Shark RSI?


Hopped up on Mountain Dew
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May 27, 2008
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Well, my Shoei RF-900 that came with the bike, though an awesome helmet, was too tight on my forehead to wear for long distances. I sold it to a friend that has a red CBR (same color as the helmet) that now never takes it off because it fits him so well. My HJC CS-R1 is a little too tight in the cheeks, and too much room front and back. Now I've got another friend that wants to buy it, so i might as well get a new helmet.

At the local cycle shop, I tried on a Shark RSI, and it fit my egg shaped head perfectly. Before I even tightened the chin strap, I couldn't get any up and down movement from the helmet when I shook my head every which way, but it still feels loose because there's no pressure points like on the other two. Though the perfect fit is my #1 concern, I wanted to ask for everyone else's opinion of it before I put down $330ish on a new brain bucket.
I've had a Shark RSI for just under a year now. It's one of 3 helmets I have and my preferred one when I'm out and about during the day. It's quiet, doesn't have any wind noises, doesn't appear to weigh much and fits really well, all good signs.

The only issue I've had with it is that the small triangular piece of plastic on the chinstrap - the one that stops it fraying, pulled away from the strap. Rather than send it back I got out the superglue and fixed it myself.
I wanted to ask for everyone else's opinion of it before I put down $330ish on a new brain bucket.

Before you plunk down $330 check this out!
Shark RSI West Rider Motorcycle Helmet MED MSRP $370 Item number: 230206553971 (E-Bay) It's a "Buy Now" price of $185.
Hmm, couldn't copy the shortcut? Anyway, look this up - they have other sizes. I actually ordered by calling them up & got it for $160 delivered & their shields are only $25 till this batch is gone so I got a light iridium also.
It should be here today or tomorrow.
Well, the specific one I wanted is $290 at that ebay store as well, so a minimal price difference. The $330 is before the store's military discount. :D
Well, the specific one I wanted is $290 at that ebay store as well, so a minimal price difference. The $330 is before the store's military discount. :D

and buying from a store you always get to try it on first, and you have somewhere to return it in person if necessary. :thumbup:
I have a shark RSi, i love it. I've always had Sharks since i started to ride, they make really good helmets! Nice shape, good looks, great fit...:thumbup:
My first and only motorcycle helmet is an RSI. It feels just a tiny bit loose compared to the helmets I used to use for my car track days. That said Ive read everything I can on proper fit and what not and I would have to say it is close to perfect for me. Quality wise no issues to date. Darn replacement face shields are kinda expensive though. Overall though very happy.
Well, Clinton Cycles can kiss my ass. I went in there during lunch with the full intention of buying the helmet, and when I was on my way to ring it up, I noticed that it said $389 on the box. I asked the guy that was helping me about it because I had the same helmet in my hands yesterday with a price of $329. He went and asked the manager about it, and yes the price is $389 now. I told him I'm not paying that much, but if he'd make it yesterday's price, I've got cash in hand for it. So he went to ask the manager again, who still refused to lower it. I then told the guy congratulations, because you just forever lost my business. ****. :mad:

[Edit] I just ordered it from that ebay seller. Thanks for the link, bill!
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