Sat. 10-2 - SoCal Ride - Palomar, OJH, HVR...

Next time, consider Kevlar. No need for dry cleaning, just throw them in the washer.

Now, you have everyone worried who owns leather, we're really going to have a lot of stinky riders now.
Just an update...I stopped by the cleaners and I talked with the owner. We looked over the pants and indeed the thick foam padding in the pants absorbed and trapped the petroleum dry cleaning chemicals (which is obvious, just ask my burnt a$$). He actually was the one who did the work. He cleans ski pants often for customers and they are similar to the bike pants so he did the same procedure on my pair.

I went in prepared to do battle, but found that he was apologetic and wanted to make things right. I asked what he would do. He is going to reimburse me the cleaning charge and send the pants to a specialty leather company and have them do a thorough cleaning and inspection, no charge. If they are unable to get them cleaned up and free of the nasty crap, then he will pay for the pants. I said that would be fine and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I felt that he was being genuine in his attempt to make things right so I would forego the legal route for now. Yes, the burns suck, but I'm over that. Looking back at Saturday, I see the humor of me tearing across San Diego County, my a$$ on fire). My co-workers gave me grief about it but oh well :rof:
On another topic, one of the guys Doug I rode with had a KTM 650 motard (see pics). That thing looked like a blast to ride! I would consider one of these for a second bike. It corners like mad! He really whipped that thing around Palomar.
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Another update: I got the medical bill and he's needs to pay this, not me. I have legal insurance coverage through my employer, so I talked to an attorney. He's writing a letter to the owner of the shop requesting payment of the medical costs. If that fails, then it has to go to small claims court.
To end this whole drama...

After a letter from the lawyer and a few calls on the phone, the dry cleaners, as of today, has paid all of my medical expenses. Glad this is over and I healed up fine. From now on I will just stink and enjoy it.