Loss of Power when Riding in Rain


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Second time this has happened now.

Got caught in heavy rain, and after about 10mins, the bike starts to sort of stutter / didn't accelrate like it should and basically rid like crap, chuggin away whenever i opened the throttle. I pulled in to the next layby and as i was slowing to a stop the bike just stalled anyways.

Went to start it again, and it tries to turn over but just doesn'tt make the start. I waited for a while and the rain eased off and eventually it turned over no problem and rid it home the rest of the way with no problems at all.

Would the spark plugs getting wet or water building up around that area cause this? This only happens when riding in heavy rain.

It's a 88 FZ600.

It sounds to me like its simply getting water into the carburetor , im just guessing that is a carburetted model :don'tknow: Let me know if im right , then we can fix it :D
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My first thought is ignition wires. I had a simmilar problem in the past with cars. It is almost always ignition related. Distributor / wires / ignition moduale. Where the bike is an 88, if the wires are original they could easily have dried out. frayed a bit inside ect. If they start to get wet and water gets into them it can slow the flow of elect. Water isnt' much of a conductor. It needs electrolites like salt to really transmit elect well. My 99 Dodge truck wouldn't start when it was damp, started fine in dry weather. Wires and a cap fixed that.
Sounds like a classic case of vapor lock, which is often made worse in rainy weather. The next time it happens pull over and open the tank and see if you have a vacuum. You may have a kinked hose or blocked vent.
"It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings."

--HaHa! Jim Gaffigan fan I take it? ...Shhh..a fish might be right here in the audience, lake michigan's right there buddy! They'd be laughing on the outside but really, they'd be crying on the inside...
My old Zeal had carbies and had this exact problem. I bought it second hand and water had gotten into the tank, caused rust, and the water and rust had travelled through and clogged the carbies. (its previous owner lived near the sea)
It was an on and off issue for a while but took a turn for the worse and eventually when I got it properly checked found out the exact problem.
This was a pretty serious case of rust though.