New "Hall of shame"



Those rules work for me but maybe rule 2 should be a little more specific like having a really good story to go along with the wreck. I think a vote by forum members on the story and the damage should determine who gets a visit from the "UWH". There should be some sort of standerd that warrants the "UWH". By that I mean, if you lay your bike down in the driveway because you forgot to put your kickstand down and got a few scratchs in the paint( I did this by the way) may not require the "UWH" because almost everyone has or will do that at some time or another but, if you forget to put your kickstand down and knock your friends bike off a cliff in the process, that would qualify for the 'UWH". I think you know what I'm saying. I also think if a member gets the "UWH" that person should post a pic of themself giving the "UWH" a kiss on the butt. LOL That's just my thoughts.:rockon:
I like the must have a story to go along with the "incident" as well as the vote. and there signature should state "don't take advice from me, I'm the holder of the UGLY WOODEN HORSE