Only in America...

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Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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So I take my 3yo to the park yesterday in Belmont Shore (pretty upscale neighborhood), and see this dude playing with his kids next to me:


I know it's probably legal and all, but who the hell hangs their guns to their belt when they go to the park to play with kids??? I know this probably looks normal to most of you, but in 10 years living in the US this is the first time I see someone other than a cop with a huge gun on his waist... and in a kids park!

Only in America! :BLAA:
Yeah, that is definitely not normal. Legal or not, I don't think that's right to have on at a park. Just sends the wrong message. If he's a cop, he's not on duty nd can leave it at home/car.

1. What if he is a cop?

2. His gun and magazines appear to be holstered properly - it's not like he has a gun tucked in his jockstrap, ready to fall out and hit the ground.

3. What if he is a responsbile parent and taught his small children that daddy's guns arent toys and they should not touch them?

I'm not trying to be a prick, Wavex, it's just that many people (and they're often clueless, hysterical women) see things like this and press the panic button. Then, stupid local legislators create unconstitutional local ordinances limiting people's 2nd amendment rights, causing the taxpayers tons of money via legal matters to get all of the silliness undone.

I don't have kids, but if I was presented with a situation where I had to defend them, you're damn right I would want a gun at my side.
He has to be a cop. Texas, Cali, and most other states have concealed handgun permits available, but the handguns must be just that: concealed.
Definately not normal for me. I have never seen anything like that. :eek:Is he that scared to be out especially at a park. If you want to carry it at least conceal it(as long as you have a concealed weapons permit). It is truly amazing what people will do.
Looks like a cop to me.

On a side note, most states allow you to carry with the weapon in plain view and it is perfectly legal. The only time you need a permit is IF you conceal the weapon. NH allows you to openly carry though it is not recommended because it is "out of the norm" here. Texas allows open carry and many do just that in Texas so it is expected there.

Myself, I'd have been bold enough to approach the guy and politely ask if he was a cop while expressing my concerns about a weapon in the playground. If he's a responsible person or a cop, he'd understand and offer either an explanation or a valid ID. If he is neither and shows an attitude, turn, grab the kids, leave and call the cops. ;)
Probably a cop. maybe this was the only time he had to be with his kid and it was immediately before or after his shift and he could not leave them in his car. who knows.

You should have asked him.
Texas does NOT allow open carry, no one here openly carries, many concealed though, off duty officers are allowed to carry, concealed and it CANNOT be their on-duty weapon, must be a personal weapon

only shotguns or long rifles can be non concealed in vehicles, mostly in rural areas where hunting is common in texas

states that claim to be open carry have ridiculous laws. so i consider them no open carry, one open carry state says you can openly carry unloaded, what good is that..
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If I had a child...I could see your situation. I would not someone carrying a hand cannon unless I knew them around the child. We are protective of our children.

Could of just engaged in a friendly conversation and just asked him "Hey, work for the force?". Might set your mind at ease, I dunno really. I have never encountered this situation.
Re: I appreciate the reaction, but...

I saw a guy like this in my kids preschool, which is in a church. It really got my attention, and I grew up shooting with a very cautious dad ?(combat vet). Turns out the guy was a detective, and a very jovial dad at that. We also had an officer in our town convicted of child molestation, and a sex offender going house-to-house as a census worker. Child molesters are cowards, but very sophisticated planners, repeat offenders and live for finding vulnerable situations/children. Ever lose sight of your child for too long and you can probably appreciate the guys philosophy in the picture. As the saying goes, nobody hangs a sign in front of their house proclaiming it a "gun free" zone.
Texas allows open carry and many do just that in Texas so it is expected there.


I'm sorry but that is not correct. Texas specifically has outlawed open carry since Reconstruction. The exceptions, I believe, are private property, gun-related event (gun show), or hunting.

And if anybody around here saw someone with a handgun on their belt, they would be assumed to be a cop.
I could have talked to him as he seemed to be a nice guy, and him having a gun on his waist did not make me leave the park, but it just looked way out of place hanging there 3 feet away from my daughter's head going down the slide........... if we were in South Central LA, I would understand that the dad wanted extra protection for his kids... but this was Belmont Shore, a touristy Beach town far from the "bad spots", with a few dozen mommies and their kids in the park :)

My wife thought that he was from out of state (he looked and sounded like he was from the South US somewhere) and that he was just over patriotic during Memorial Day (the front of his t-shirt had an american flag on it too)... I told my wife I was going to wear my french flag t-shirt and a white flag in my belt next time :rof:
Honestly, I would have called 911 and told the operator that their is a man in the playground with a real hand gun.

Let the real cops handle the situation.

If the guy happened to be a cop, well he may have not exercised his best judgement and may have received a nice warning from his fellow brothers.

He could have been a bounty hunter, who knows. But It would have been really interesting if the cops would have shown up.

But that's a great picture for another topic, I'm sure the media would have a field day if you submit that too them.
this reminds me of a time on the subway coming out of Boston, there was a kid in baggy pants and popular basketball jersey probably not older than 15 with a gun tucked into the front waistband of his pants. It seriously made me do a double take.
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