suprised at how many people not wearing helmets


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Jul 21, 2011
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san diego
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Hey all

So I'm a new rider recently purchased an 05 FZ6 and I'm loving it. I live in San Diego, CA where there is a helmet law and this weekend I went to New Mexico for work and I'm super suprised at just how many people don't wear helmets or any gear when riding. It seems that at least 2/3 of people here don't wear helmets. I saw a guy with no shirt, backwards hat and no eye protection going 90 on the freeway.

Just wondering if anyone here choose not to wear helmets. Like a said I'm a new rider and I have learned a lot just from reading this forum so thanks to you all.
I live in Jersey where you have to wear a helmet. PA (about 5 min from me) doesn't require a helmet and I went to Maine and the states from here to there don't require helmets either. I can say I understand why people don't wear helmets but I can never do it. I don't wear my jacket or jeans all the time but a helmet will always be on my head.
Yeah, I don't really get it either. Whenever I go back to Arizona (no helmet law for those over 18 I believe) I'm always surprised. Sure, where my parents live the roads are a bit more wide open and there's less congestion, but you can take a spill in the middle of nowhere and all it takes is once; how are you gonna keep your noggin off the ground?

I think what may surprise me even more is the amount of novelty helmets...I mean, they basically don't do anything anyway; it's weird to me that people would wear something like that when they don't have to wear anything at all. Does it make their wives feel better or something?

I think it's humorous the waves I will and won't get from people depending on the gear I'm wearing (or not wearing). That makes me chuckle: knowing there are clowns out there who judge people so heavily based on what they're wearing, how many tattoos they have, how "badass" they look, or whatever. It just gives me a good laugh. Start enjoying the RIDE and the machinery and quit trying to fit into a social box.

Wow I really went on a tangent with that one...
It is what it is, Illinois has no helmet law either, I have been up to Fast Eddies restaurant up there and like 9/10 people don't wear em. I don't judge, to each his own.
:welcome:to the forum!

If you ever hit the pavement you'll know why it's a good idea. I noticed that when I was in Sedona,Arizona with my wife. No helmet consciousness! Law or not I wear it! ATGATT
I think what may surprise me even more is the amount of novelty helmets...I mean, they basically don't do anything anyway; it's weird to me that people would wear something like that when they don't have to wear anything at all. Does it make their wives feel better or something?

Do you want a sunburn on your bald spot? Not cool, man. Not cool.
I know there must be people here on the forum who don't wear them. They probably don't speak up because the forum is definitely ATGATT slanted, which is where I happen to fall as well. I certainly don't judge either; I'm all about the freedom to choose. I won't pretend that I understand that choice though.

Don't mean to stir the pot or anything...
I'm originally from Indiana and when I go back for visits I always notice hardly any riders with helmets. To each their own, it's their risk to take.

I like my helmet. I don't like people seeing where I'm looking anyway ;)
I find it incredible that insurance companies aren't fighting this more due to medical costs. Had a couple of low speed spills on my old bike in beginning and while my body was fine, even the times i didnt have a jacket (I try to ATGATT now), my head was the first thing that wacked the ground. Even WITH the helmet I was almost sure i got a concussion. I'd rather pay another 400 bucks for a good helmet than have a neurosurgeon reconstruct my brain. :BLAA:
Do you want a sunburn on your bald spot? Not cool, man. Not cool.

Wanted to say that you were completely right about gear protecting your skin when its REALLY hot out. Took a ride in 100+ heat up here and I couldnt breath with the visor up and the mesh jacket kept me cooler. Thanks for the good info.
I understand the whole freedom of choice thing, this is America and what this country is founded upon. But I haven't heard a compelling argument about why you shouldn't wear protective gear! I wear gear all the time. Well I shouldn't say all the time, we went to road america for the AMA races and I didn't wear gear to the track and I felt naked. Me not the bike you naked fans! Please tell me why!
I was in an accident 20 years ago as a rider. No helmet. 60 mph and missed a corner at night. I was so lucky that we hit a downhill grass ditch. I remember thinking before the crash- "if we crash I will die doing what I love". Luckily I survived and only had to go through 6 months of therapy. Now I have 12 year old son. I wouldn't THINK of taking my chances riding without full gear. I guess gear is a matter of maturity, and perspective...and whether or not you have enough life insurance and medical insurance to protect your loves ones.

I agree with the freedom of choice arguement. Trouble is, the people that don't gear up, still expect my tax paying dollars to repair them when they have an accident. I don't think that's fair.

ATGATT - at least I know that I've taken every precaution to stay safe. If some idiot on the road hits me, I've got a decent chance.
Here in Greece, there is a law that requires riders to wear helmets all the time while riding their bikes. The problem is that they don't really enforce it. Some control points from time to time here and there...
I've seen lot of times mc-officers standing side by side with riders who don't wear helmets and do nothing at all. The result is that many riders don't wear helmets.

My personal opinion is that everyone must wear a helmet and that must be enforced. I believe in freedom of choice and everything, but I've observed following strange behavior, especially on teenagers. While the majority don't wear a helmet, it seems kind of uncool for a single one to choose to wear a helmet. Under the group-pressure, this kid who normally would wear a helmet, chooses NOT to wear one, in order to fit in with his fellow riders.
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This is my helmet after I hit the road at 60 kph,imagine my head if I wasnt wearing it.......always,ALWAYS wear your helmet

Maybe there should be more freeway messages promoting helmet awareness like the seat belt message "click it or tickit" or for helmet awareness "Bucket or fu.....

You get the idea.
I have to drive through Connecticut a lot, and every time I pass through I NEVER see people wearing helmets. Blows my mind.

Last time I passed through I saw a guy in shorts, tennis shoes, and a wifebeater doing 100mph through traffic without a helmet on.

To each their own, but it's not worth the risk to me.

Pennsylvania too

Here in Pennsylvania, there is no helmet law (well, young riders need them, and you have to wear eye protection) and a lot of people go without them.

Specifically, there are lots of H-D riders here and almost none of them wear helmets. Where I work, there are about 20 motorcyclists, 90% of them being H-D riders, and I don't think I've seen one of them wear a helmet.

I tried it once when I was younger when PA had a helmet law, but MD didn't. My dad and I rode without helmets for about an hour and it just didn't feel right.