POLL: How much have you paid in SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months?

SPEEDING tickets over the past 12 months? Only Speeding tickets please. INCLUDE pending tickets.

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I just bought an 05 FZ6 silver. This is my second motorcycle and I love it. My first was a 1986 Yamaha radian so this is quite a step up. Well anyway, the very next day I was showing my bike off to a friend and I got pulled over doing 80 in a 55, luckily got down from 120. This was my first speeding and at $140 it is a biggy. I will definitely be taking it easy for a while.
never paid/ received a speeding ticket with my FZ6 !

On the highway I never comply to signals from Police Officers... :D

I just pretend that I don't see them. Most times I turn my head a little to the left (opposite direction) and admire the view, passing by speeding and accelerating ;)

Never had any problems so far, the speed makes it difficult to read the licence plate, especially if you have a fender eliminator ;)
None. And I even got pulled over yesterday. Cop was shocked I pulled over. I came over the hill at felony speeds and saw the bike cop sitting on the shoulder with his radar gun pointed at me. He waves me over, I brake and stop beside him. He was facing the wrong way and everything. He was like, "Holy crap son, what'd you stop for?"

"Well, you waved me down and pointed, so I stopped there. You had binoculars so I figured you'd get my plate number."

"How fast were you going, honestly."

"Umm... ... 102mph."

"Your speedo is slow. I caught you at 112."

He runs my drivers license.

"Never had a ticket huh?"

"Just one when I was like 18. 75 in a 70."

"Slow the **** down. Get out of here."

And as I start to click the bike into gear he says, "Cause you're military, I'll tell you, I honestly can't read those plate numbers half the time. Even with the binos." Gotta love the cops around here. :thumbup: And I know my speedo is off by about 9%. I think I'm going to try and use my throttle lock more. My luck is bound to wear off soon.

Yes, i'd like to place an order for 1,000 jacksonville cops please, yes, to be shipped to Rochester NY, Thank you!

Wish we had cops like this around here, we have like 2 county cops that are lax ,and the rest will all quote you the book on everything.
£60 in a car 10 years ago. They changed the dual carriageway outside my house from a 70 to a 50mph zone. On the day they changed it, they had mobile speed cameras out. I saw the cameras and looked down at my speedo it said 56mph and so I thought 'I'm well under the limit'. Then I noticed the shiny new 50 signs. Sure enough a week later a letter was on the doorstep. My insurance went up £60 a year too. Bastards.
One ticket this year. Too fast to do defensive driving. 97 in a 65 in my Miata 198 dollars. Traffic was running 80ish. Was trying to get around people blocking the lanes running side by side. Eh it's like a speed tax lol.
Over the past 12 months just for speeding $375 over the entire course of my driveing life for everything well over $15,000 for tickets, lawyers, dd classes, probation, impound fees and other stuff, if you wanted to add insurance hikes in there take I up above $25,000. The judge always ask me "well son have you learned your lesson" I put my head down to cover my smirk, and say yes sir. And FYI I've never got a ticket on the bike or been in a accident that was my fault, 2 accident total both caused by little old ladies. The majority of that money came from a little "chase" back in 07

Lesson to be learned here....if you think being a holigan behind the wheel is fun you better have a good lawyer and a good job.

Holy bejesus

I dunno the truth of it but i guess if you get caught with the front wheel off the ground in NY it's an automatic suspension of your license and like a $1000 fine...As much as the Motocrosser in me enjoys lifting the front end, i hope to never find out the truth of it lol

For me so far $0.00 in speeding tickets. No tickets at all on a motorcycle. Only tickets i've gotten were lack of a front license plate (effin NY) $120, LAck of a muffler (parts and muffler were in the trunk)-would have been $150 but got it fixed in time, And a lack of registration (was on an expired temp registration) actually got pulled over for speeding for the last one (accidental, my old 85 f150 had different size tires than stock so the speedo read lower than i was going) but the cop was cool and was going to let me off with a warning but couldn't let the temp inspection pass, cost me alot less than a speeding woulda been though).

