it up again, and as my coach from H.S. likes having an experienced person around, I don't have to pay any club dues, which is kinda nice.
I would never shoot you, you obviously have the bike for YOU. I was just curious if that was ever a consideration.

I think the SVs are very nice looking.. and it sounds like they are comfortable too ;)

Take care,

Thanks Keira!

Looks like you and I are both finishing grad school this year! Too bad we didn't live closer; we could have an FZ6 forum graduation party!
I would never shoot you, you obviously have the bike for YOU. I was just curious if that was ever a consideration.

I think the SVs are very nice looking.. and it sounds like they are comfortable too ;)

Take care,


The SV IS a great bike as well, but i can't for the life of me ride it every day. in turn to my bike hurting her back, hers hurts mine, If i ride her bike for an hour a day for 3 days in a row i can't move when i wake up, i almost litterally have to stay in bed because my back is so stiff. But the FZ can haul me around for 8-9 hours a day (also covered bridge ride) and i can be ready for more!
The SV IS a great bike as well, but i can't for the life of me ride it every day. in turn to my bike hurting her back, hers hurts mine, If i ride her bike for an hour a day for 3 days in a row i can't move when i wake up, i almost litterally have to stay in bed because my back is so stiff. But the FZ can haul me around for 8-9 hours a day (also covered bridge ride) and i can be ready for more!

That is why the FZ is for you, and the SV is for her.. everyone is happy ;)
Good Stuff Kiera,

Describe yourself in three words? hotheaded, smart and beautiful, thats four words LOL.
Good luck with your internship