SA Fz6 owners - Anyone wanna do a track day?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Ok guys, have been reading about people riding their bikes very fast on public roads, and am the first to admit that i am one of those people guilty of such, and i know i am not alone amongst the Aussie boys, but it has got me thinking that doing a ride day night be fun....especially if we could get a few of us out there on our FZ6's together.

Now i am not talking about races to the death, but an enjoyable day, where we can all explore our individual abilities, within reason, without the fear of losing our license, or hitting a tree! with lots of other good reasons detailed in this post i found the Aussie Streetfighters Forum when i typed in "track day - mallala" into good ol' google.

QUOTE: If anyone ever wants to go ride around the track, Mallala Motorsport Park hold their own ride days once a month. It only costs $120 for the day. Ambulace on standby, air fences, and pick up veihcle all included. There are 3 groups, for riders. Slow, Medium and Fast. You choose which one you want to ride in when you sign in and pay up at the start of the day. Each group has 20 minute sessions. So you only have to wait 40 minutes before your next 20 minute blast. This gives you 40 minutes to change suspension settings and refuel etc. Its great fun and alot cheaper than when clubs hire the track for ride days. No bookings or deposits needed. Just roll up on the day. Im out there myself most times practicing on my old 1980 model GSX1100 Historic racer. Click the link Ive supplied for practice dates and further info. And by the way, the majority of riders out there are on road registered bikes, just having a good time. A leather jacket and pants and boots are required, but Draggin jeans are acceptable too.;END OF QUOTE

Now with this in mind, maybe one of "our" Sunday rides could be a track day.

Anyone interested???

Would love to,but just got rid of my full leathers as I wasn't using them anymore,or so I thought !
Anyways I would come out and watch,as for riding,I have enough trouble keeping up on the street :D
Hmm, would be fun, dunno if I can afford the tyres (I need a new front as it is).


I would'nt expect a ride day to take that much more out of your tires...especially at the speeds that we would be riding at.....which i would expect would be nowhere near "race" pace.
Man I wish I lived over in SA. We have 2 tracks you can ride at down here. Baskerville and Symmons Plains. Symmons would be orsm as it is a V8 supercar round as well as a Aus Superbike round. But no one I know is interested in doing a track day and they aren't open very often due to lack of demand. I couldn't go by myself cause watching the vids of some they all seem to be much better riders than me. Maybe I'll catch the ferry over watch the Crows give some team a hiding and then go to Malalla on the Sunday. No $$$$ though:(
Mate, if you come over to SA, your welcome to stay with me...have a big house, and a spare room with a nice comfy bed in it.

That would at least make it a little cheaper.

Am seriuosly considering going over to Tassie late this year for a week or so, to soak up the legendary roads you guys have on offer.

No missus, no kids, just me, my bike, and whoever else decides they want to come ride with me!
Well thanks mate. I'd offer you accom in Hobart too but I have a full house (bub on the way). If you do make it down definately pencil me in for a ride. There ain't too many roads I have not toured in my few years of biking. Just don't make the mistake of coming down the middle. Bass and Midlands Highway are dead boring and notorious for fatal accidents. Both west and east coasts are brilliant riding with beautiful scenery.
Well thanks mate. I'd offer you accom in Hobart too but I have a full house (bub on the way). If you do make it down definately pencil me in for a ride. There ain't too many roads I have not toured in my few years of biking. Just don't make the mistake of coming down the middle. Bass and Midlands Highway are dead boring and notorious for fatal accidents. Both west and east coasts are brilliant riding with beautiful scenery.

Ok, now you are just teasing me...Am thinking about doing this holiday very seriously...Have a mate who is thinking of doing it too, and if we do, we will definitely seek you out for a ride. :)
Sounds brilliant to me. Make sure it is between Nov - March though. Trust me, I'm freezing my ass off. Went for a ride today on a perfectly sunny day mid teens and the wind chill was worse than that of some days I have commuted under 5 degrees. We don't get much rain but hell it is cold.
Am seriously looking to venture down to Tassie in January, that's plenty of time to sort a posse of SA boys to get it together for a decent riding holiday...we could be on to something here!
wolf are you going up to mallala this saturday for the open bike track day, sounds like the perfect. Sorry just as i was typing this i remembered youve got yours in for the wild mods, damn what ****ty timing, either them a week later or your gear getting here a week earlier. (And no this isnt a stir, it was a real question and i answered it myself when i remembered what you were doing) Any other adelaideians going up.
Urgh, weather is turning nasty this weekend. Don't think I'd want to be out in the rain on the track. Would love to get out there one day though.

Hopefully this is the end of the crappy weather, almost time to re-rego the bike and get back on 2 wheels. (Had a bad dose of HayFever last couple of days.. so fingers crossed)

Yeh not happy had mine reged for last 3 months and ridden twice, a bit different than when i rode to work every day rain hail or shine. Im too scared of dropping mine to go up and i dont have leathers.
wolf are you going up to mallala this saturday for the open bike track day, sounds like the perfect. Sorry just as i was typing this i remembered youve got yours in for the wild mods, damn what ****ty timing, either them a week later or your gear getting here a week earlier. (And no this isnt a stir, it was a real question and i answered it myself when i remembered what you were doing) Any other adelaideians going up.

Well i would love to go, and could go on the Ducati if i really wanted to, but if i dropped that i would never forgive are as rare as rocking horse poo, and my insurance company would just laugh at me!

There will be other times...might go out & watch though, just to see how it all works, with safety etc. Might be a good chance to take my car for a decent run. So if your interested in even going up to watch, i am keen, would take my son, and my big Monkey Boy mate, Matt - Mr TRX! Could be a good day, with a quiet beer in hand.

Ended up going to Mallala yesterday...was very quiet, only a few bikes there, mostly practising for today's racing, was sorta hoping there would be someone there with an FZ6 cup bike, doing a bit of testing, so i could get in their ear! but no, none in site!

A lot of competitors stayed away yesteday as the weather was dodgey.

Best part of the day, was watching a 65 year old guy on a 35 year old BMW street bike (totally stock, apart from air filters) having a fang on the track! Now that's inspiration. (he wasnt exactly slow either, he had the old beemers enbine covers scraping all over the place!

We had a great day, and even stopped at St Kilda playground on the way home, so my boys could have a play. Also stopped at Adelaide International Raceway, to show my 9 year old the track, and as we sorta let ourselves in...gate was open, we ended up meeting the track manager / caretaker, and had a really cool chat about plans for the much run down circuit, which is currently being resurfaced.

Anyway, just thought i would share.
