POLL: How much have you paid in SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months?

SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months? Only Speeding tickets please. INCLUDE pending tickets.

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Been zipping around in a 380 hp daily for 3 years straight and nothing (puled over 2x for running a light ... it was yellow...cop decided to be a douche) no tickets. Mind you the car has a 3 inch exhaust turbo-back with no cats and no mufflers, completely gutted, just one 8" straight through resonator. So you can imagive the car is LOUD.

One day I drive my beater and I'm really late going on parkway i get a ticket for 88 in 55mph with a car that would probably struggle going past 100mph

My luck I get in trouble when driving slow cars :(

BTW 1st ticket ever, about $400 dropped to unsafe driving with no points.
So far this year I'm at 7 warnings for 20-25+ over (all on the bike) and 2 tickets for 28-30 over (one in my car one on my bike). Ticket #1 I hired a lawyer about and ended up with a $220 parking ticket and clean record. Ticket #2 I'm fighting sometime in the near future (waiting to hear from the court). Technically, my record is clean at the moment.
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The day I swapped out my exhaust was the day I got my first ticket! The damn thing is TOO LOUD!!! And it was $215AUD I remember? Pretty much the standard price for a ticket. They don't normally catch you for anything less, which is 12km/h over the speed limit, but under 13km/h

At least I know that 'loud exhaust DOES alert other' LOL!!
Lifetime, just 1. On the Bike...goose egg!!!!

However, one time I was on a long stretch back road and all of a sudden from no where, Police Cager was behind me. To this day, I have NO idea where he came from. All I know, moments prior to me seeing this officer, I was kicking it pretty hard :spank:. The officer followed me for several miles afterwards. I turned, he/she turned. :Sport:
You know, I was just about to push the keyboard to record my answer when I remembered the last time I voted on the poll of "has your bike ever been down?". Immediately after answering "never" on that poll my bike got knocked over by a friend of mine.

...and I voted before I realized what I was doing. $0 so far, both on car (even though i was once caught doing 60 on 35mph road) and on bike. Expect me back on this thread in a few days, b***ing and complaining. ;) :spank:
In the past year - none.

I've only gotten one speeding ticket, was three years ago in the car, doing 70 in a 35, but got written up for 22 over.

Never been pulled over on the bike.
That's not the case in Australia. Hand held or fixed - no difference. $ fines and demerit points.

Now that's justice??
How do they determine who was actually driving the car? So if your car was lent out or stolen you get the pleasure of photo tickets with demerits?

Ain't socialism grand...don't tell any Canadian politicians about this, they would jump on that in a flash with the backing of their insurance company masters.

True story about British Columbia Canada. They have government auto insurance called ICBC, if you are a resident you have to buy from them, no private competition allowed. ICBC was paying for the radar gear and the overtime costs to off duty cops to hand out tickets with demerits...the motive??...every demerit raises the cost of your insurance plus some kind of revenue share agreement.
Now that folks is disgusting, no surprise that neither the cops or the politicians saw a problem with this little scam. After all, it's not the money, they claim it's for our own safety....gag, choke, gag...yeah right!
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Yep, we have tickets with photos.

If no photo, stat dec as to who was driving/riding or else registered owner cops it

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Started riding in 76 and driving in 77.
Got 1 speeding ticket in 88 and now another last week, both times in the cage.
Not happy with myself at the moment. :(
Started riding in 76 and driving in 77.
Got 1 speeding ticket in 88 and now another last week, both times in the cage.
Not happy with myself at the moment. :(

Nice people have decided to offer me a speed awareness course as an alternative to points on the licence.
Thankyou West Midlands Police - Offer gratefully accepted. :thumbup:
Up till now I only had one speeding fine on the bike and this was for a couple of Km's too fast. Well today an envelope from the ministry of justice fell on the mat, damn I thought another speeding fine (between €30 and €60) but I was wrong. I had a fine for €160 for crossing a solid white line, :spank:. that could have been a nice MRA windscreen or some heated gloves but I just blew it on a traffic offence. My wife had seen the envelope but not the fine :(

well I don't think christmas spirit will enter the conversation :eek:
None. And I even got pulled over yesterday. Cop was shocked I pulled over. I came over the hill at felony speeds and saw the bike cop sitting on the shoulder with his radar gun pointed at me. He waves me over, I brake and stop beside him. He was facing the wrong way and everything. He was like, "Holy crap son, what'd you stop for?"

"Well, you waved me down and pointed, so I stopped there. You had binoculars so I figured you'd get my plate number."

"How fast were you going, honestly."

"Umm... ... 102mph."

"Your speedo is slow. I caught you at 112."

He runs my drivers license.

"Never had a ticket huh?"

"Just one when I was like 18. 75 in a 70."

"Slow the **** down. Get out of here."

And as I start to click the bike into gear he says, "Cause you're military, I'll tell you, I honestly can't read those plate numbers half the time. Even with the binos." Gotta love the cops around here. :thumbup: And I know my speedo is off by about 9%. I think I'm going to try and use my throttle lock more. My luck is bound to wear off soon.
I've done about 8k since last April when I purchased the bike and so far zero in speeding tickets. I try and ride about 10 over the speed limit but there are times when I run up over that especially on the interstate. Near Tampa, FL 90MPH is flow of traffic on the interstate so cops get speeders like shooting ducks in barrel.