maybe it's just me...


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Apr 6, 2009
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nw louisiana
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I actually LIKE most of my fz stock. I prefer the sound to most of the youtube vids of diff cans. I really like the look of the bike. And the performance. Sure, suspension could be better. Swingarm is straight vanilla. But there is an awful lot of bike there for around 7 grand US. If I wanted a rocketship, I would have chose a different bike altogether. As someone else pointed out, 10,000 rpm in SECOND gear is breaking every speed limit in the country. Not knocking personalization, just making a observation. Pretty awesome bike right out of the box. I DO love some of you guys' mods though.
I totally agree,I thought the same for 6 months..............then I found this site ,lol
Thats the thing with the FZ...........stock or's still a great bike :thumbup:
If I wanted a rocketship, I would have chose a different bike altogether. .

:eek: have you had your bike over 8000rpm ?? Because at that point you are on a rocket ship :D.....

I loved my FZ stock too until i could afford pipes , then i gave it the ultimate mod by giving it an XJR injection and she grew up all big and strong :rockon: :rof:
Agreed, the FZ6 is a great bike straight out off the box, but is it not in our natur to mod, it certainly is for me.
I have already spend more than i can afford on mods(in my mind), and started saving up for the new exhaust, suspension, rearset etc.... I simply can not help myself and i love it :D

This winter is going to be great.:rockon:
Great points and you are right about it being great straight out of the box IMO! Modding is just fun to me.....I enjoy customizing it to look and perform the way I like it. The FZ6 is art in motion! :Flash:
I have done some cosmetic mods, but definitly am sying away from pipes and power mods.. I love the sound of the bike stock, no roaring exhaust to drown out my ipod. i think the belly pan should have came standard from the factory though...
Good point Humperdink...I have indeed been over 8,000 rpm and she goes.
Have had the new bike urge from time to time just not sure anything else will be as comfy, cool, fun, versatile, etc. The FZ just suits me.
I'm of the same mind I have had mine for a year and half or so and I really don't have a mod I would like to do to my FZ I like it how it is. besides I have another bike I spend large amounts of money on for track days!
It is a fantastic bike out of the box! :thumbup:

In fact, I think it is the best bike I've ever owned...

However, a few mods don't go amiss....


And modding is great fun too!
I was about to make a post of this today ...
I heard a stock fz6 after a long time and loved how much smooth and quiet sounding it was. That is actually better for touring and long rides. Then I heard my FZ1 and it was freaking loud ..... If the FZ1 stock can looked as good as the FZ6 I would not hv modded my bike. Since I put a slip on I went all the way with modding my FZ1 plus also due to some awesome deals I got on used mods.

I put my FZ6 back to stock after selling the quads and just love how nice the stock exhaust sounds. It is actually making me reconsider selling it and using it for commuting and touring and using the FZ1 for sport riding.

But didn't like the looks fo the stock 04-06 fairing so I upgraded mine. Bolt on/off with the newer speedometer and swingarm too. So mine is a 07+ FZ6 except for the O2 sensor (operates in open loop always)
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i somewhat agree. i do like the bike stock. i bought my bike second hand and it had a fender eliminator, clear alternatives integrated blinker/tail-light and flush mount smoke turn signals. i switched all that out for the stock stuff. just thought it looked better stock.

BUT, i have made some changes. but each of my changes have to do with either comfort or safety since i mainly commute on the bike and some is done at night. i don't ever see myself putting an aftermarket exhaust on the bike or trying to up the power. my kind of mods are a TS seat, handguards, grip puppies and a givi top case.

having said that... i absolutely love some of the things people on here have done with their bikes. if i had the money to have two i might would turn one into a sportier bike and drop cash into. but i'd have to have the money first. :D
I love modding my bike for loads of reasons: I like tinkering with it anyway, there are some things stock that weren't good enough for me, I like thinking that I've made the bike my own, I like to think there isn't another FZ6 like mine and I also like people stopping and looking at it and asking me questions about it (mainly "is than a Fazer mate? I'm not sure!"). :D

Mine definitely is louder than stock, but not as loud as it could be - as I keep the DB-killers in, and the performance has definitely improved and become smoother than stock. The seat is more comfy, the headlights work much better, the bars are more comfy, the bike looks better (IMHO) and the bike is lower and handles better thanks to the mods I've put onto it. I've dropped £1400+ into it so far and have another £300-500 planned, then it will be perfect in my eyes. :spank:

Of course, this is just my opinions and other people have theirs. They're welcome to theirs as long as they don't rubbish my opinion! :eek: