Motorcyclist clocked at 193mph in the rain

What a dumbass for 2 reasons...

1) riding that fast in the rain... Obviously

2) if he was rising that fast then why the hell did he stop lol
i kno hes dumb for doin this on the highway instead of a track but damn it sux that he got 14 tickets! OUCH! its also funny cuz i took my riders safety course not to far away from there..i guess he never attended that one lol
i kno hes dumb for doin this on the highway instead of a track but damn it sux that he got 14 tickets!

Nah. I think 14 tickets, a night in jail and a $1500 bond for 193 in a 65 is about right.

And in fairness to the maniac, it looks like he was clocked at 193 in the dry, with little traffic, then hit rain and a traffic snarl, where he met police officers and a reality check:

"At"..."mile marker 134, the bike was clocked at 97 mph"..."reached 193 mph at mile marker 114."..."A rainstorm that slowed Thruway traffic made the motorcycle reduce speed near mile marker 84 in Rosendale..."
so he did 50 miles in like 20 min.....that is still a long time to be HAULING a#$ like that....

so like by that point he had passed like 4 cops....after the first one or two why didnt he just get off the interstate and lay low? like by that point he had passed like 4 cops....after the first one or two why didnt he just get off the interstate and lay low?

Seriously. Quit when you're ahead, right? That guy would not do well in Vegas. Or he'd do REALLY well. I mean, he's still pumping blood, right?

Luckily (for his life) the police didn't lay out one of the spike belts... yikes!

Ouch! That would have amounted to a killing on the part of the LEOs, I think. Though protecting the public from a 500lb road missile is pretty good justification. Maybe if they chased and he ran laying out spikes would be in order?

I'm sure the guy had open road as far as he could see when he opened up, or something close to it. I've looked down and seen (very low) three digits on the dash a few times, and not always completely accidental-unintentional-ish. (Generally in response to some rapidly approaching stupidity on the highway--getting out of an idiot's way--fast.) But 193 is pretty wild anywhere but a track. Its fast on most parts of most tracks, actually. Even a 400lb motorcycle will do a lot of damage to a Camry at that speed, not to mention the rider flying through the passenger cabin, clad in helmet, armor and a half pound or so of safety glass shards. If I got stopped after being clocked at 150+, I'd expect to have at least the motorcycle part of my license revoked, and enough fines that I'd have to sell the bike. Which would be terrible. I'm kinda curious to know what he gets. I think that sort of thing probably ought to be common knowledge, really. We see people doing similar stuff all the time. Often in 4,000lb cars! I wonder if the fines scale more closely to the momentum of the vehicle being piloted by the speeder, or to the impact energy if there were a collision? (Is it $=mv or $= m(v^2), for us nerds...)

Maybe if I was on a lonely stretch in Utah or Arizona I might hope for a little leniency. Upstate NY or anywhere near ATL would be a terrible place to run a few thousand cubic meters of air through my airbox in a quarter hour. I'm sure it was fun, though. Now I want to do a track day.
vid to prove or it never happened...........................I don't think anyone is dumb enough to do this but than again I have been wrong before
Wonder what speeds he would reach if he ever rode out west, where there is a lot of nothing? The New York Thruway, depending which section, there are very limited exits and on ramps, but still has a lot of traffic.

If anything, he startled a lot of drivers by zipping by them so quickly who weren't even aware he was approaching.
I'm sorry but if I had a bike capable of doing 193, and the balls to do it.... Yeah there's no way I would pull over after they already clocked me going that fast, I'd give my bike a reach around and bend the tag up and get the hell outta dodge!!!!