Problems With The Police?


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Jul 15, 2008
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Ok, I am about to buy some new Scorpion Cans. As most know, in the USA they come without DB killers. So, my question is....Are they to loud for the street and am I going to get problems with the police with them? I live in California and don't know if they will break the noise limit or not. Mainly I just don't want problems with the police. Im getting the cans mainly for the safety, I can rev it a little when I think the car I'm next to doesn't know I'm there. I drive mostly in 3 lane congested traffic.
Anyone been pulled over for being to loud?
I never got a ticket for my twobro's... but keep in mind that the extra attention you get from the average driver is ten fold to a law enforcement officer. I have gotten two traffic tickets (not exhaust related) that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten with stock cans.
I never got a ticket for my twobro's... but keep in mind that the extra attention you get from the average driver is ten fold to a law enforcement officer. I have gotten two traffic tickets (not exhaust related) that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten with stock cans.
Care to elaborate for me?
what is the noise law where you are at? In NH it is 106 db at 20 inches away and at a 45 degree angle.

Knowing this i bought a DB meter so i can keep track of my bikes. (and it seemed like a cool toy :))

but if you can dig up your exhaust law and someone near here that has Scorpions will let me measure them we can find out the legality at least.
I don't even know what the legal limit is here. I have had Akrapovics on mine for about 5 years now without dB killers and never had a problem with the law. There are a lot of Harleys and other bikes on the road that make much more noise!
what is the noise law where you are at? In NH it is 106 db at 20 inches away and at a 45 degree angle.

Knowing this i bought a DB meter so i can keep track of my bikes. (and it seemed like a cool toy :))

but if you can dig up your exhaust law and someone near here that has Scorpions will let me measure them we can find out the legality at least.
Hey thanks for the offer, I finally found the info:"Maximum allowable A-weighted sound levels based on measurements taken at a distance of 50 ft from center lane of travel is 80 dba."
From your general knowledge, what do you think the Scorps would be? Ballpark?
Everyone can't write you a ticket.

Loud pipes of not sport bikes attract police attention. I live in a small town in PA and the local cops follow me all the time without me breaking any law.

I say Make Em Loud!
I know my bike is loud, however it sounds a lot better without the DB killers in there, so I leave them out now. I have been followed by a couple officers, its simple, keep the rpm's low and the bike is pretty quiet. As it was said, you got these Harley's out there louder than open header race cars and they never get hassled, so I don't want to hear anything about my pipes being loud. It doesn't bother me anyway since I wear earplugs :thumbup:
It depends on your local police feelings about the situation.

Here, just about every motorcycle and ricer car are as loud as, if not louder than my bike, which is pretty loud.

Yes, people, including police, will "notice" you a lot more with loud pipes.
Here, cops don't really care about the small stuff.
The Scorpions are not super loud. I just put a set on my 07. I didn't want real loud (retired LEO, 50yoa). They sound slightly louder and much deeper at idle and low speeds. Now if you crank it way up, I suspect you'll catch the attention of a LEO.... I haven't had a problem... They sound very sweet.... I turn off my stereo to actually listen to the engine....
So, your only concern is the cops? You are totally okay with pissing off everyone you pass and generally disturbing the peace? Nice.


Well I don't know about anyone else here, but I do try to be mindful of my neighbors when I leave on my bike. And unlike to two guys on my block that have harleys, I don't go out at midnight and rev my bike in the garage for 30 min. tinkering with it. Once the sun goes down, I quit doing anything that has to do with the engine running. If I want to go for a ride after dark, I keep the rpm low till I hit the major street. After that, all bets are off. ;)

As for the popo, just keep the rpm low around them and your probably fine. If your "hard on the pipes" when they notice you, noise level will probably just be an added ticket to what your really getting nailed for.:spank:
what is the noise law where you are at? In NH it is 106 db at 20 inches away and at a 45 degree angle.

Knowing this i bought a DB meter so i can keep track of my bikes. (and it seemed like a cool toy :))

but if you can dig up your exhaust law and someone near here that has Scorpions will let me measure them we can find out the legality at least.

We've got to meet up so we can test mine now. :D
So, your only concern is the cops? You are totally okay with pissing off everyone you pass and generally disturbing the peace? Nice.


thanks nanny... please dont tell his mommy. :D

loud pipes SAVE LIVES. Id rather be loud than dead. Im sure you can agree on that.
I'm thinking about getting a set of Scorps too in the near future. Not really concerned about noise levels we have enough straight-piped dualed out redneck trucks that catch the noise attention here in TN.

Instead of starting a new thread, can someone rate the loudness of all the common pipes i.e. Two Bros, Scorps, Leo, M4, etc...
So, your only concern is the cops? You are totally okay with pissing off everyone you pass and generally disturbing the peace? Nice.


Tim, that was a bit off-color.

I have a TBR can on my FZ1 and while it is one of the loudest exhausts out there, I don't abuse it. I respect my neighbors and use the throttle sparingly in the neighborhood. I've been out on several small and a few large groups rides and no one complained about my noise level.

It would appear from this comment that you might think because we have a loud exhaust, we simply run amok and abuse the sound level emitted. Not everyone is an irresponsible biker simply because they installed a loud exhaust.

I have even ridden beside a Dover PD on his bike and he never once mentioned my loud exhaust.

I have to ask where this comment came from and to whom it is directed. Thanks for any explanation you can offer.
thanks nanny... please dont tell his mommy. :D

loud pipes SAVE LIVES. Id rather be loud than dead. Im sure you can agree on that.

Loud pipes don't save lives. Proper defensive riding skills do save your own life though. :D
Tim, that was a bit off-color.

I have a TBR can on my FZ1 and while it is one of the loudest exhausts out there, I don't abuse it. I respect my neighbors and use the throttle sparingly in the neighborhood. I've been out on several small and a few large groups rides and no one complained about my noise level.

It would appear from this comment that you might think because we have a loud exhaust, we simply run amok and abuse the sound level emitted. Not everyone is an irresponsible biker simply because they installed a loud exhaust.

I have even ridden beside a Dover PD on his bike and he never once mentioned my loud exhaust.

I have to ask where this comment came from and to whom it is directed. Thanks for any explanation you can offer.
This post should end any argument over loud exhausts and being "disrespectful".
Loud pipes don't save lives. Proper defensive riding skills do save your own life though. :D

While I definitely agree, I'm also pretty sure people have noticed me because of my "loud" exhausts who wouldn't have noticed me at all until it was too late.

People have more than one sense, and sometimes they don't always use all of them. So in addition to being VISIBLE, I like to be AUDIBLE.

Plus, I've noticed and avoided hitting bikes before because I could actually hear them. It's easy to have a close call when you don't even hear a motorcycle until they're right next to you.