Royally pissed off....

Glad you did not get hurt.

Now you can redirect your focus on making sure you mind who is in front of you and that a vehicle is clear prior to checking for on coming cars, etc. Same thing for a group ride, you have to watch that the bike ahead of you does not stop at the intersection when you thought the bike had already left the intersection.

At some point we all need a refresher on being more astute at being aware of the vehicles in front of us and not taking for granted that vehicles are going to do what we think they should do.

I am taking this as a lesson learned for myself.

We all learned a great deal every time we drop a bike so take it for what it's worth.
Thank you for sharing this with us Taku! It takes a bigger person to share these things. It does remind us to be more conscious and aware of our surroundings so it is not wasted and gives back to our community.
Again, Thank You! I Hope all works out well on the repairs and the best thing is you are okay! :rockon:
Glad you're OK, Taku!
Based on the damage list, it should be pretty easy to convert to streetfighter. :thumbup:
glad youre ok, plastics are easy fix..

following distance is a big deal in cities, im sure youll never make that mistake again..especially in populated areas with high speed traffic, you have such a little window of time to do head checks or look at your mirrors..

I have this method that I use.. I take a quick peek at my mirrors, and I keep that amount of time always the same..even if I didnt see what im looking for..look up, reset, make sure traffics not slowing or anything..then check again if you have to..
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Damage to the bike sucks, but it's good to hear that you're OK. Perfect opportunity to go naked and there is plenty of info over at the Streetfighter sub-forum. Take a peek over there and see if it sparks any ideas for you.

You won't be able to prevent all accidents from happening, but be careful out there and good luck getting the bike fixed back up.

+1 to Frame Sliders! They are pretty cheap, (my T-Rex sliders were ~$25 w/shipping) and can help out a lot in the event that the bike goes down. Unfortunately, I've had to use my frame sliders (I went down on both sides, so I've tested both!) and they completely saved my frame and engine from any damage, so I've definitely become an advocate of them.
Glad you're okay.

But I don't want to sound harsh, but this was 100% preventable. It's not the cagers fault, only one to blame is yourself.

If the pavement is wet or less than ideal, you need to increase your following distance.

You need to practice your quick stops on wet and dry pavement. A handful of front brake is not what you want to do. You need to develope better muscle memory.

Consider positioning yourself better behind other vehicles. Place youself more off to the side; left or right of the vehicle. This way, if you do need to stop, and if you don't have enough stopping distance, just swerve and go around.

You need to improve scanning the roadway much quicker, and possibly look further ahead. You always want to keep your head and eyes up looking straight ahead or else you might find yourself in a similar situation but maybe next time the outcome might be worse.

Also try to pay attention who's actually operating the vehicle if possible, it might serve as a clue on what the driver might do. Young, Old, Children inside, etc.
sucks you went down, i know thats never fun. but i gotta say its not the fault of the cage (not often i say that), this one was all you buddy.

when youre going very slow, the front brake is not the one you should use. the rear brake does an equally good job of stopping the motorcycle (say, 10 mph or less). so, when its slick or if you just need to stop asap, using the rear brake will never upset the bikes composure and if it does slide, itll just wag a little instead of sliding out from underneath you.

sorry, im not trying to lecture you about how to ride, as im sure youre a capable rider. im also not trying to start a front brake vs. rear brake debate. fact remains, at slow speed, rear brake cant be beat!

glad nothing was hurt more than your pride!