My poor girl is done.


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2010
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Rolla, MO
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Well, she made it 30,000 miles. Had a car pull out in front of me on my way to school. She got totaled. Don't worry though, I'll get a new one soon as I can find one I like!




I'm sorry for your loss but glad that you are ok and thinking about the replacement unit

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Scary stuff, a couple of years ago mine had just reached 30k was same colour and age and also car pulled out on me and mine was a write off. Hope you are ok and you are back on the road in no tim!!
Sorry to hear your news,
Glad your OK, I am assuming that the other driver had insurance.
Good luck,
The forks still look pretty straight in the picture. Looks like fairing damage mostly. Maybe buy it back and fix'er back up? Unless you are going to get enough from the payout to get a newer one or something.
You should consider seeing a doctor, no matter how minor the injuries you may have suffered. There could be some long term lingering affects so I hope the other party is well insured. Nothing should come out of pocket assuming it's her fault. What kind of gear were you wearing, and how did it hold up?

However, try to be more aware of your surroundings when you ride. You must know How, Where and What to look for when you are riding out on the streets. Things like this (car pulling out in front of me) are predictable. Curious, how fast were you going? Did you brake or swerve? Lowside before hitting her? What were the conditions, wet or dry? What lane or how many lanes were there?

It's always interesting disecting how a crash developes. Unfortunately at the expense of others, but we might just learn something so that it doesn't happen to others.

Hate to see her in that condition. Anything partable?
Main thing is you're Okay! I like Downs idea. If the the bike is structurally sound, see if you can do a buyback and maybe go naked!
Looking into it, the forks are tweaked slightly. She still starts and runs, problem is there is some frame damage, handle bars bent, scrapes down the side. Etc. I'd love to buy her back, but the insurance company has a salvage bid for 1900 for it, and I'm not going to pay that, especially when the insurance gave me enough for another one.

I have been to multiple doctors, I crushed my foot and dislocated my shoulder at the time, luckily nothing bad, I'll be in one of those attractive pump up boots for about another month. It was all his fault, not mine, and he had insurance, so I'm covered.

As far as paying attention, I was. Speed limit 25, my speed 23, parked cars on both sides of the street, with Fedex van parked in the oncoming lane delivering packages, so the street was down to one lane. As I was coming up on the van the guy, parked on the same side of the street, literally hit the gas and pulled left into me. I ricocheted off of him and ended up piled into the Fedex truck. He gave no signal, nothing. In fact, looking back on it, I don't even recall brake lights, and it was an old crappy skylark, I don't even know if he had working brake lights. I distinctly remember having enough time to get my fingers halfway to the brake lever and then I was flying through the air. It was a mixture of bad things.

I consider myself a safe rider. Speed limits, consistently take it on 400-500 mile a day trips, etc. Even on the day of the crash, I had a 2 mile ride to class, and still had Snell approved full face, first gear Kilimanjaro jacket, first gear gloves, boots, etc. All Firstgear. Doctor says the boots are probably why I am 2 weeks later walking(in a boot), and not getting reconstructive surgery on my foot.
Sorry to hear about the bingle, sounds like you did all you could, the bike maybe not intact but you are
Proves atgatt is valid. Hope you heal quick, with no long term affects

Sent from the phone: sorry 'bout my spileng, fat know!
I ricocheted off of him and ended up piled into the Fedex truck.

Doctor says the boots are probably why I am 2 weeks later walking(in a boot), and not getting reconstructive surgery on my foot.

I think you're the second rider on this forum who's hit a FedEx truck.

:thumbup: on wearing the boots!
Yeah, I'm definitely getting another FZ6. I just don't see the need for the FZ1, and I rode on a buddies, and it was not as comfortable as the 6. I'm looking at 2008-09 FZ6's, (preferably blue, since that's the fastest.) :D lol. There are 2 I'm seriously interested in, hopefully I can get one of them for the right price.

Also I forgot to mention, road conditions were sunny, dry, mid around 50 degrees, and middle of the day.
Kenny :spank:

You're assuming the other driver was a woman? Don't men ever have accidents?..... ;)

I travel the country for a living, in my experiences I have only been pulled out in front of by women/teenage girl's and the elderly.... Almost all of the women have been on cell phones, eating, texting, or a combination of the above. The elderly just look lost.... Not sure which is worse.....
Glad your okay. I have been to Rolla, I'm surprised it wasn't a teenage girl driving a jacked pickup truck.....
I have been to Rolla, I'm surprised it wasn't a teenage girl driving a jacked pickup truck.....

This is hilarious. You must have spent some time in Rolla, cause that is exactly correct. I can't count how many times I've been cut off by a teenage girl driving a terrible truck here in Rolla with the sign "silly boys, trucks are for girls" on the back, and when I lay on the horn they drop their makeup and look surprised. One girl actually at the next light was next to me and rolled down her window and said, "sorry, I didn't see you there" and I told her, "maybe if you put down the cell phone that you are STILL talking on and put your makeup on before you left, you would have." She rolled up her window quick and didn't look at me anymore.

You know, on a side note, I understand guys do it to some extent, but statistics show men are more apt to pay attention while driving while I have seen women, putting on makeup, drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette, WHILE holding a phone between their shoulder and ear, and driving down the road. It makes me sick to see so many drivers, men and women, that don't treat driving as there PRIMARY task.
i m sorry for your loss and for the bike, it really made me sad seeing her in that state. at least your gear held up and you re quite ok.

hearing these things (girls doing makeup, drivers talking on cell phones etc) really shows no concience and sense of safety is left in certain humans, what makes it worse is that these are common occurences not just a one off