Sick of the Political Stuff



If I wanted politics...I'll would have signed up for a Fox News blog.
I am with you on that one buddy. But some ppl wanted a political sub-forum, so it was created... I had voted against it myself seeing how it had impacted other forums -negatively- in the past......

I try to just avoid the threads, I know it's easy to get sucked in when you see the amount of idiotic arguments, but resist the urge and you'll be fine :D
Rule one. If you're going to make a complaint, propose a solution.

Can the Political forum be set so that it is not shown on the main page?
Or can users have the option of seeing or not seeing posts to the political forum?

I don't know what the forum software is capable of, so an admin would need to chime in on this one. (I suspect that'll happen soon enough.)
Rule one. If you're going to make a complaint, propose a solution.

Can the Political forum be set so that it is not shown on the main page?
Or can users have the option of seeing or not seeing posts to the political forum?

I don't know what the forum software is capable of, so an admin would need to chime in on this one. (I suspect that'll happen soon enough.)

you would need to have user permission masks set up in such a way that you are asking who wants politics and who doesnt. for EVERYONE. then you would have to manually change which forums each person can see.

That is how it works on the forums I help to admin. We use phpBB 3.0 which is pretty current and advanced. I believe this forum uses diff software and might be a touch more advanced.

But if you dont want to see it...just dont look at that subforum. There are tons of sub-forums other than those.

But, on the forums I help admin (we have about 2,000 viewers between 2 of them) and on another that im on staff for ( we get thousands of hits every 30 mins during peak hours. In those forums we ban political debates as it has been seen to be more negative than positive in the long run.

But, I will say this. Motorcyclists tend to be more civil when discussing controversial affairs

(unless ur talking about motorcyclists that are republicans as well..... Oh no I diiint!!!! :eek::eek::eek:)
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Can we do the same with oil too? ;)

Hey, I was wondering something. If we're trading the blood of American soldiers for oil in Iraq, can I just skip the middleman and drain 2.98 quarts out of Pete the next time I need to change the oil on the Fizzer?

I'd need to stock up on a few pints of Guinness first! Maybe some Bodington's too.
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6 of your last 10 posts were political! Why exactly are you participating in something that your sick of?

And Anthony as usual hits the nail exactly on the head.

Is it only that you want to silence any debate of your opinon? You are most welcome to your opinion. I respect it, and will be glad to discuss why I feel differently or the same as you and why.

Again if you can provide real information that shows a reason why you feel the way you do, you have a great deal of ability to change others minds.

If all you want is silence unless you agree with me, I have no respect for that at all, and will fight it.
And Anthony as usual hits the nail exactly on the head.

Is it only that you want to silence any debate of your opinon? You are most welcome to your opinion. I respect it, and will be glad to discuss why I feel differently or the same as you and why.

Again if you can provide real information that shows a reason why you feel the way you do, you have a great deal of ability to change others minds.

If all you want is silence unless you agree with me, I have no respect for that at all, and will fight it.

No, but as discussed on another thread, moderators have an obligation to keep the dialog civil and non-personal. These political threads are just far too full of anger, rage, and vitriol. That is inappropriate. By the way, it is also indicative of losing the argument/debate.
Would it not be better to implement a system of the only way to view it is to request access to it, by creating a user sub-group (i.e. Political) and then people can PM an admin and request to be added to it therefore being able to view it as I know I don't want a part in it, it brings nothing but trouble and can spill over into the main forums.
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No, but as discussed on another thread, moderators have an obligation to keep the dialog civil and non-personal. These political threads are just far too full of anger, rage, and vitriol. That is inappropriate. By the way, it is also indicative of losing the argument/debate.

Disagreeing opinions aren't personal unless you make them personal, in which case it is the admin's job to delete that post or block that user who did cross the line. You don't silence a whole subject simply because someone might get offended.
Disagreeing opinions aren't personal unless you make them personal, in which case it is the admin's job to delete that post or block that user who did cross the line. You don't silence a whole subject simply because someone might get offended.

I am not of the school who wants to eliminate the political discussion. I simply want it kept civil and non-personal, like any reasoned debate.
But I wanna talk about oil.
Next oil change: OLIVE OIL. Lightweight, slippery, and after a few miles,
it smells delicious!:thumbup:

- Troy

P.S. - 75w-90 synthetic gear oil works best. It doesn't lose its viscosity, and the engine puts out more horsepower because it's working harder with the thicker stuff.

READ THE F.............N RULES

See below




Continue rants....:thumbup:
Although yes I agree that this rule will stick for the majority of the time, it only takes one headstrong person to start an all mighty argument somewhere else on the site and it ends up with a lot of hurt feelings etc.

I do believe it would make it happier if something like I suggested was implemented as a safety measure. I'm not saying it will, but it only takes one.
Actually Spen is right, I was on another forum that looks to be the same build as this one and we have a "Rough And Ready" forum that is no holds barred. Be vicious, disgusting, perverted, ugly and if you want really disgusting - political. It does require that the admin give you access. I think its pretty much a one time thing. The posts dont show up till you ask for access, then, well, then you get what you asked for :welcome::spank::rockon:

It requires a minimum of admin time as they only throw the switch once for a member. If you want out after that some serious butt-kissing is in order.

But as many have said, if you dont like it dont read it and definitely dont participate because then your in the pot with the other cannibals.

Or do what i do, only post up in politics when very drunk :ban: