Man, the last month or so...


Junior Member
May 8, 2012
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NorCal/East Texas
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Has been rough! First, a lady I really cared about decided she didn't want any emotional attachment any more and peaced out. Not too big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Then unexpected bills from school that I have to dispute with the school, but all the while get nasty emails about. Then replace a bunch of parts on the bike. Then walk outside and find a slit in the sidewall of my rear tire that only has 1500-2000 miles on it. Then replace my rear brake caliper. Then come home from work today and find a nail in my brand new tire! I plugged the tire and it looks like it will be ok, I might put a patch in it if we have them at the shop. Some times you just can't win I suppose! :spank: Just needed to vent a little gents....
All this means is that something REALLY good is right around the corner.
Just ride the wave and know things will get better. :thumbup:
Hang in there. It always gets worse before it gets better, sounds like your just about to "better" ;)
Just think about it this way:

You are okay, alive and well. That means that each of these things happened to prevent something worse from happening. I dont know if you are religious, honestly, it doesn't matter. Something is looking out for you, whether it be God, an angel, fate, juju, medicine, the flying spaghetti monster, whatever. Keep it straight, keep vigil, and you'll be able to look back in the future and know you've fought through before.
that does suck but keep you head up and smile, like it was said things can't get any worst so all good is coming your way
Has been rough! First, a lady I really cared about decided she didn't want any emotional attachment any more and peaced out. Not too big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Then unexpected bills from school that I have to dispute with the school, but all the while get nasty emails about. Then replace a bunch of parts on the bike. Then walk outside and find a slit in the sidewall of my rear tire that only has 1500-2000 miles on it. Then replace my rear brake caliper. Then come home from work today and find a nail in my brand new tire! I plugged the tire and it looks like it will be ok, I might put a patch in it if we have them at the shop. Some times you just can't win I suppose! :spank: Just needed to vent a little gents....
Your run of bad luck will end soon,

Don't touch him! He's got coodies! :D

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. One day, you'll look back on this month and laugh. Sending good vibes your way.