Reason of why picking your screen name?


FZ6 Fanatic
Apr 24, 2008
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Chatham, NJ
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I was just wondering with so many screen names on the forum there has to be a reason behind the name.
Well my screen name StaticGhost came from my college years when we get together with bunch of friends and used to play first person shooter games (such as Counter Strike, Quake, Half Life for PC) over some beer, and we used to bet money of who will get most kills in a single match game, talk trash to each across the rooms, and it stayed with me since then. I know it might me corny for a 29 yr dude but why not, you only live once u know
Am curious of why other people picked their screen name to what it is now.
there is already a thread on this.....but im not feeling well and dont feel like doing a search, is my name. lame, eh?
your name is really Lone Soldier?

anyway, i didn't really pick mine. my parents did. i'm not creative enough to come up with a s/n. plus it makes it easier for simpletons like me. i get confused when i'm reading a thread and someone refers to someone by their actual name and i got figure out who the heck they're talking about.
i was listening to a metallica song called blitzkrieg one day (actually it is a cover song, forget who originally sings it. british band i believe) and said hey! krieg is sort of like craig, and she was born. the term blitzkrieg is a german ww2 method of war that translates to 'lighting war', which in a nutshell is an all-out attack designed to start and end a battle quickly. just thought it was a badass song. and no, i am not a nazi :spank: my grandfather was in the british royal navy in ww2 and helped put an end to that madness.
Mine is part of my last name. If you took high school history you should know what it is. The numbers are for the .357 magnum I wish I had.
i race asking "how's my roost" is implying i'm out front and the racers behind are getting a face full of roost :D actually kind of funny cause i'm usually never out front
Was an 80's christian rock (hair) band. They were never popular even in the "christian" market and they were not very good. When I first got dial-up internet 19 years ago I had to pick a unique user name and this popped into my head. It had a cool sound to it an I have been using it for user names ever since. :rockon:
Busy: very much same meaning
Web: Internet and/or Web Sites/Applications
I build this when the Internet was boommming;10 years ago?, and used it as my favorite nick name through out the Internet usage, except some informative sites.