Sick of the Political Stuff

Would it not be better to implement a system of the only way to view it is to request access to it, by creating a user sub-group (i.e. Political) and then people can PM an admin and request to be added to it therefore being able to view it as I know I don't want a part in it, it brings nothing but trouble and can spill over into the main forums.

Great idea, make it a social group that people can join if they want, and the rest of us can stop getting these posts in the 'New Posts' list.
im soo sick too... i was sick of it all before the election.. and now it seems that the news people are sitting there going, "we really dont wanna do our jobs, so lets just make some more stuff up and twist everything in politics".. so... done for the time being..
6 of your last 10 posts were political! Why exactly are you participating in something that your sick of?

This is simply, not true. I rarely post. Every time I come to this site it seems as if someone is trying to force there political views on people. I was just making a point/ statement that I'm sick of the politics within this site of motorcycle enthusiasts. Yes it's true I could simply ignore it, but when it's a constant, it becomes annoying. If you can find the 6 post from me that were political, please prove me wrong.
Actually SBN is going downhill because of the political section and exactly this is happenening. 8 out of 10 new posts are political.
Politics like everything else in life is personal. The real requirement for discussing politics isn't to not make it personal but to be able to not take it personally. The greatest debaters no matter the topic are those who do not take it personallyand can see both sides of the arguement. There are people in the world with different opinions and more importantly disagree with you. People on this forum have different interests beyond the Yamaha FZ6. It could be politics, it could be oil, or it could be a different model of motorcycle.

If the political threads are removed then so should every other non-motorcycle thread. If you aren't interested in a topic then don't post and better yet don't read them. People who enter into any discussion need to be ready to take criticism no matter if the topic is your favorite song or why the politicians are destorying mankind.

For those taking the discussions personally:
If your views are so narrow that you cannot handle a disenting opinion then don't get upset when you post and someone disagrees... just don't post.

For those tired of reading the political threads:
Don't read them. There are plenty of ways to navigate the forum so you never have to know they exist.

Lastly, the anonymity the internet provides allows people to be unfiltered assholes. It could be a ten year old yelling obsenities at you while playing video games or a 40 year old telling you that you don't know **** about ****. If you haven't learned that lesson yet and how to deal with it then I suggest you just press Alt-F4 and stare out the window.
This is simply, not true. I rarely post. Every time I come to this site it seems as if someone is trying to force there political views on people. I was just making a point/ statement that I'm sick of the politics within this site of motorcycle enthusiasts. Yes it's true I could simply ignore it, but when it's a constant, it becomes annoying. If you can find the 6 post from me that were political, please prove me wrong.

Why you making me work so hard. It's real easy to look up your activity, but since you asked I'll prove you wrong.

Post 1

Re: Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"

If Obama was not (almost) black, McCain would never have selected this woman for VP. It was the only thing he could do considering what he is up against. Palin is cleary not ready to be VP of the United States of America.

Post 2

Re: Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"

This is not a job interview for McDonalds...This is all of our furtures at stake.
Why take a chance with someone who has no experience and seems not very knowledgeable in many area's of affairs.

Post 3
Re: Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"

Point: We need a President and VP that loves our country. I believe McCain/Palin do
love their country. I do not think Obama does.

This is just plain ignorant! Why would Obama even run for president if he didn't love his country. I think there is a fear, a deep hidden fear that if a black man (half black even) is elected president that somehow the country will be given or handed to thugs, drug dealers and degenerates. Listen, this country is in a complete mess, a mess that Republicans have made. Now is the time to clean up the mess and get rid of the old boys way of thinking.

If it's broke...fix it!
Post 4

Re: Sarah Palin's "Debate Flowchart"

Tell me that if Bill Clinton was not sleeping his way around the white house, we would not have been in a war. We are a mess as a collective economy, not cause republicans have made us that way.

Get over your childish rep/dem debate, and focus on our nation as a whole.

When Bill was President this country had surplus, we had jobs, the market was stable, and oh, internationally, things were good, most foreign countries still respected us! Bill may have slept around, but he did his job and that's all that matters. 8 Years of BU****o (republican) and look where we are. Enough is enough. I am looking at the country as a whole, it's just that most people do not!

Post 5

Re: Indiana Jones and the crystal skull

I think technology ruins a lot of the movies we grew up with and loved, Indiana Jones series is one. But in the other hand, the last Die Hard movie was great from a Technology stand point. Also, I can't picture my grandfather even bending over to touch his toes, and then you have Harrison Ford doing all these ridiculous stunts...are they really trying to entertain us, or really trying to pick our pockets?

Post 6

Re: Rock Band!

Does anybody else have Rock Band?

I just bought Rock Band II over the weekend. It's for the PS3 system. Nothing short of awesome! If you bought Rock Band 1, you can insert the disk and rip all the songs from the first game for free. Also you can download a poop load of songs free on-line once you register. Love the song list and it just gets better. You should think about upgrading your system because they will soon stop making games for PS2.

Post 7

Re: Factory sticker removal?

Your "VIN" information is engraved in another location up near the handle bars. So go ahead a remove that sticker. Use "Goof Off" stuff works wonders

Post 8

Re: Boston, MA peeps out there

Hey, we park on sidewalks here!! LOL
Bring the bike...Boston riders unite.

Post 9 you deleted this one

Re: Obama Pledge

Video is a fake and very un-professional. Anyone who believes this, is an idiot. Also, you seem like you have some racist undertones. Support your country, the man is trying to do some good things....

Post 10

Sick of the Political Stuff

If I wanted politics...I'll would have signed up for a Fox News blog.
Hi all new thread in UP will not show up on the main site page you will have to come to the area to see them.. If we contiunue to have issues I will implement the ...........Need Admin approval to enter...
Actually SBN is going downhill because of the political section and exactly this is happenening. 8 out of 10 new posts are political.

i hope that does nto happen here.. i doubt it will... but it does seem like there are more posts durring the summer when we have a ridding season...
I personally just ignore the political section, it is not my cup of tea and i also feel that it is much to controvercial, but if you go in there be aware that it is not as friendly as the rest of the site, that is the reason I stay out. :)
Go back and read them, 6 out of 10 were politic related.

4 on Sarah Palin, 1 on Obama pledge and then of course yesterdays masterpiece.:D

Ok, I'm literally laughing in my seat... Thank you for that. I think we can agree that posting on Sarah Palin alone, was poor judgment on my part and many others.

Seriously, I may have responded yesterday out of haste, but I do feel it was getting out of control.
That was sort of what I was referring to, I don't want upset people but I feel when people are saying "Well look what you have posted, you bloody liar" its going to upset people and I realise this isn't what was said but it can be taken that way and annoy people beyond all belief.
No one said well you bloody liar. LOL it was said that this is the case, the answer was no its not the case, then it was proven to be the case. No one is mad at zoom, just a very simple check and make sure your right before you say something.

The reason the political threads were consistently at the top of the page is that people were posting in them. They were the most active threads being discussed at the time. Why is that?

Its because the forum is designed to post the most active threads at the top.

Now we have a system in place to keep people from even knowing a very interesting section with debate on issues effecting the whole world. We have that system now because some people complained about it. The person that started the complaint thread, posted in the section. The rules plainly state that its a banning for doing that. I let that slide assuming because he just hadnt read the rules.

Basicly what has happened is just another way to silence debate. Thats how I feel about it. I will still post in u.p. and I am sure some people will find it.

I really really really question the motives of people who wish to silence others they disagree with.

I dont post on SBN. SBN is not this forum.
I'd be very intersted in the forum being shown on the front page.
Because some people, a vocal few, had a problem with it, we're all having to adjust to their wishes.

Hmm, sounds like what happens with Political Correctness every day in this country.

I'd like to find out if there is a way to make "Show the Underground Politics Forum on the main page" be a user configurable option. I know nothing about forum software though. Does anyone know if this can be done? I see it as being the best solution.

No one said well you bloody liar. LOL it was said that this is the case, the answer was no its not the case, then it was proven to be the case. No one is mad at zoom, just a very simple check and make sure your right before you say something.

The reason the political threads were consistently at the top of the page is that people were posting in them. They were the most active threads being discussed at the time. Why is that?

Its because the forum is designed to post the most active threads at the top.

Now we have a system in place to keep people from even knowing a very interesting section with debate on issues effecting the whole world. We have that system now because some people complained about it. The person that started the complaint thread, posted in the section. The rules plainly state that its a banning for doing that. I let that slide assuming because he just hadnt read the rules.

Basicly what has happened is just another way to silence debate. Thats how I feel about it. I will still post in u.p. and I am sure some people will find it.

I really really really question the motives of people who wish to silence others they disagree with.

I dont post on SBN. SBN is not this forum.

I think you may have misread me as I stated that was not said but it could be interpretted like that, if I haven't put that then that is what I meant and I apologise for the confusion.

But by no means am I trying to silence anyone, I feel that happens all too often these days and there is no such thing as freedom of speach due to it. All I suggested was a solution to the issue but as far as I can remember without looking back I haven't really made my opinion on it clear as I'm not getting into the debate of "Is it right or not" apart from saying I don't want to be involved in the section, that has however unwittingly happened due to the topic being moved into UP.

Also if the comment about silencing others was directed at me, I completely disagree with it as I have had no part in trying to force a change, only offer a solution. Whether it was or not directed at me I am unsure.
Not directed at you.
I am just upset by it. To me it is like removing the editorial section of the newpaper because someone doesnt like it. Its easy to flip right by if your not interested, instead of becoming offended.
I'd be very intersted in the forum being shown on the front page.
Because some people, a vocal few, had a problem with it, we're all having to adjust to their wishes.

Hmm, sounds like what happens with Political Correctness every day in this country.

I'd like to find out if there is a way to make "Show the Underground Politics Forum on the main page" be a user configurable option. I know nothing about forum software though. Does anyone know if this can be done? I see it as being the best solution.


Almost like Oil threads if you don't like them you don't have to view it. I never understood the hate of oil threads.
Not directed at you.
I am just upset by it. To me it is like removing the editorial section of the newpaper because someone doesnt like it. Its easy to flip right by if your not interested, instead of becoming offended.

I thought it was very odd that someone would post a complaint about all the politics going on in the undergound political forum, maybe we should go into the new member section and complain about all the boring introductions by new members? Or complain about all this talk about saftey, it makes me nervous by reminding me I could be hurt. <-catch the metaphor?

But on the bright side, we're now officially in the underground. We can now complain about the man keeping us down, man.
I think people were more interested in the ability to opt out then the need to force people to do it their way. I dont mind reading others views but when I click new posts I ma looking for stuff on mods and to see what goods people have for sale. I dont mind sifting others do, maybe if we could order posts by forum?