Rossi tries out the new Bridgestone touring tire

Is he driving the 2013 FZ1 Fazer? Nice!

Letting Valentino Rossi test a tire is almost the same as proving the effectiveness of an AR14 by shooting with it at an apple. Even if he would drive only the bear wheels he would get around a corner twice as fast as 99% of us :BLAA:
Nice little film, but I'm curious how they perform compared to their rivals.
The BT-23 they are replacing scored quite low in the motorrad test this year.
If I'm to believe what they said on the MCN site:
"Dry handling, grip and cornering are all improved over the 023, with no loss of performance in the wet."
there are no improvements in the wet, which was one of the BT-23's weakest points.
They are coming out in March so I'll be keeping an eye out for comparison tests :thumbup:.
isn't this a stunt double who doesn't really have the same shape and size as rossi? Think it was also mentioned that there's massive chicken strips on the tyres :D
That has to be the worst promo video I've ever seen. He goes around a few corners with minimal drama or flair and says it's an excellent tire. Not backing it in, or even a wheelie.

You're releasing a new tire and you have the most famous moto racer out there pitching for you, you gotta do something a bit fancier to grab people's attention.

Now this is how you do it, when Ducati launched the Hyper

Nice little film, but I'm curious how they perform compared to their rivals.
The BT-23 they are replacing scored quite low in the motorrad test this year.
If I'm to believe what they said on the MCN site:
"Dry handling, grip and cornering are all improved over the 023, with no loss of performance in the wet."
there are no improvements in the wet, which was one of the BT-23's weakest points.
They are coming out in March so I'll be keeping an eye out for comparison tests :thumbup:.

I find this mad, i had the Bt023 for about 6K miles now. In the dry i think they lack a little and i strugle with grip in hot conditions, but in the cold and the wet i strugle to fault them with any riding i throw at them. I even try to break traction in the rain with wheelies to see where the limit of the tyre is, and i cant, it will just wheelie, so if they improve the dry performance and keep the wet the same i will be a happy customer!