Ride Report - First Tour, First Get-off

Wooooo Hell of a write up.
Dont feel bad, I flopped mine first day at the gap too. Not near as much damage though. You will get if fixed up nice and it will be fine.
Damn Bro I'm sorry for your mishap, but glad tyou turned it into a wonderful weekend. I always try and "Ride my own ride", if the group is going faster that I feel comfortiable then I simply slow down and "ride my ride". I have a autocom system and communicate with the guys I ride with, and simply say "slow down speed racer" when I feel I am over my head with speed. They usually wait at the next stop light for me if I am lagging behind. Safety first!!!
Good story!!! thanks for sharing it with us!!! amazing how a few MPH faster then our comfort level can cause panic, gotta love those decreasing radius corners. I've spooked myself before and had to tell myself to look through the corner. glad you weren't hurt.
Great story and I'm glad you're alright. I think we've all been "too fast, too late" a time or two and I applaud you being honest about it.
Looks like a great ride by the way. What kind of nav unit is that and how much do they cost?

Glad you are all right. We all read about how you are supposed to ride your own ride, but when you are riding with someone else the temptation to keep up is really strong. In my one and only experience (met a guy on a GXR 1000 who wanted me to ride with him) I rode faster than I would normally ride, but not fast enough that I was really uncomfortable. The trick it to find the balance between weenie and mad man.

Thanks for sharing your story
Great story, great photos! And I'm SO glad no one was coming the opposite direction when you went wide, it'd be all over just that quick.

Admire the fact that, after your spill, you kept riding and having fun. I know if (when?) I tip my sweetie over I'll be calling a taxi and moping the rest of the week.
amazing story but trust me there is worst, listen to this. the first month i had my bike i droped it on the left side and i needed to fix the whole left side but not the gas tank a month later i got all the parts fixed it all up, it loked lke new and when i got it al fixed i decided to take it for a ride and before i even got out of my friends driveway i dropped it on gravel on the left side again as i was stopping and ruined all the brand new parts again.
Good write up---- I rode the roads arounf Helen last Wed - Sat had 2 300+ mile days did the Dragon and the Cherahola

Also did Hogpen wolfpen and woody gap Several times each .... hit the 129 in GA and the one in Deals Gap

Great riding.... nearly eliminated the Chicken stripes

but like Ant said .... got to ride within your limits ----of the guys I was with 4 were better riders than I am for now on this bike (1900+miles on the FZ6) and I just caught up at the next intersection...
