Royally pissed off....


Not a senile member.
Sep 10, 2009
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So cold...
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Three things I would like to say...


Second: I hate cages.

Third: I hate rain.

If you combine these three variables what will you get?

You guessed it. I went down...:(

Now I bet you all want to hear why so I'll give you a quick run trough.

I Just got on my bike to get to work. I made a stop at our local grocery store to get some lunch. After that I headed to the Highway because that is the only smart route for my commute.

As I was approaching the freeway I came to a downward sloped T intersection. I was driving behind silver Toyota Auris (curse you) we came to the intersectionand I was looking left and right to see if the road was clear and the dumb cager decided to stop... So I started braking and the front end just slid under me like it was made out of soap.

Luckily no harm came to me only to the bike...:(

I'll let the pictures do rest of the talking.

Will be taking it to a damage assessment today to see what they say...

I'll be reporting back later and ask about your opinions about me and her future.
Firstly,you came out of it without injury,thats a huge plus !
Second,the damage is not that bad IMO,it shouldn't be too expensive to repair.
Third,sliders may have helped you here.
Firstly,you came out of it without injury,thats a huge plus !
Second,the damage is not that bad IMO,it shouldn't be too expensive to repair.
Third,sliders may have helped you here.

Agreed... I'll just have to see what comes out of it...

And I just remembered that I had ordered a new bellypan for her.
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I don't think she looks that bad either. This may be your 'excuse' required to get her to go naked... :D As everyone else has stated, the main thing is that you're ok, and able to complain about your bike.

Let us know how you make out!
doesn't look too bad, i would say though that you were slightly at fault

NEVER assume that somebody in front of you will go at a giveway/stop/junction, always assume they will stop, and be ready to stop.

Plus the classic increased braking distances in the wet.

The main thing is you're ok and the bike doesn't look too bad.
Firstly,you came out of it without injury,thats a huge plus !
Second,the damage is not that bad IMO,it shouldn't be too expensive to repair.
Third,sliders may have helped you here.

Agreed on all three counts, I was expecting a lot worse :thumbup:
Allright... Got back from the damage assessment a few moments ago and the inspector said that it would cost about 2500€ to fix all the damage.

He didn't have the exact price listing with him but he based the prices on previous occasion that had similar damages.

I will probably end up streefightering it some of the big parts got hit.

Here is a little listing about the damages:

Right mirror
Headlight assembly
Upper fairing (cracked in multiple spots)
Silver fairing piece
Right inner fairing
Front right blinker
Brake lever
Handlebar weight
Tank (small dent from the handlebar weight)
Right engine (oil pump?) case
Frame bolt
Small dents on the fairing
Brake pedal
Center stand mounting point
Luggage rack

So whole lot of damages from a simple lowside.

I'd appreciate any ideas on how to continue from here. :thumbup:
Glad you're ok, just don't understand how the Toyota driver is at fault in any way in this incident...

Me neither.

Over here in the UK the driver/rider at the rear is always at fault and in the majority of cases rightly so! As has been said in an earlier post, never assume a driver is going to pull into a gap that you would, some drivers spacial awareness tells them that there isn't enough space and/or time to do so, the end result is the driver/rider behind having to take drastic action.

Keep your distance and always give yourself enough room to stop in any circumstances is what I was taught, it's got me out of a few "situations":thumbup:
Sorry you were in an accident. I'm glad YOU are okay. Like others said, there is only ONE you.
So is the insurance going to fix it, or total it?
Not sure yet on what to do with her but I'm leaning towards getting undressed and going naked.

Me neither.

Over here in the UK the driver/rider at the rear is always at fault and in the majority of cases rightly so! As has been said in an earlier post, never assume a driver is going to pull into a gap that you would, some drivers spacial awareness tells them that there isn't enough space and/or time to do so, the end result is the driver/rider behind having to take drastic action.

Keep your distance and always give yourself enough room to stop in any circumstances is what I was taught, it's got me out of a few "situations"

Glad you're ok, just don't understand how the Toyota driver is at fault in any way in this incident...

And I agree that it was my mistake but it just beats me why the driver of the car stopped as the road ahead was completely empty.:confused: