Queensland Floods


Administrator aka Mrs Prebstar
Elite Member
Jul 18, 2009
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Chittering Valley, West Aust.
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Many parts of Queensland have been flooded since before Christmas, with over 10 already dead.

Yesterday they had flash floods again - 8 confirmed dead, 70 missing. They say whole families have not been accounted for so far. It was very violent and sudden yesterday. And it isn't over.

It's now in the next suburb to Humpy. He's dry at the moment. Let's hope it stays that way for him.

Thoughts go out to everyone affected.

Here is the Queensland Government page with details on how we can donate.

Donate to the flood relief appeal : Queensland Government

We also are having floods in Northern Western Australia and bushfires south of Perth.
And they're expecting another 100mm overnight tonight too.
They just said on the news that one of the reservoirs is at 173% capacity and they have to open the gates.
Astounding pictures, watching a river flow down the main street in Toowoomba and sweeping cars along with it. So much force in something as serene as water.

Apartently there is some video's of the deluge and after-affects showing up on youtube. Amazing stuff.

My heart goes out to all our country-folk up in Queensland, and further down the East Coast.

Stay safe.

One example of the powr of the water...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt-FT-skins"]YouTube - Toowoomba floods 2011[/ame]

I don't agree with the cheering for the car going down the street though!!

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Parts Brisbane city are being evacuated now...

West End is going under...

30+ suburbs of Brisbane are now affected, a lot of evacuations are in progress.

My boy is in childcare in one of the affected suburbs, ok for now, but I'm going to go and pick him up before he's isolated - just in case!

Thankfully I have my wet-weather gear, very careful ride home today!!

My prayers and thoughts are with everyone affected here, it's madness - apocalyptic!
My work just got evacuated :eek: , lucky I called & said I wasnt going in :thumbup:

We are now on flood watch at home , the levels of the creek across the road are now on the rise :(.... We SHOULD be OK but stranger things have happened as we see now.... I'll keep you all posted :thumbup:
I'm still in the Brisbane CBD, water is now up on the river walk walkways. Traffic is so slow moving, I figured I'd wait in the office a while. I've got a good view of the river :thumbup:
My brother works for Energex. To measure the height of the floods waters in some places they use an overhead bridge as a guide. Last night they had some areas which were no longer giving accurate readings...................... because the bridges had been washed away :( Unheard of.

Stay safe all you Qld folk.
My thoughts and prayers are with not only our FZ forum family down under but with everyone who lives there as well. Being from earthquake country I know the utterly helpless feeling you can have when dealing with mother nature. Please do all you can to stay safe.
I've been through flood years here in Northern Ca. It's just amazing what the power of water can do. Thoughts and prayers to those in the troubled areas.
We did the bolt from work around 2pm. Amazing how quick the boats were going with the flow past Rivergate.

This is just awful whats happened to Qld. I now question how I can work in the industry I do & their stance on 'flood'. :spank:
If the Bremer River peaks at 19 metres like they are saying we SHOULD be OK......... If it gets up to the revised & possible peak of 22 metres :eek: we will be in uncharted territory so we are watching the creek across the road with much interest :don'tknow:......... Could be a sleepless night I think :(
My road has just been closed down at Brothers Leagues Club (for the guys who know the area) its about 400 metres down the road from me & the creek across the road (approx 150mtrs) is rising fast , currently about 5-6 metres & rising :(...

If need be just watch me ride the bikes upstairs , just watch me :D
My road has just been closed down at Brothers Leagues Club (for the guys who know the area) its about 400 metres down the road from me & the creek across the road (approx 150mtrs) is rising fast , currently about 5-6 metres & rising :(...

If need be just watch me ride the bikes upstairs , just watch me :D

Make sure you save the bikes! :)

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Good Luck to all the guys up in QLD, and when the authorities tell you to go, GO!!!!!!! there isn't any reason good enough to stay behind!
Good Luck to all the guys up in QLD, and when the authorities tell you to go, GO!!!!!!! there isn't any reason good enough to stay behind!

What if the Aussies were actually winning a game of cricket?...would that be enough reason to stay:eek::spank::spank::ban:.

You've got the right idea Mr. Humpy. Take all the good gear upstairs and break out the fishing rods.:thumbup:

Best of luck with it guys. Hope you get some respite soon.
What if the Aussies were actually winning a game of cricket?...would that be enough reason to stay:eek::spank::spank::ban:.

You've got the right idea Mr. Humpy. Take all the good gear upstairs and break out the fishing rods.:thumbup:

Best of luck with it guys. Hope you get some respite soon.

Good point, there are obviously some exceptions to the rule, being Queensland I guess if you had a house full of Meter maids and xxxx angels that might be good enough reason to stay behind too.