POLL: How much have you paid in SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months?

SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months? Only Speeding tickets please. INCLUDE pending tickets.

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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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How much have you paid in SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months?

Only speeding tickets please.
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I'm proud to say that I have $0 in speeding tickets this year. Where is the knocking on wood icon??? :D

Lone: do they not have a points system up in Canada or do you just have a weekly appointment for the defensive driving class?? :D
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speed-camera photo radar tickets you dont get points on your license. you only get points if someone actually pulls you over. otherwise you are convicted as the owner of the vehicle...not the driver/rider.
You know, I was just about to push the keyboard to record my answer when I remembered the last time I voted on the poll of "has your bike ever been down?". Immediately after answering "never" on that poll my bike got knocked over by a friend of mine. Being superstitious like I am, I know what'll happen if I answer your poll. Nothing personal Lone, but especially since I'm riding with Wavex and CaliRider this afternoon. I don't want this to happen to me = :spank:
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You know, I was just about to push the keyboard to record my answer when I remembered the last time I voted on the poll of "has your bike ever been down?". Immediately after answering "never" on that poll my bike got knocked over by a friend of mine. Being superstitious like I am, I know what'll happen if I answer your poll. Nothing personal Lone, but especially since I'm riding with Wavex and CaliRider this afternoon though the Santa Cruz Mountains. I don't want this to happen to me = :spank:

no worries.
Been riding 24 years,Gixers,2 blades,SM's etc
been driving 23 years,supra twin turbo,galant VR4,Lancer EVO 6,my present Scooby etc

Total amount of tickets in that time-None

The secret of my success,eyes in my arse and a radar detector ;)

Sods law says I've just jinxed myself :rolleyes: :D
0 in the last 12 months but only by pure luck... One day not that long ago , if it wasnt for a very tight right hander at the end of the loooong straight :eek: :eek: I was going straight to jail , no passing go , no collecting my $200 on the way through :spank: :spank: :D

Being a professional driver for 15 years & done damn well near enough to 10,000,000k's :eek: around this country & only ever had 3 speeding fines in total , 2 in the truck , 1 in the car :thumbup:.... Now fines for talking on a phone while using a motor vehicle is another story :shakehead:
I haven't been done myself, but my wife just got stung $250 AUS and 3 points for doing 26 km over 100km on P2 licience (4 points total). Funny thing is she wants me to take the rap and the points( I have 12 points on open licience). Small problem, cops have photo evidence which is of a 5 ft lady dressed all in pink-jacket and helmet. Shes even got pink tank protector and pink ferrets on the side of her GSX750F. Does that make me a pigmy poof?:cheer: Somehow I don't think this will work!
I fought a 68 in a 55 and "won" because the judge agreed that breaking the law given the circumstances was prudent.

I got a year of court supervision (don't get any tickets for a year and this one goes away) and had to pay court costs ($54).

The circumstances:

I was following a gravel bearing dumptruck on a 2 lane highway 55mph speed limit. The truck was going between 45 and 50mph and was dropping 1" gravel and mud that was bouncing and splattering on the pavement behind him. It was pouring down rain. I waited until traffic was clear and then got the heck around him. I probably accelerated to 80mph while in the oncoming lane but went quickly back to about 60-65mph (normal flow speeds). I met the county mounty when I was slowing down and he whipped a uey (u-turn) and pulled me over.... all this in the pouring rain. The cop made me stay on my bike, sitting still, in the pouring rain disregarding my explanation while I got soaked. (jerk!)

Glad the judge saw my side of the story. :)

I have had several tickets and countless warnings (verbal and written) over the years but very few warnings and only that one ticket on the bike.
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I haven't been done myself, but my wife just got stung $250 AUS and 3 points for doing 26 km over 100km on P2 licience (4 points total). Funny thing is she wants me to take the rap and the points( I have 12 points on open licience). Small problem, cops have photo evidence which is of a 5 ft lady dressed all in pink-jacket and helmet. Shes even got pink tank protector and pink ferrets on the side of her GSX750F. Does that make me a pigmy poof?:cheer: Somehow I don't think this will work!

So for her you wouldn't dress up in your pink chiffon and best heels to take the rap?
(Good-natured kidding of course)
This made me remember what happened to a buddy of mine years ago. He worked in the shipyard, (where men are men). He had gotten his daughter a beige Chevy Celebrity. Well she "pinked it up" inside and out, BIG TIME. It had pink hubcaps, fuzzy pink EVERYTHING inside, and pink fuzzy stuff all around the windows inside. One day his Ford truck wouldn't start, he was running late, his wife was gone in the Ford van, and her car was the only wheels left! Well, you know the rest of the story....he caught flack for nearly a year over that one!
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Proud to say I have avoided any tickets on my FZ6 or any other street bike I have owned. Now the truck is a different animal. Nothing in the last 20 years but before that I got tons of tickets, had the license suspended, and overall was a bad boy on the road in a cage. I think I have had a ticket in every county in Oregon at one time or another. :rockon:
I'm proud to say that I've been clean now for almost 13 months!
Lots of close calls though, if you know what I mean (The quick and the dead)
Before that I had, well, never mind)