Silver to black?

crazy dave

Junior Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Yonkers, New York
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Ive tried searching if anyone has done it but couldnt come up with anything. What would have to be done to make my silver engine pieces black like the newer models? I talked to a friend about painting my bike in a year or two and he said I would have to take the parts off and then bring them down. So how easy would it be to do this with the silver pieces on my 04?
If you want to do it properly, it'd probably be easier to trade in your bike for a newer one with the black bits.

Even doing it half-arsed with the engine in place with high-temp rattlecan is going to take a fair bit of cleaning of metal and removing of hoses and taping off of frame and bodywork. And it'll look like high-temp rattlecan.
I have a friend of the family who does auto body work so there will be no rattlecans involved lol. So its a big project if I wanted to get that painted?
you wont be painting the engine bits... It requires a powdercoat.
its true, if you want this to be done, itll be easier to trade for a new bike.

to paint your fairings etc it would be very easy, to do the engine and frame..... WOW its not even a job I would do.

If your friend intends to paint your engine, itll be falling off very soon... automotive paint is not designed to withstand those kinds of temperatures... not to mention the prep work involved with sanding all the powdercoating off the ENTIRE engine/frame area....

If someone walked up to me and asked how much to do it on the side (I do lots of sidejobs) id be quoting between $3500-4000 to do everything start to finish properly. (including pulling the engine out, which would have to be done to do it properly)
you wouldn't have to sand all the powdercoating off, you can powdercoat over powdercoat with no ill effects