Saddle Bags and Passenger


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Dec 7, 2009
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Hey Guys,

I am planning to do some touring with my gf and i am wondering whether the saddle bags get in the way of the passenger...Any help and recommendations is much appreciated.

I use the Oxford Sports bags and they are brilliant, make no difference to pillions whatsoever ;)
I ride with a passenger quite frequently, and there's never been a complaint about the bags being in the way. Of course it depends on the bags you have...
I have done a few long trips with soft saddle bags and passenger, and no complains whatsoever. The position of the feet fits perfectly around the bags.
could someone please post a pic of a passenger and sof saddlebags. this is my main concern as well and have yet to see pictures of people riding shotgun with full luggage on.

thank you.
could someone please post a pic of a passenger and sof saddlebags. this is my main concern as well and have yet to see pictures of people riding shotgun with full luggage on.

thank you.

I would think as long as the saddlebags are not huge you would not have a problem. Do you have a friend that has a set you can test fit on your bike? I had a small set from my old bike that left plenty of room for a passenger.
Good question. This is something I often wondered. Hope to get myself and herself doing a short break on the bike when our little one is a bit older.

How do your pillions cope with no back rest?

I feel it's a very psycological thing to have it there, but does it actually increase comfort? I can't bring myself to stick a back box on.
I don't think it's very nice of you guys to call your passengers saddle bags. Just sayin';)

My passenger actually prefers to have the bags there. She says it makes her feel more secure for some reason and she can rest her arms there when stopped or just cruising (ie: not accelerating or carving).
I would think as long as the saddlebags are not huge you would not have a problem. Do you have a friend that has a set you can test fit on your bike? I had a small set from my old bike that left plenty of room for a passenger.

well, i would love to try a set on before i buy one, but saddly i still dont know anyone in the miami area that rides our kinds of bikes, only harleys.

i've been looking at a set on ebay which is not to expensive to start with, has anyone used one of these??

Motorcycle Sport Bike Saddlebags Bag Travel Luggage SET - eBay (item 150568673980 end time Mar-06-11 23:45:40 PST)
I only have cheap soft bags. They sit kind of high and forward and they still don't get in the way of the passenger. Visually they look like they should
I also read elsewhere here that the Givi v35 hard luggage also integrates with the bike well. May carry a lot more too, tho some saddle bags expand when needed.
Gonna be touring with the Pillion soon so would like to hear from anyone who uses hard panniers.
My personal take on the top box with fitted back rest is that it depends on your passenger. I think our saddles are quite long and my missus doesn't like being too far back from me. I've notice our reflection in shop windows and she is a long way forward of the box. (Which means of course she can also wear a good size back pack on tour!!)