Red Dwarf Returns

(we could do with a bump smiley...
Lol. 2 Days to go! :D

Just to remind everyone, it's a 3 parter. First on on Friday at 9pm, last one on sun at 9pm. They also repeat them at 23:30 for those of you who can't find excuses as to why you need to be in front of the TV at that time! :D
Well spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alsaka - tonights the night!
And I'm missing it. Hope it was good. Going to download as soon as it's out on the net. I'm sure there'll be loads of torrents! I'm stuck in a hotel room in Ireland with Internet but there are a load of assholes hogging the TV and watching crap.
So what do you guys think, will there be a new series?
Probly not much chance unfortunately. :( It took ages for them to just give us three episodes and they were kinda just for advertising Dave.

It would be nice if this brought up enough interest in Red Dwarf to get the producers to make a new series but I think the actors are involved in too much other stuff already! :(
Lol quite good all in all I thought, I didn't know what to expect but I was happy by the end. And I think that is the end yano.