Rider Down - FZ6 Totaled


FZ6 Fanatic
Apr 24, 2008
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Chatham, NJ
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Hi Fellow Riders,
I has been a long time since I posted on the forum. Been busy with life, got married and you know how that goes.

But unfortunately I went for a nice ride yesterday and it turned out to be not so nice. Filled up some air in the tires and went out for a ride. Two miles away from my house some AHOLE decided to switch lanes in a SUV on the turn as I was going in the right lane. I already initiated my lead and with out notice I see the front of the SUV to my left and had to make a decision. While am thinking what to do Just felt my rear slip a bit and I am on the ground, sliding and praying that I will be OK. I see my beautiful FZ6 slide in front of me, hits a curb and stins around couple of times. And SUV just kept on going without stopping.

I can't stress enough that I was very lucky but what saved my skin was my gear. I always ride full gear no matter hot cold or hot it is cause you never know. And it paid off. Got a bruse on my hip from hitting the ground and thats it by gear suffered substantial damage all over. And this crash happend only going 26 miles an hour. Thank god for the gear, and my ability to ride as safe as possible. So fellow rides please wear gear all the time.

Now I have to go thru insurance claim and try to see what is going to happen. I have full coverage. Has anyone went thru the similar situation and what can I expect from this. Cops took the accident report, and I called insurance today. Will I get money for my bike, how can I handle this. Any help would be appreciative.

Wow, really sorry to hear you went down and the bike got messed up, but very happy to hear that you are ok and walked away with a mere bruise. Pheww!

I had an accident back in September when a cabbie cut me off and left me no other choice but to hit him. He stayed at the scene, the cops were called, reports were filed, and I got the contact info for a witness who saw what happened and was in total agreement that it was not my fault.

I do not have collision, so it was up to me to file all the necessary paper work, get a signed witness statement, chase the other drivers insurance, etc, but I am happy to report that my hard work paid off. The inspector deemed my bike a total loss and with my take on the accident and the corroborating witness statement, it was deemed 90% the other drivers fault and I was paid nicely.

As the other driver fled the scene, not sure how your whole thing will play out, but I assume since you have full coverage your insurance will pay for the repairs minus the deductible. All I can say is make sure you are diligent and follow up with them often. These insurance companies have a convienent way of forgetting about claims where money is due..
that sucks, glad you are not hurt.

the insurance company will offer a cash amount. tell them its too low and use nada.com, edmunds.com and kbb.com as proof. good luck
Sorry to hear that - sux. I have not been in that situation but was riding with a buddy that was - we actually bought both our bikes at the same time and his had 300 miles on it when he totaled it. Insurance gave him the full price - I know your situation is different, just be prepared with ads for bikes like yours and any receipts for work you have done on the bike. Look for ads from dealers for bikes like yours with similiar mileage condition etc.

Glad to hear the gear worked - I always ride in full leather and have for 7 years - just for reasons like this. I rode cross country 9000 miles in one month and was in Vegas when the temp on my bike read 122...had to peel off my gear but it is your best protection.

When I see folk in flip flops and t-shirts doing stupid things I am glad I waited till I was 35+ before I bought my first bike.

Hang in there it will get better and it could have been alot worse...are you near any of the spots for the 2012 bike show. I am hitting in DC this weekend so it could be a good time to look for a new ride (as a bright spot for you)
Glad you are OK! I ride with gear all the time because I've heard stories like yours, and I have one myself! Heal up and get back on an bike soon!!
Depends on what insurance company you have some are easier to deal with than others. I have progressive and recently totaled my FJR


It gets better and there are lots of other bikes out there. Hopefully you weren't "upside down" on the loan for your bike if you had one at all.
I also have Progressive. Lets hope they help me out and give me money for my bike and not raise my insurance. Bike is paid off.
Oh your insurance will go up. No way around that :( Depends on LOTS of factors that's for sure but you can be guaranteed that if you get tickets or get in a wreck they are gonna raise your rates.

Good to hear the bike is paid off that's gonna be a huge help as all the money will go in your pocket :thumbup:

I got enough from my FJR to buy a used FZ6 cash and all the touring goodies I wanted to go on it :Flash:
Really sorry to hear about your accident staticghost :(, good job you always wear your gear, at least that's one worry less :thumbup:

Good luck with your insurer, hope everything goes smoothly.
that sooo blows static.. hope you heal up fast.. good to hear your wearing all the gear.. setting an example but still blows.. hopefully you catch that a$$hat that cut you off... soo sorry man...
Sorry to hear of your bad luck! I totaled a Triumph Sprint RS when a deer ran into me and American Family Ins. did not raise my rates. I recommend comprehensive, I call it deer insurance!
Man that really blows. It ticks me off to hear about folks that won't stop for a biker down. What stinks is quite a number get away with it. Glad you're OK and hope your insurance comes through for you.

I respond to collisions all the time (deputy) and it amazes me when, even in heavy traffic, no one sticks around that witnessed it. The time will come when they are involved in a collision and they'll be thankful a witness stopped for them.
I'm glad your ok!! the roads are super dangerous for us bikers nowadays with all the cell phones and dash board gadets distracting the allready barely capable cage drivers who think the world revolves around them.I bet they kept driving because they NEVER saw you in the first place...... I'm sure your insurance company should cover the cost of the loss of your bike.
Sorry to hear about your off and good on having the gear on and are relatively okay!
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I'm so sorry to hear about your bike, but very happy you were geared up and survived it.
I'm sorry to read about this.
The good thing is that you're ok.

The insurance should pay for the bike and up to certain amount of money used for accessories (riding gear!!!)
Progressive doesn't automatically provide this. They usually ask you if you want to include this extra rider, but if you decline it they won't cover your accessories. I usually do up to 3000 dollars for accessory coverage. They covered my slip-ons, RAM mounts, Accessory dash, GPS mount, topcase mount, tank protector, ect, ect. All added up I had like 2800 dollars in accessories they covered including my helmet so it's good coverage to have if you have extra goodies on your bike.