Stuff I've crash tested


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2008
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San Diego
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I totalled my FZ6 last week, but as a farewell to this website I thought I'd post what gear I was wearing and how it held up in my 45+ MPH lowside. Despite crashing on a mountain road and sliding to a halt on the pavement, I walked away with only a small strip of road rash, a small fracture in my thumb, and a giant bruise on both my thigh and ego.

HJC CL-SP - My head didn't impact very hard, but I didn't get a concussion either. When I buy a replacement, I'll look for something with a great side impact rating on the Sharp helmet rating website.

Scorpion Strike Jacket - A++, will buy this again. I've lowsided twice ever, and both times the shoulder armor in this jacket did a great job. The abrasion resistance was great in this too.

British Motorcycle Gear Thermasport Gloves - My left glove gave its life to save my flesh. I couldn't believe how well these held up despite obviously taking a pounding.

Thor Quadrant Shin/Knee Protectors = Best $25 I ever spent on gear. I say that because my riding jeans wore through at the shin yet my shins and knees are scratch free. The shin protectors are a bit deformed now, but my legs aren't.

Shift Riding Jeans - These get a C from me, though they fared much better than Levi's would have. There is no denier re-enforcement on the thigh area, an area that commonly is abraded in a lowside, and so a 2" by 5" section of denim wore through leaving me with a corresponding strip of mild road rash. When I say the road rash was mild, I'm quoting the doctor. To further clarify what mild road rash is, 9 days after the accident only 1" by .25" of rash remains.

Dainese Shift Riding Shoes - I give these a C-. They did their job, but they didn't face much strain in my wreck. My left ankle was sore but I fear that a more violent wreck would have caused a break.

Remember, ATGATT kids.
Well that's a bummer and you don't have to leave but I would not consider riding jeans of any type ATGATT.
Thanks for the gear report, care to tell us how you have low sided twice?
I'm sorry for your off, but glad you're okay to ride again. Don't bid farewell to this fine group. Unless of course your through with the community and won't be interested in riding anymore.
Get your new ride and then PM me for a local ride. Where was your off? I ride pretty much everything in the area.
Sorry we haven't gotten together sooner for a ride.