


I walk out to my garage from the kitchen. Barefoot, just going to shut and latch the garage door before I go to bed. I look down and see a very odd thing. Its a snake. Not just any snake oh no.

A freaking copperhead. The snake whos warning is to bite with only a little venom. LOL
Copperhead Snakes

The give live birth to several 7-9" young and this one was maybe 14-16" so there are probley more around. I killed quite a few last year but they were in the field not in my house.

So anyway, I go back inside and put on my cycle boots. I get my handy sledge hammer and crunch his/her little skull, then take it to the driveway and burn it. So that one is dead.

There are three kinds of snake I dont like.
Live ones, Dead ones, and sticks that look like them.
Dang things. I am not bothered by most things, but stuff that can bite and poison me I just dont see the point in live and let live.
Black widows, brown recluse, copperhead/cottomouth, rattlesnakes, mosquitoes, ticks are all on my not cool list. That and Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. They suck too.
The only snake you see in the UK is the one in Anaconda (wow what a film)

That said I did hear that the 'common grass snake' is making a come back in my area. I think it looks more like a worm than your snakes!
So anyway, I go back inside and put on my cycle boots. I get my handy sledge hammer and crunch his/her little skull, then take it to the driveway and burn it. So that one is dead.

Mental note...don't get taken alive in Kentucky. :eek::D
We have rattlesnakes in the BC interior, but they will always give a noisy warning if you get too close. The young ones are the most dangerous, as they haven't got a rattle yet.
I killed a Copperhead( 12in. long) in my driveway about two years ago with a shovel but I haven't seen any more since that one. I do see the occasional king snake but their the good guys of the snakes(they kill and eat the poisonous snakes and rodents) so I either pick them up and move them to get them out of harms way or run them off to the bushes but I don't mind them being around. In Georgia we have tons of poisonous snakes(Timber Rattler, Water Moccasin, Cotton Mouth, Copperhead, Coral Snake just to name a few) so you have to be careful before reaching down and scooping one up. I know most people think I'm crazy to do this but I learned from my Grandfather who had a farm in middle Georgia the benefits of having certain types of snakes around. He would go as far as pulling over to the side of the road to pick up a King or Corn Snake and drive with it in the truck back to the farm to let it go in the barn. I'm not that bad. LOL
Good point.

I do let all round eyed snakes live. King, garter, corn, and green tree are just left alone. I dont like them but I wont kill them for no good reason. Poison ones get treated bad.
We have them all here in FL

Eastern Diamondback Rattler and several other rattlesnakes.... water moccasin's, Poisonous Sea Snakes, and MANY varieties of non poisonous ones

I have a friend outside Destin that uses a backhoe to dig up cyprus stumps for a resin inside that is made into perfume. He tells me about killing them all the time. He sends his brother here in town the rattles.
mmmm the taste of good rattlesnake dances in my head now... my bio teacher in the 9th grade got given a 5 foot rattle snake that someone caught in a trap... so he killed it, cleaned it, and cooked it up in class. that was some good eatings. But on a side note, I killed some sort of snake about 4 feet long here that was eating my eggs and chicks. he made good eatings for the coyotes, but they got hit crossing the major highway that split the property I live on. atleast they didn't get any of my chickens.

I've got sidewinders out here and western rattlers as well as the very poisonous Mojave green. I killed a sidewinder last summer in the wash behind my house. I cut his head off with a shovel. then I brought the snake over to my house to show my kids. giving them the " if you ever see one of these run away from it and come get me!!!" the freaky thing is that even though it had no head it was still striking at me with its bloody stump. I knew it had no head but every time it struck at me I would drop it flenching like I was in some danger. hahaha( man I was being a wuss ) I skinned it and mounted it and its on display in my garage.
Nice Danny. This one kept stiking after its head was mashed flat. Its muscle tissure extended out of the split part of its head.

Khyren, I used to keep chickens too. They are cool as hell. No tick problem if you have chickens. I kept Buff Orpintons, they grow like crazy. The neighbors dogs kept killing and eating mine. I ended up helping some dogs find the clearing at the end of the path, but the idiots just kept getting more dogs that they would let run loose. I finally said the hell with it, killed all that were left and had a big bbq. The idiots all went prison for meth, but there are always dogs running loose around here.

Coytoe are bad here too. Two different people near me with cattle have got donkeys and they have been staying away pretty good.
They are getting very brave, and there are just to many of them. A lady I know, was telling me about one that keeps watching her mother when she goes out to work in the garden. She said she was going to have her husband go and shoot it. That is some very odd behavior for a coytoe.
I've had to fend for food on my own during some military training and supper for me one night was a big Eastern Daimondback. It's good eatin'!

I'm from south Georgia where there's always snakes around. I learned as a little kid that if it's non-poisonus then keep it alive, because it eats the poisionus ones.

However, I must concur that a snake is still a snake.
I have always enjoyed snakes. Have had a few as pets and can't resist catching and examining any that I come across. Now, I will only catch and handle non-poisonous ones. Everyone I know that handles poisonous snakes have eventually been bitten. I have been bitten by non-poisonous more times than I can remember (at least sixty times). A little blood, small amount of pain, nothing bad. Here is a picture of my last trip (in July) when I found a nice size Bull snake. I had a hard time getting him straight so I could see how long he was. He only stayed straight for a couple of seconds. He was rather ticked at me for messing with him. Bull snakes have a nasty disposition anyway. Screwing with them really gets them worked up!! He was a nice looking snake!
Not only do you have the slithery critters to deal with in the South but the spiders oh my god! I was in Oklahoma visiting family a few years back and came across a big black and yellow spider the size of my hand! The web was huge and reinforced with a big zig zag pattern, I swear that bastard was waiting to ambush a deer. Never went hiking in Oklahoma after that :(
Come to oz red back spiders every where funnel webs , one of there favorite places is the bottom of your pool (alive) red belly blake snakes, brown snakes, death adders, black snakes, blue ringed octopus, crocs, and thats only to name a few. The brown snake as a baby has enough venom to kill several adults. Funnel webs also like climbing into your shoes at night. red backs under any ledge, but not everone here is dead, so they only a small nuisance. We even have bird eating spiders.:Flash:
Come to oz red back spiders every where funnel webs , one of there favorite places is the bottom of your pool (alive) red belly blake snakes, brown snakes, death adders, black snakes, blue ringed octopus, crocs, and thats only to name a few. The brown snake as a baby has enough venom to kill several adults. Funnel webs also like climbing into your shoes at night. red backs under any ledge, but not everone here is dead, so they only a small nuisance. We even have bird eating spiders.:Flash:

I am afraid (glad?) that even Texas can't compete with Australia when it comes to the number of very nasty critters!!
Not only do you have the slithery critters to deal with in the South but the spiders oh my god! I was in Oklahoma visiting family a few years back and came across a big black and yellow spider the size of my hand! The web was huge and reinforced with a big zig zag pattern, I swear that bastard was waiting to ambush a deer. Never went hiking in Oklahoma after that :(

I have a female friend who lives on a small ranch. She has these spiders everywhere. She thought it was cool until last week. She walked out of her front door only to find that one of these spiders had built it's web right where she came off the porch. She walked into it and got a face full of spider web and spider. She said she freaked!!! LOL She said she knocked the spider off her face right away but it took forever to get the web off. It was even in her hair! LOL She now keeps them away from her house. I have never heard of this species of spider ever bitting someone. Although, any spider can bite. If one of these did, I bet it wouldn't feel good. They have fairly large fangs.