Only in America...

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i guess on a sidenote.. "only in america"...... in other parts of the world, children tout ak47's
That's the thing though, Cali doesn't allow people to carry concealed. Why wouldn't you want to open carry in front of your kids? Don't wish to set them a good example? If you haven't noticed, that is how kids learn, by example and by watching their parents. Teaching kids they should be afraid of a machine because it could do them harm if improperly used teaches them nothing.

Not kids, other ignorant adults. I totally understand what your saying and I plan on teaching my kids about gun saftey, as I have all my friends I've taught too shoot. Too many people are afraid, don't understand, and are just ignorant about carrying a gun. Like I said, I'd rather avoid the controvery than have someone call the cops and make a scene by making me the bad guy.
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i guess on a sidenote.. "only in america"...... in other parts of the world, children tout ak47's

Not sure what the intention/direction is with that sort of statement. It sucks that children in some countries tout AK47's. Does it fix any problems in America? Does it make people feel like they should count their lucky stars that it isn't like that here? Should we ponder why the human race is so screwed up? Dunno.:don'tknow:
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1. Many of you said leave it in the car. That bothers me more than him carrying it holstered as he is doing. Responsible gun owners DO NOT leave firearms unattended in vehicles, locked or not, unless required to do so by law. Most criminals obtain firearms illegally by theft or purchasing from a thief.
2. This took place in CA, correct? In CA it is legal to carry an unloaded firearm as long as it is exposed in a belt holster, just as this man is doing. I have no way of knowing from the pic if the weapon is loaded or not. Unless he has a CCW or is a full time sworn peace officer under CPC section 832.2 it would be a crime to conceal it. The ability to obtain a CCW in CA varies greatly depending on where in the state you live. State law says that the Sheriff in the county in which you reside MAY issue a permit if you show "good cause" and meet other critiria (No felony convictions, ecieved training etc.) The definition of "good cause" is left to the determination of the Sheriff. In some counties an applicant simply states "self protection" and he/she gets a permit. Other counties take your application and fees and ruber stamp it with a "Denied".
3. A firearm is an insurance policy. You buy it, carry it and hope you never have to use it. Much like your motorcycle helmet. I can think of nothing more valuable to protect than my children. You say if he is to scared to go to the park without his gun.... Well are you to scared to ride your Fazer to the corner store without your helmet? THINK ATGATT.
The way I see it he is doing nothing more than safeguarding his family.
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Very interesting thread indeed...

I firmly support the second amendment.

I believe gun control is hitting your target, once the object is qualified to be a target.

I believe a clean gun is ready gun.

I believe thorough training should be a requirement before you can carry, open or concealed.

I must first be prudent in all situations I am to carry my weapon.

HOWEVER... Having good s/a is paramount at all times.

Is it prudent and reasonable to openly carry in an upscale playground with very young children around thereby instantly making yourself standout amongst others...NO

Is it prudent and reasonable to assume all those around you would be put at ease or have a raised level of anxiety, because you have weapon in plain sight??

I defend the persons right to carry as defined by the law, but I severely question his judgment to do so in THIS situation.
1. Many of you said leave it in the car. That bothers me more than him carrying it holstered as he is doing. Responsible gun owners DO NOT leave firearms unattended in vehicles, locked or not, unless required to do so by law. Most criminals obtain firearms illegally by theft or purchasing from a thief.
2. This took place in CA, correct? In CA it is legal to carry an unloaded firearm as long as it is exposed in a belt holster, just as this man is doing. I have no way of knowing from the pic if the weapon is loaded or not. Unless he has a CCW or is a full time sworn peace officer under CPC section 832.2 it would be a crime to conceal it. The ability to obtain a CCW in CA varies greatly depending on where in the state you live. State law says that the Sheriff in the county in which you reside MAY issue a permit if you show "good cause" and meet other critiria (No felony convictions, ecieved training etc.) The definition of "good cause" is left to the determination of the Sheriff. In some counties an applicant simply states "self protection" and he/she gets a permit. Other counties take your application and fees and ruber stamp it with a "Denied".
3. A firearm is an insurance policy. You buy it, carry it and hope you never have to use it. Much like your motorcycle helmet. I can think of nothing more valuable to protect than my children. You say if he is to scared to go to the park without his gun.... Well are you to scared to ride your Fazer to the corner store without your helmet? THINK ATGATT.
The way I see it he is doing nothing more than safeguarding his family.

Right on. My thoughts exactly.
It is very interesting to see that we are largely split down the middle on this issue. For some reason, I would have kind of expected the motorcycle crowd to lean more pro-2A overall.

In any case: thank you to everyone who has contributed to this discussion in a calm, reasonable, and professional manner. I am glad to see that this forum is able to discuss such a controversial topic in a reasonable, mature manner.

Let's just try to continue this discussion in the manner we have so far!

