Not Able To Ride


Junior Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Hi guys,due to having to have an op on my back iam informed wont be able to ride for some time ,any things i should do,or not to the bike while its not been used,the wife says i cant bring it in doors before anyone asks
how long untill you can ride?

If over 2 months or so, battery tender, and stabil in the fuel tank, run it long enough to get all the way to the injectors, change the oil and filter, and put it on the center stand.
unknown as yet,no doubt i will be wanting to be out on it before doc gives me al clear,got to build muscles back up in my back so could be a while,shes just been serviced and on a trickle charger would have it at the foot of bed but wife not having it,
My husband recently broke his collarbone at the track.

I told him I would make sure all of his bikes were running properly by riding them regularly. :thumbup:
I had back surgery last August, so I had to park my FZ6 in the first week of August last year until March of this year.
First, I gave it an oil and filter change. I then gave it a good wash and polish (also sprayed all exposed unpainted metal with "Sheath"), filled the gas tank about 3/4 full, put in some gas stabilizer (Stabil), ran it back to the gas station and topped it up.
I parked it on the centre stand, plugged in my Battery Tender Jr., put a breathable cover over it and forgot about it. (well....not really ;) )
In March of this year, I pulled off the cover, disconnected the Batt Tender and she fired right up, just as if I'd parked it overnight. :D
As soon as you can right after the surgery, start working on your core muscles and your wrist and upper body strength. :thumbup: