POLL: A-hole competition

Who's the bigger A-hole?

  • The motorcyclist

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • The truck driver

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • I ain't even mad

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters

The Dude

May 18, 2010
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South Central PA
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Watch the video. Put yourself in the cameraman's shoes. Who would you be more pissed off with after this incident?

1.) Motorcyclist fleeing the scene of an accident (w/ no apparent damage) and leaving you with the vehicle he hit.
2.) Truck driver who blocks you in the middle of the highway, takes down your plate, and then leaves (english seems poor).
3.) I wouldn't even be mad, because I'd be so thankful to be living in the promised land where lane-sharing is legal.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAjY10JEnrA]Zero vs Pickup - Hit and Run 8/10/11[/ame]

Bonus question: I thought the cameraman handled it well. Would you have done anything different?
Wow, that truck driver is a retard.

Bonus question: I would like to think I wouldn't have done anything differently although I would be mighty tempted to punch the driver for excessive retardation.
Geez, that truck driver made me forget all about the hit-and-run motorcyclist who makes us all look bad. He gets a close second place in this competition, and his prize is his bent forks.
I guess I don't blame the truck driver for thinking they were together. He took the plate down to maybe get the footage? The real a hole has to be the biker for fleeing. If you run from an accident usually means that you have no insurance, license or have a warrant and can't stick around to get arrested!

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=43.806005,-91.219409
If you run from an accident usually means that you have no insurance, license or have a warrant and can't stick around to get arrested!

In the comments, the poster said the Zero had dealer plates. Maybe he was on a test drive or worked at a dealer. If it wasn't his bike, I could see that as being motivation to split. Even if it wasn't damaged, you wouldn't want to have to disclose an accident on a brand new bike.
I would have spit on my glove rubbed the number off, flipped him off, and left myself, as for the bike that hit the truck, own up!

Was the driver of the trucks name, "Peggy"...
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The motorcycle for fleeing the scene is at fault...but the truck driver is an A-hole for blocking off the camera bike.

There is no way I would consider a land that needs lane splitting due to traffic congestion...to be the "promised land". ;)
the accident itself looks pretty retarded (motorcyclists fault).
As for the truckdriver, i just think he didn't understand since he's in a busy trafic situation and probably didn't realise that the guy was filming it in the first place so he doesn't know what the guy is talking about (through his helmet).
Had I been in my truck and been hit like that I wouldn't have really cared too much (I voted "I ain't even mad") BUT, had I been in my Grand Prix and someone hit me like that I would have been PISSED. The truck driver really didn't seem like a dick, just being careful and getting all the information available. The dude with the camera was playing it pretty cool, don't think he could have been much nicer. As said above it's Zero's fault, but whatcha gonna do, the truck ain't gonna catch him :)
If the guy was running with dealer plates the he was looking to buy or a sales man demoing the bike. The Sales man would probably lose his job if it was reported and if it was someone looking to buy they might have taken it back and made an excuse as to why they didn't want to buy it.
Good poll! I deal with issues with the same or similar at work where you have to choose the lesser of the two evils.

The biker.... he made a poor choice.

The van driver wins my vote!

Camera man did his best to help and was deemed guilty by association by the van driver. He had everything recorded....no worries!
I'm not mad but I voted for the motorcyclist and I'm assuming you mean the motorcyclist that hit the truck. If I was presented with that same scenario and had room on the left I would have split left shoulder because I don't want to deal with the unknown emotion of a driver that just got hit by another bike. As you can see the cam bike was automatically the hit n run's friend.

I used to commute 1 mile on the freeway one exit up. I'd get on and stay in the lane and exit. I exit and up the road about a block and a guy in front of me gets out of his car ranting at me. :eek:I immediately dismount so I'm flat footed and can defend myself. He starts accusing me of crossing 3 lanes in front of him on the freeway! Remember I stay in the lane cuz it's just a hop. I yelled back at him and said you've got the wrong bike! I yelled at him to get back in his car!!! He did it right away cuz he realized I knew him by his first name, "Ayhole"
It seemed like he was on meds or something.....
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I voted the biker as the biggest A-Hole because, well, its obvious why. You do not leave the scene of an accident.
The truck driver was a close second, but he really did not know what was going on. People see two or more bikes close to each other and they automatically assume they are together, even after telling them you don't know them.
i voted lane splitting is the promise land... wish it was allowed everywhere not just CA... the motorcyclist obviously is at fault... but it appeared to have no damage done to the truck so who the hell cares if Javier wrote his plate number down... i would have laughed in his face and i liked the idea of spitting on the glove and wiping it off the truck and slapping the driver in the face when he left to make the point clear...
His truck was fine he is just annoyed. He took down as much info as he could but since he is in the middle of traffic he got moving rather than stand around being useless.

The pickup guy's just trying to get home to his hot Albanian wife. Leave him be.


1. The hit and run Motorcyle guy sucks for making us look bad

2. The guy in the truck is a complete idiot and doesn't know how to listen.

3. By the time the video is over I am so frustrated with how dumb the truck driver is I forget all about the hit and run guy!
I'm not mad but I voted for the motorcyclist and I'm assuming you mean the motorcyclist that hit the truck. If I was presented with that same scenario and had room on the left I would have split left shoulder because I don't want to deal with the unknown emotion of a driver that just got hit by another bike. As you can see the cam bike was automatically the hit n run's friend.

I used to commute 1 mile on the freeway one exit up. I'd get on and stay in the lane and exit. I exit and up the road about a block and a guy in front of me gets out of his car ranting at me. :eek:I immediately dismount so I'm flat footed and can defend myself. He starts accusing me of crossing 3 lanes in front of him on the freeway! Remember I stay in the lane cuz it's just a hop. I yelled back at him and said you've got the wrong bike! I yelled at him to get back in his car!!! He did it right away cuz he realized I knew him by his first name, "Ayhole"
It seemed like he was on meds or something.....

Funny story, I had something similar happen to me... A couple winters ago i spun out in my Cavalier in a bad snowstorm, hit a thin tree and left a dent...

Anyhow background info over: I went to my buddy's house after stopping at autozone to get muffler parts, last spring before i had the bike... he lives in an aprtment complex that has a gravel parking lot i guess you can call it... big enough for probably 8 cars. Anyways, we decided to go to McDonald's in his car, went, split a 50 pc with a large fry/drink each :D and left... Got back some middle aged woman was writing down my plate number..

I turned to my friend "do you need a permit or something to park here?" he said he didn't think so but wasn't sure... he gets out before me and asks the woman if i wasn't supposed to park here... she reply's "this is the car that hit mine!" and continues writing my plate number down... I'm dumbfounded... "i've never been here before" i replied (truth, first time i'd seen his Apt)... She says "it's got a dent in it where you hit my car, and my car has the same paint on it as your car" (black). "your mistaken, i have had that dent in my car since last winter" i reply, hoping to get some reason and sanity out of the situation... nope. "i'm calling the cops!"

At this point in time a younger guy (her son, prolly mid 20's) walks out of the apt and said "c'mon mom let's go"..."no i'm calling the cops, this is the car that hit mine, i can prove it!" The guy then obviously irritated, "How are you gonna prove it?! c'mon let's go!" (they were leaving somewhere)...She walked to their car and got in whilst reassuring me "i'm calling the cops". (i had told her "fine call the cops" at this point)... Anyways she was obviously off her meds, you could tell something wasn't quite right up there. She was so sure that i did it, and it was pissing me off that i was going to have to go thru the whole police statement crap for absolutely no good reason.

We went up to his apartment, discussed it for a while, the cops never showed up... However on the way back home (1am) i took the back roads to avoid the village... don't you know a cop decided to sit on that very backroad, and tagged me for no muffler (was in my trunk) :Flip::spank::spank:
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