I think that the larger problem is that most people do not understand firearms, or how they work. They translate their misunderstanding into fear and project it onto the gun owner. I think the only thing this guy was doing wrong was not concealing his firearm well enough. As a gun owner, we must understand that others do not comprehend the culture that some of us have grown up in, or developed through years of training. We have to be sensitive to the idea that some people will shout "help" at the sight of a gun no matter who is carrying it. I can understand why some here fear the sight and the idea of firearms, even if I don't agree with it. I would ask those to return the favor by not portraying every gun owner as a "Wyatt Earp" wannabe.
Not sure what the intention/direction is with that sort of statement. It sucks that children is some countries tout AK47's. Does it fix any problems in America? Does it make people feel like they should count their lucky stars that it isn't like that here? Should we ponder why the human race is so screwed up? Dunno.:don'tknow:

point being, its not only in america
DOESN'T look like a cop to me.
His gun was like stuck between his belt and his waist instead of in a case.

This is not normal to me.

First of all it is called a holster, not a case. A case would have a zipper and be carried in the hand, not worn on the belt. The pistol in question is clearly in a belt holster with a thumb break style retention strap.
I'm not a fan of firearms. As it always brings back horrible memories for me what happened to a special person that I loved very much and had planned to spend the rest of my life with.

Victim of a very violent crime, a robbery and kidnap, and possible rape. Worst crime that the homicide detective had ever witnessed in the 20 years of law enforcement.

Shot 5 times in the chest with a .38, stuffed in the back of the trunk of her own car which I drove all the time, and then set it on fire.

She survived for five days, died at the ICU Burn unit at USC Medical Center. Absolutely the worst time of my life, just a few days before Christmas.

Bunch of no good losers who belonged to the Crips gang. Shooter got what he deserved, DEATH PENALTY! The other three, life sentence without parole.

Only closure on the matter I'll get when I finally see justice served, and see that scum die up in San Quentin.

Sorry, minor rant.

Ugh.. that mad my stomach hurt with the thought of what it must have been like to go thru that.. I couldnt imagine that happening to anybody I know and love.. Even hearing about a stranger it makes me sick.. That being said, it isnt the guns fault.. It is the sick deranged POS that was the problem.. I have guns and used to conceal carry all the time and im a teddy bear :) I hate to say it too as its almost cliche but if the victim had a gun to defend herself than maybe things would have been different..
Again.. sorry for your loss
I'm not a fan of firearms. As it always brings back horrible memories for me what happened to a special person that I loved very much and had planned to spend the rest of my life with.

Victim of a very violent crime, a robbery and kidnap, and possible rape. Worst crime that the homicide detective had ever witnessed in the 20 years of law enforcement.

Shot 5 times in the chest with a .38, stuffed in the back of the trunk of her own car which I drove all the time, and then set it on fire.

She survived for five days, died at the ICU Burn unit at USC Medical Center. Absolutely the worst time of my life, just a few days before Christmas.

Bunch of no good losers who belonged to the Crips gang. Shooter got what he deserved, DEATH PENALTY! The other three, life sentence without parole.

Only closure on the matter I'll get when I finally see justice served, and see that scum die up in San Quentin.

Sorry, minor rant.

Vegas, I am sorry for your loss.
It is stories like these that make me a stronger supporter of firearms. I am sure when your loved one started her day, she had no idea how it would end, or that things could have gone so terribly wrong. If she, or a nearby law abiding citzen had the means, perhaps things would have ended differently.
God Bless
The guys obviously got 'Little man syndrome'

Who is he trying to impress? I reckon he must be trying to show off to the mums in the playground :confused:

What would the parents say to their kids,when they were asked 'mummy,why is that man carrying a gun?' 'Oh don't worry honey,it's alright to carry a gun.If a bad man came along,the nice man could start a firefight in the middle of the playground.That would be fun,wouldn't it?' :rolleyes:
The guys obviously got 'Little man syndrome'

Who is he trying to impress? I reckon he must be trying to show off to the mums in the playground :confused:

What would the parents say to their kids,when they were asked 'mummy,why is that man carrying a gun?' 'Oh don't worry honey,it's alright to carry a gun.If a bad man came along,the nice man could start a firefight in the middle of the playground.That would be fun,wouldn't it?' :rolleyes:

Or it could be as simple as... He is a cop.. Chill out bro
Don't understand how you're all justifying a gun in a playground.

A gun should be a priviledge that is earned not a right that everyone has.

Forum members from the UK and Australia don't understand your love for guns because we don't have it. Don't attack us for this. We have violent crimes - no doubt. But we don't see guys in a playground with a gun. It's a little shocking for us.

BTW, I'm not a gun hater. I shoot handguns - at a firing range - controlled.

So there's my opinion.

The "politics" forum was closed down a while ago because people were getting nasty about other peoples opinions. Let's not start this again.

Sorry,I just don't buy that because he's a cop,he can justify carrying a gun in a playground.If he's out playing with his kids,then he is surely off duty.

Would it be ok for a firefighter to take his kids to the park and prop an Axe against a slide,just in case there was a fire?
I'm not trying to be a prick, Wavex, it's just that many people (and they're often clueless, hysterical women) see things like this and press the panic button.

Try not to use comments like that - sexist comments like that are not acceptable :spank:

Make your point without offending other members :thumbup:
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