Riding while carrying coffee


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Jul 17, 2009
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I'm at Starbucks and when I ride I drink in and hang out.

Today as I rode up I saw a nice CBR 900 with a Yoshimura pipe parked that I checked out. I proceeded to go in and place my order and as I was waiting I spotted the other rider.

You can't believe my amazement when he mounted his bike and rode to the end of the parking lot with coffee in his left hand and right on the throttle. I couldn't believe my eyes.

He stopped at the end of the lot waiting for traffic to pass and then proceeded to leave and stalled with coffee still in his left hand. He kicked it into neutral and set the coffee in the area behind the windscreen then rode away. I was still in line so I don't know what became of him.

Do you think if he hadn't stalled he would of tried to ride one handed, I guess he could shift clutchless but I'd hate to imagine the outcome.

Go figure, I tried to snap a shot from my phone but was too late.
Now that is pretty funny. I wonder what on earth that guy was thinking, wait...he wasn't thinking!
I'm at Starbucks and when I ride I drink in and hang out.

Today as I rode up I saw a nice CBR 900 with a Yoshimura pipe parked that I checked out. I proceeded to go in and place my order and as I was waiting I spotted the other rider.

You can't believe my amazement when he mounted his bike and rode to the end of the parking lot with coffee in his left hand and right on the throttle. I couldn't believe my eyes.

He stopped at the end of the lot waiting for traffic to pass and then proceeded to leave and stalled with coffee still in his left hand. He kicked it into neutral and set the coffee in the area behind the windscreen then rode away. I was still in line so I don't know what became of him.

Do you think if he hadn't stalled he would of tried to ride one handed, I guess he could shift clutchless but I'd hate to imagine the outcome.

Go figure, I tried to snap a shot from my phone but was too late.
if one is prepared to do that. They should not cry over spilt milk lol.↲Nelly
I used to think motorcyclists were special, good riders & drivers, aware of their surroundings, etc, etc. But, a few weeks ago as I approached an intersection to turn left with another bike coming at me stopped to turn left, I attempted to get the other riders attention so that he would know that I was going to complete my turn in front of him. But, I have know idea where he was looking. Somewhere way off to the right for some reason. He literally, had no freakin' clue I was there.

So, yes, sometimes even the bikers will make you think you've seen it all.
Now it is possible to drink and ride at the same time, no not booze... In the pre-camel back days I was riding from Denver to LA...in August. That alone was a bad idea. Well it was so hot on The 10 from PHX to LA I had to find away to get water in me. Soooo enter Circle K and the 44oz giant cup. I opened my tank bag, nested the giant cup with iced tea into the bag. I zipped it up snug with the lid of the cup exposed. Now how to get tea from cup to me. Put one straw into the cup, slip another straw over the first straw and then bend a kink in the upper part of the straw. Shazam! I could now get the straw under my helmet and take a drink! I went through three of those drinks, 132 oz and didn't pee once!
I bet there's others that have seen similar dangerous occurances like this.

If you think of any post them.

I saw a guy on an R6 with a surfboard mounted to the right of the bike, splitting lanes at 40mph once. I didn't even know you could mount a surfboard to the bike, let alone keep it steady enough to lane split. The aerodynamics must be atrocious.
Now it is possible to drink and ride at the same time, no not booze... In the pre-camel back days I was riding from Denver to LA...in August. That alone was a bad idea. Well it was so hot on The 10 from PHX to LA I had to find away to get water in me. Soooo enter Circle K and the 44oz giant cup. I opened my tank bag, nested the giant cup with iced tea into the bag. I zipped it up snug with the lid of the cup exposed. Now how to get tea from cup to me. Put one straw into the cup, slip another straw over the first straw and then bend a kink in the upper part of the straw. Shazam! I could now get the straw under my helmet and take a drink! I went through three of those drinks, 132 oz and didn't pee once!
That makes sense and I would do that myself if needed, riding while carrying one handed is just strange.
Don't Do It!

I stopped at a Mcdonalds about a 1/2 mile away on my way to work one morning. It's all side streets so I didn't have to worry about much traffic, one stop sign and thats it, and I'm there.

When I entered our parking lot I started to think how am I suppose to stop, while I'm holding my coffee with my left hand, without spilling the bike or stalling the bike. I realized I couldn't pull in the clutch. I thought of putting the coffee between my legs but then I would have to put my foot down which would result in spilling my coffee or I'll end up dumping the bike.

Long story short, I ended up dumping my bike and spilling the coffee all over my pants. Good thing it was very early in the morning, otherwise I would have had an audience.
I've carried my golf clubs on my FZ . It was only 5 miles or so to the golf club. I got a bunch of weird looks. Well at least they noticed me. :rockon:
I carry two cups of coffee with me every morning I ride to my work.


They are spill proof 4bucks cups in my bag. :rolleyes:
I used to grab a coke from Macca's drivethru with my meals....even had the free upgrade sticker on the screen of my CBX250. It's lack of power left me no surprises and I'd have the drink on the tank in front of me and would be finished by the time I left the carpark. Drop the cup in the bin..and go.

I've ridden in scuba gear. Everything but the mask snorkel and fins. Around 80km to the dive site through some nice flowing twisty stuff. That was on my XS400.

I also used to smoke while riding. Pull the front of the helmet down a smidgeon, stuff a smoke in the cake hole and light up. Sunglasses on and visor nearly closed....never had any trouble...lol.

He's game. Guess he wasn't wearing a helmet, unless he had a straw.

I'm sure all the Aussies remember last year, when a motorcyclist in Melbourne got caught with a BBQ on his bike - he found it on the side of the road and thought "I'll just take that home with me. Don't have a car - no problem. I'll just carry it on my bike....". Photos made it around the world. :Flash:

What an idiot! :eek:
I saw a guy riding the other way on the highway about a year ago. He had just taken a drink of his coffee and was putting it back between his legs. It was kind of cleaver, yet strange, I guess some people HAVE to have their morning coffee to get going, but if it's that bad, maybe they shouldn't be riding when they aren't quite with it yet.:eek:
Don't Do It!

I stopped at a Mcdonalds about a 1/2 mile away on my way to work one morning. It's all side streets so I didn't have to worry about much traffic, one stop sign and thats it, and I'm there.

When I entered our parking lot I started to think how am I suppose to stop, while I'm holding my coffee with my left hand, without spilling the bike or stalling the bike. I realized I couldn't pull in the clutch. I thought of putting the coffee between my legs but then I would have to put my foot down which would result in spilling my coffee or I'll end up dumping the bike.

Long story short, I ended up dumping my bike and spilling the coffee all over my pants. Good thing it was very early in the morning, otherwise I would have had an audience.
I'm surprised Vegas, your one of the last guys that I thought would try a manuever like that. Thank you for your experience and your honesty.
RAM has already solved this problem :Flash:

Part Details

A couple months back, I actually saw a guy on his Harley, talking on his cell phone (no headset, just holding it up to his ear). Now, while he can obviously hold it in his mouth to shift, or tuck is somewhere else on this two-wheeled recliner, I just wondered how he was able to hear what the other person was saying over the rumble of his pre-historicly designed engine. ;)
I just wondered how he was able to hear what the other person was saying over the rumble of his pre-historicly designed engine. ;)

Easy, his ears are most likely tone deaf to the particular note his prehistorically designed engine makes and therefore can hear the conversation just fine. :D

When I need to carry a drink on the bike I carry a thermos to put it in and strap it to the pillion. There's a Goldwing that parks in the same lot as me and has cup holders, among many many other gadgets.
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