Oil Filter Wrench Slippage


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Apr 11, 2009
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Western Springs, Illinois
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I changed my oil yesterday and it was a snap, with one exception: getting the old oil filter off was a BITCH. It was the stock, Yamaha filter and I purchased the No. 5 wrench from the dealer to use on it. But the thing kept slipping -- it just wouldn't find purchase on the filter. I tried thoroughly de-greasing the filter and the wrench with brake cleaner, it did no good. I finally punched a long screwdriver through the old filter and was able to get it loose. Putting the replacement Yamaha filter on was no problem with the No. 5 wrench.

Anybody else have this problem? The last oil change was performed by the dealer and maybe the shop just over-tightened the filter. (I put the new one on using a torque wrench set to 12 ft. lbs.) In the future I'd like to avoid this hassle. Are there any better tools out there, or possibly a filter with a better shape that can be gripped by a matching wrench?

In my experience dealerships have routinely over tightened the oil filter when changing the oil. I personally use a strap wrench, but I would say that it should be alot easier next time since you used a torque wrench. Also, I'm sure you already know this but be careful using a screw driver to take a filter off. I've known people who have mangled the filter so badly they had to have their vehicle towed somewhere to get the torn up filter off.
The last oil change was performed by the dealer and maybe the shop just over-tightened the filter. (I put the new one on using a torque wrench set to 12 ft. lbs.)

at your next oil change, do us all a favour and tell us how hard it is to get your filter off...this might end the "mechanic overtightened my filter" saga once and for all.
I think I just found the source of the problem:

Putting the replacement Yamaha filter on was no problem with the No. 5 wrench...I put the new one on using a torque wrench set to 12 ft. lbs.

I'd recommend not using a wrench (even a torque wrench) to put the filter on, just use your hand. With auto/bike filters you're meant to spin them on until the well-oiled gasket makes contact, and then 1/2-1 turn from there until snug. The manufacturer usually prints more specific guidance on the box or filter.

If you put the filter on with a wrench and over-tighten it, it may be hard to remove, or in extreme cases possibly even compromise the gasket.
This is what I'm using. Came from Yamaha, and works a treat. If yours is slipping then the filter was probably tightened too much.

View attachment 15218

When in doubt, go the screwdriver:rockon:.


I use this as well but not from Yamaha the robbing B?????ds.

After you take the filter off once it is easier to get off. God knows what yamaha put them on with.

God knows what yamaha put them on with.
This is one of their factory workers - photo taken while he was on a break:


To get mine off I punched a long screwdriver through it and still had difficulty twisting it lose - don't mention the mess this technique makes - argh!

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Do NOT go much beyond hand tightening or you'll have the same problem when you try to take it off next time.

+1 on the strap wrench. A beefy strap wrench will work every time (a small one might slip....although not before it crushes the filter!)
i have a like vice grip oil filter wrench.. all long as you us ethe regulay "slippery" wrnch to put it back on.. all is good :)
I changed my oil yesterday and it was a snap, with one exception: getting the old oil filter off was a BITCH. It was the stock, Yamaha filter and I purchased the No. 5 wrench from the dealer to use on it. But the thing kept slipping -- it just wouldn't find purchase on the filter. I tried thoroughly de-greasing the filter and the wrench with brake cleaner, it did no good. I finally punched a long screwdriver through the old filter and was able to get it loose. Putting the replacement Yamaha filter on was no problem with the No. 5 wrench.

Anybody else have this problem? The last oil change was performed by the dealer and maybe the shop just over-tightened the filter. (I put the new one on using a torque wrench set to 12 ft. lbs.) In the future I'd like to avoid this hassle. Are there any better tools out there, or possibly a filter with a better shape that can be gripped by a matching wrench?


Ha ha ha,...Same here.
I did tightened it last time with 12 ft. lbs with torque wrench, and couldn't open with oil filter wrench.
Today, I did oil change and had exact same experience as you had.
I had to punch the oil filter to open it.
This time, I put oil filter with my bare hand power on.
Test drive for miles, no oil leak and seems fitted well.
Took mine off with a $7 tool I got from amazon [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Best-Universal-Filter-Wrench/dp/B000M96RVA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=hi&qid=1239631667&sr=8-3"]here[/ame]. Then I installed a filter with a nut on it so I can just use a normal wrench next time.
I found it ridiculously hard to remove the oil filter even after buying an oil filter wrench the supposedly fit the casing. I'm going back to the store in the morning to waste more money on a different type of filter wrench that BETTER get it off or else I'll have to resort to the screwdriver method. Why can't they include tools that you'll actually USE on your bike?!
My first oil change, involving the factor-installed filter, was similar. I used a strap wrench which removed the factory filter but it caved one side in doing so. I want to buy a wrench like your's for installation. (Right now mine is only hand-tight, but I have the death grip of a bear : )
Now THIS (gorilla picture) is funny I don't care who you are! (Thanks)
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