R6 and R1 Owners complimenting FZ6


Elite Member
Apr 9, 2009
Reaction score
Ventura, CA USA
When I first bought my FZ6, about 3 years ago, I started going on a couple of group rides on HWY's 150 and 33 with friends that had R6's and R1's.

Being new to the sportbike scene I was, shall we say, tentative and unskilled. I would often end up 3 to 5 minutes behind them on each of our rides and I was usually so nervous :( that I rarely enjoyed myself.

So I stopped doing group rides and didn't start up again until about 4 months ago when I joined this forum and started riding with the Socal Streetbike Riders.

Well, as shared with me by one of these friends today, this group that I used to ride with were all sitting around the campfire during a recent camping trip. Ealrier in the day they had seen a used FZ6 for sale, apparently a new rider had joined them after I had left and he owns an FZ6, they had all had an opportunity to ride this guys bike.

The conversation turned to the FZ6. According to my friends report, they were all talking about how surprised they were by how well the FZ handled and how much power it had. Each of them commented that it wasn't much different from their own bikes except for the fact that the FZ was more comfortable. Several of those involved in the conversation even metioned that their next bike would probably be an FZ :D

Well, needless to say, I was thrilled to hear all of this. I told my friend that if they are serious about getting the FZ6, they may have to get it used as there is the possibility that this may be the final production year in the US. But, I told him not to worry, they could pick up a good, used, FZ for half the price of what they could probably sell their R6's and R1's for.

It was really nice to hear what these riders, who I respect for their skill and ability, had to say about the FZ6.
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Been going to track days on mine and although I will be getting a true sport bike for that dedicated purpose, I can tell you that the FZ6 does quite well until you start draging the foot pegs.

Any friend of the Road Warrier is a friend of mine! :thumbup:
Been going to track days on mine and although I will be getting a true sport bike for that dedicated purpose, I can tell you that the FZ6 does quite well until you start draging the foot pegs.

Any friend of the Road Warrier is a friend of mine! :thumbup:

Right on:thumbup:
Been going to track days on mine and although I will be getting a true sport bike for that dedicated purpose, I can tell you that the FZ6 does quite well until you start draging the foot pegs.

Any friend of the Road Warrier is a friend of mine! :thumbup:

Same thing here, I can run with the intermediate group quite well with my FZ and with a couple of more mods (sprocket changes, rearsets, etc) I am confident i could run near the front of this group or in the next group were it not the the ding dong guiding it around it the track. It's a great bike!
Been going to track days on mine and although I will be getting a true sport bike for that dedicated purpose, I can tell you that the FZ6 does quite well until you start draging the foot pegs.

Any friend of the Road Warrier is a friend of mine! :thumbup:

Yup the same thing's happening to be but I got some custom foot pegs from luckyirishboy209 here on the forum and I've got a little better clearance now.

These are great bikes!
I told my friend that if they are serious about getting the FZ6, they may have to get it used as there is the possibility that this may be the final production year in the US.

I saw that rumor mentioned about the FZ6, but this statement of yours is pretty general. Are they considering stopping with the FZ1 as well?
I commend you for riding your own ride. Because you did, you're able to post today. Seen and heard so many new riders who didn't have the skill level trying to keep up with their expereinced friends, and ended up crashing. Don't understand your friends leaving you behind like that on the group rides. Do your friends know the term "Sweeper?"
I commend you for riding your own ride. Because you did, you're able to post today. Seen and heard so many new riders who didn't have the skill level trying to keep up with their expereinced friends, and ended up crashing. Don't understand your friends leaving you behind like that on the group rides. Do your friends know the term "Sweeper?"

Thank you. No they did not, that is why I still don't ride with them but chose to ride with the Socal Streetbike Riders instead. Socal knows how to plan and organize rides for all levels and make everyone feel welcome.

While the people I started riding with are still friends, it became apparent to me early on, regardless of their skills, that they are :squid:'s at heart.
I've had the nice comments as well, specifically off a friend who does alot of racing on a ZX-10. Now he rides bloody fast and would have gone mental at me if I would have even tried to keep up. But none the less, well done for having some common sense :)