Nooj Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Back to the UK today...Nooj...

What do you do for a living? I'm a machine minder for a company that makes holograms.

How long have you owned your FZ6? I don't actually have one myself, but the Missus has had one since they first came out, she's on her second one now, so I get plenty of opportunity to ride it around or take it to bits.

What other modes of transport do you have? I have and old Fazer 600 and an Aprilia Falco, the Missus also has an Aprilia Tuono and a MG-F.

If you could have any bike what would it be? How many am I allowed? I don't think it's possible to have one bike that does everything without spending a fortune on having one made specifically for you. I'd quite like to do a street fighter of some kind, but it would have to be something unique.

What are your hobbies apart from the bike? I like to watch films and read. I spend a fair amount of time just thinking, sorting out my philosophy for life. The interweb takes up a lot of my spare time, the amount of porn available is astounding! I'm getting into growing my own veg and brewing my own beer as well.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why? Thailand, because it's so different to anything else I've seen and the people I met were all friendly and helpful.

Describe yourself in three words? Bizzare, flatulent, impatient.

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why? Locks. I'm sick of carrying pocketfulls of sharp metal objects everywhere I go, the Missus looses her keys on an almost daily basis, they're a pain in the arse.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with? No idea! Something simple that would make me disgustingly wealthy. The Spam Fritter perhaps? Or the Urinal.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw? Organised religion. I don't have a problem with people believing in what ever gods they choose, but I do have a problem with religious 'leaders' exploiting those same people to gain power and influence and further their own ambitions.

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be? I can play a couple of songs on the guitar and sing a bit, so I could do an unplugged session, but in reality I'd probably get a bit drunk, talk bollocks and fart a lot.

Snow or beach? Beach. Women wear less on the beach.

Windows or Mac? Windows 'cos it's what I'm familiar with, though I know Macs are better.

F1 or NASCAR? Both bore the pants off me, I'm not into cars.

Which track or album rocks your boat? So many to choose from! A good place to start would be Motorhead: Overkill, Radiohead: The Bends, Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon.

What is your favourite film? Again, the list is a big one and it's too difficult to single one out. Yellowbeard, Kung Pow and Starwars (all six together) will always be at the top somewhere.

Meat or Veg? Both. With a nice Yorkshire pudding and some gravy.

What is your favourite beverage? BEER! Got to be real ale though, none of this yellow, fizzy, bottled wee that most people seem to class as 'beer'.

And finally, your number one rule in life? Look after number one. If you can't look after yourself, how can you look after anyone else?

One question I'd like to have been asked but wasn't? What's your best piece of motorcycling advice? Answer: Have fun but don't be an idiot, and try not to fall off.
Back to the UK today...Nooj...

What do you do for a living? I'm a machine minder for a company that makes holograms.

How long have you owned your FZ6? I don't actually have one myself, but the Missus has had one since they first came out, she's on her second one now, so I get plenty of opportunity to ride it around or take it to bits.

What other modes of transport do you have? I have and old Fazer 600 and an Aprilia Falco, the Missus also has an Aprilia Tuono and a MG-F.

If you could have any bike what would it be? How many am I allowed? I don't think it's possible to have one bike that does everything without spending a fortune on having one made specifically for you. I'd quite like to do a street fighter of some kind, but it would have to be something unique.

What are your hobbies apart from the bike? I like to watch films and read. I spend a fair amount of time just thinking, sorting out my philosophy for life. The interweb takes up a lot of my spare time, the amount of porn available is astounding! I'm getting into growing my own veg and brewing my own beer as well.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why? Thailand, because it's so different to anything else I've seen and the people I met were all friendly and helpful.

Describe yourself in three words? Bizzare, flatulent, impatient.

If you could redesign any household (including garage) appliance what would it be and why? Locks. I'm sick of carrying pocketfulls of sharp metal objects everywhere I go, the Missus looses her keys on an almost daily basis, they're a pain in the arse.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with? No idea! Something simple that would make me disgustingly wealthy. The Spam Fritter perhaps? Or the Urinal.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw? Organised religion. I don't have a problem with people believing in what ever gods they choose, but I do have a problem with religious 'leaders' exploiting those same people to gain power and influence and further their own ambitions.

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be? I can play a couple of songs on the guitar and sing a bit, so I could do an unplugged session, but in reality I'd probably get a bit drunk, talk bollocks and fart a lot.

Snow or beach? Beach. Women wear less on the beach.

Windows or Mac? Windows 'cos it's what I'm familiar with, though I know Macs are better.

F1 or NASCAR? Both bore the pants off me, I'm not into cars.

Which track or album rocks your boat? So many to choose from! A good place to start would be Motorhead: Overkill, Radiohead: The Bends, Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon.

What is your favourite film? Again, the list is a big one and it's too difficult to single one out. Yellowbeard, Kung Pow and Starwars (all six together) will always be at the top somewhere.

Meat or Veg? Both. With a nice Yorkshire pudding and some gravy.

What is your favourite beverage? BEER! Got to be real ale though, none of this yellow, fizzy, bottled wee that most people seem to class as 'beer'.

And finally, your number one rule in life? Look after number one. If you can't look after yourself, how can you look after anyone else?

One question I'd like to have been asked but wasn't? What's your best piece of motorcycling advice? Answer: Have fun but don't be an idiot, and try not to fall off.
Ok so when do we all get to sample the home brew? Luggs like home brew and can also fart.

Hi Nooj! Can you elaborate here?
I'm a machine minder for a company that makes holograms.
Holograms fascinate me, and are a physical phenomenon I still can't wrap my brain around.
Thanks dude's, I try and make stuff entertaining, there's too many people trying to keep life boring and safe already.

Hi Nooj! Can you elaborate here?

Holograms fascinate me, and are a physical phenomenon I still can't wrap my brain around.

Afraid not, it's all secret stuff for foriegn markets. I know how to run my machine, but not very much about the rest of the process. The ones I see aren't the flash 3D image ones, just the kind that change colour as you move them around, like the back of a CD :Flash:

Ok so when do we all get to sample the home brew? Luggs like home brew and can also fart.

It's rarely around long enough for other people to get a taste :iconbeer: Anyone can fart if they push hard enough, the talent lies in knowing when NOT to push :eek:
Bizzare, flatulent, impatient: Excellent answers!

Tone is all about muscle control! :thumbup: