Sick of the Political Stuff


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
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Austin, TX
I'd like this subforum to keep on going. Since it's not on the front page anymore, it's in danger of fading into obscurity. So I'm advertising it in my signature.

As for the "Not for thin skinnned girly-men" it's tongue in cheek. It's meant to make you laugh, while at the same time making it clear that you'll probably get your ideals, morals and beliefs challenged, and you'd better be able to take it like an adult.



Cut out part of his post.

OK, I've officially had it. If Wrightme43 bans me from the underground for this post, so be it. I feel it's time to set a few facts straight, and to do it, I'm going to have to say some things that may be classified as a personal attack against you.

But they are true, and by law, the truth is not slander.

First, your comment about "him" having a woody IS a personal attack. And for Christ's sake, don't dance around the subject. We all know that you're talking about Wrightme43. Just admit it.


Earlier this week I posted a followup to the Obama Pledge thread, talking about how I was asked to sign the pledge.

You followed up with a post where you called Wrightme43 a racist.

Then I followed up with a post containing a link to the forum rules, which clearly state No Personal Attacks.

Your post has since been deleted by either Wrightme43 or Hellgate, and I have the greatest respect for Wrightme43 for never once mentioning it. He's an admin, and he ignored the cheap shot and went on being the unbiased admin.

But I saw what you said. I'm sure others did too. So don't go acting like you're the innocent party here. You instigated this whole mess.

Less than five minutes after you posted the attack on Wrightme43, you posted to General Discussion complaining about the political posts.

So to recap.

1. You insulted Wrightme43
2. You violated forum rules with a personal attack.
3. You complained about the existence of the forum where you posted the personal attack.
4. The person you attacked bowed to your wishes when he was fully justified in booting you off of this website.
5. Now you're back on the forum that you claim to hate.
6. You've insulted Wrightme43 again.
7. And you're claiming that he is the one who's "hating."

I think that just about says it all.

Frederic Scott

Thanks Fred. You are not doing anything wrong at all as far as I can tell. I have come to the conclusion that Zoomman is trolling this forum. I have let quite a bit slide with him and see where he was going.


I can see you are annoyed Fred, and I know nothing about a previous post that was deleted. Can I just ask, is your signature meant in jest or is it being serious?

I'm referring to "FZ6 Underground Politics forum. Intelligent debate about important topics. Not for thin skinned girly-men."

I can feel my opinion on this part of the forum shifting slightly although I've tried to remain neutral, I see people feel strongly about having this here although I am currently unsure whether they are defending it so much due to them thinking it is infringing on their freedom. I'll have a think and weigh it up and get back to you guys on my opinion before I wade in. (And I do realise my opinion means very little on the scale of the more experianced members haha.)

NO man, your opinon is 100% valid wether I agree with it or not. I promise if you present reasoned response to questions posted about your ideas they will be read, and thought on. You just have to be able to defend and express your ideas.

That you dont want the politics forum here is a valid point, I just completely disagree with it. It does not mean for a second that I think you are a bad person, or that I wouldnt welcome you into my home for a coke and bench racing. 99% of us here can discuss things with getting crazy about it. I really get a huge amount of enjoyment out of this section of the forum and I know for a fact alot of other people do to.

The fact is that trying to ban it, has caused more posts in it than ever before. LOL

Some of us are very intent on maintaining the freedoms we have, and being involved in our government.

Time here does not decide who wins. Hell man if you can show me mathmaticly where us running a 11 trillion dollar defiect will work, and everybody can have free QUALITY heathcare, perfect roads, and no one will ever have to worry about crime or the need for firearms to protect them from criminals or thier government. MAN I will be behind it 150%

If you cant though I will point out what I think is wrong. WE WE WE can have a discussion. If it just makes you mad to have a sacred horse gored well then....... There is not alot of discussion to be had.


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Feb 21, 2009
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It did make me chuckle Fred but I wasn't quite sure how it was intended.

wrightme43, you've shown to me your a very capable debater and very intelligent with your posts, just thought I would mention it but by no means am I opposed to this forum, on the contrary, people should be allowed to voice their opinions, I feel however that some subjects are slightly too controversial and that maybe some things like I suggested earlier would benefit and satisfy everyone a bit more. And with me saying that, I think it should remain.


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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that's a lot of drama for one thread :rof:

I think you guys are making this a bigger deal than it is... seeing too much into this... There is no repression here gentlemen... just a bunch of us stating something that isn't a new concept: "politics" and "religion" are topics you usually keep out of the conversation in a public, international forum.... It just makes things easier, and after all, we're all here because of our bikes :)

In any case, I am done with this topic, and whatever happens with the political forum is fine by me! I am sure we'll all be fine :D



Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Shelburne, VT
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well.. as long as we can all "debate" in a friendly tone and listen to everyone else.. everything will be fine.. its those who try to "force" you into thinking their way... either by calling you an a$$hat or just being vebal.. imo, when you move to calling names or saying someone is stupid, the debate is over and you lost...