That being said i tend to be enthusiastic when im on the bike and sometimes err.... use the posted speedlimit as more of a guideline than an actual rule :spank::spank::spank: No speeding tickets yet though (knocks on closest piece of wood)

Holy bejesus


I know, I know.... It's sad to be honest but, since ive been riding I've calmed down drastically. It has put me in a whole new mindset about driving, especially after wrecking my v-strom. And when I got the fz, being much faster then the strom, it calmed me down even more. It's almost like I used to drive like I had something to prove, as stupid as that sounds its honestly the way I used to drive. But knowing that I have a machine that can out do almost any car on the road has changed my mindset dramatically. My dad tried pounding this saying in my head for years "there's a difference in knowing what you have under the hood and trying to prove it" well I think it has finally stuck....
As luck would have it, I just got my first one in six years a few weeks ago. Was driving my gf's truck through a known speed trap and forgot that automatics accelerate downhill without gas. Doh! By the time i realized, he was putting down the radar gun. Explaining was of no use, so i didn't waste much time or effort on it. Before that, it was another five years. In my youth I was a big offender and spender with the gas pedal. Never had one on a bike, but I've only done about 8000 miles on two wheels, compared to about 400,000 in cages.
Been driving all over the US in cars, pick-ups, motorcycles, even towing a travel trailer, for 35 years without a single ticket. It's not THAT hard to stay "under the radar". Not that I haven't been pulled over... just break out the Eddie Haskell routine.
120 in a 70. I would have a $1500+ fine with alot of point but I told the cop I was rushing home to use the bathroom cause of my bladder infection (never acually had one). You just have to play it off right like you have one. always works guys, ALWAYS.
Since Septber of 2010 to September 2011 I got 5 tickets :spank: the average ticket cost was $90. But I did have 1 for $180. Roughly $600.
£60 in a car 10 years ago. They changed the dual carriageway outside my house from a 70 to a MPH zone. On the day they changed it, they had mobile speed cameras out. I saw the cameras and looked down at my speedo it said MPH and so I thought 'I'm well under the limit'. Then I noticed the shiny new 50 signs. Sure enough a week later a letter was on the doorstep. My insurance went up £60 a year too. Bastards.

Similar thing happened to me. I rode to work on a 40 mph road. They changed the limit on the way home to 30 mph. I got pinged doing 43 mph.
Fortunately I had the option of doing a speed awareness course and no points.
Had 3 points when I was 17 for a faulty back wheel.
So still on Zero points.

last 12 months i have been good as gold (according to the record)

But i still got points on my license that i am waiting to be removed in about a year..

In fines prob about £450 in tottal all together. mainly down to a chase (kept my license)

Thanks god!
none in the last year although i almost went to jail, in texas, anything in the triple digits is reason for arrest. i was in my car at 12 A.M. on a lone road on south padre island, and i wanted to see what my car could do so i did. so I was cruising along at 135MPH when i see the lights of a car crest a small hill about a mile ahead but i keep going. when the car was about 100 meters away i see the police officer turn on the lights on top of the car:eek: so i begin to slow but dont hit my brakes so a few seconds after he passes me his lights go off:rockon::rockon: the only thing i can figure is that he realized that by the time he slowed down turned around and started i wold be long gone so a win for me:BLAA:
I hadn't gotten any tickets in 3 years and then got popped 3 times this year.

$135 (17 over), $196 (24 over... was actually 30 but the cop cut me a break) and $168 (12 over).

The last one was bull**** as it was dark and I got passed by another WRX, same make/model/year as my WRX. We passed a trooper, he clocked the other guy but thought it was my car.

I'll try to fight that one.

In the past several years Colorado has been under democrat control and with budgets under, taxes and traffic tickets have increased 300-400% depending on the violation with entire fleets of motorcycles for the sole purpose of speeding tickets and bonefide ticket quotas (1 per day for non motorcycle officers in Colorado Springs).

For example, 13 years ago a ticket for 15 over was $50 total. A $40 fine and $10 court cost. Today that same ticket is $150 fine + $80 court cost.

If you don't like high taxes and various surcharges to make up for tax revenue, vote republican!
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