Prayers please


May 8, 2008
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Santa Monica, California
I know I haven't been on the forum a lot lately (grad school), but:

If you are religious (of any religion), please pray for my girlfriend's family and her father who just passed away from lung cancer. She's 22 so it's tough and could use all the help she can get.



Sam's dad, me, sam, Sam's mom (her brother isn't pictured)

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really sorry to here about your loss he looks young...alllways hard like dad was only 54 when he checked out i was 27,and in jail....I saw him through the 1'' glass for the last time and was'nt allowed to go to his funeral for risk of flight!! I know it hurts bad and i'm not sure if it ever gets better to tell you the truth......I dreamed about the old man last night and I still miss him with no end.....
All our thoughts and prayers are with them from NH tonight. We're very sorry to hear this news. God rest his soul.
Sorry for your loss...I also know the loss of my parents with a few years of each other....Sometimes I can almost hear them tell me they love me....All I can do in their honor and memory is live this life as strong and loving a person as I can be. So with that, our family sends lots and lots of love to you and your family.
you have my prayers. That is never easy to deal with, especially so young.

Be the man she needs you to be. Let your shirt be her kerchief, your right arm her crutch and your faith her strength.

God bless you guys as you live on in his honor.
Heavenly Father, we pray right now for this family in there time of loss and that you will comfort them in the days to come. We ask that your Holy Spirit will give them peace and hold them up in their sorrow. In Jesus name. Amen

P.S I lost my father when he was only 57 so I know what your going through.
