tapatalk issues

Tried every fix mentioned above still says "log in 1 incorrect" or the such, nothing works...after deleting the forum and add back, same-same, any further ideas anyone?? btw...Droid X2
You must clear the tapatalk cache on your phone. It still had the old code is my guess...
Same here. I've un/reinstalled the app back on my phone and tablet.... getting invalid 0.. I have to keep on removing/readding the forum to get in...goes good the first time then once you go back it asks you to login then the error

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah me too still get the pop up will try the cache solution
Uninstall and then resinstall Tapatalk and make sure you have the latest version. . Other than that I am outta ideas... Most users are no longer having trouble.. The cache clear fixed mine...
i had a problem yesterday, but i closed the app, opened the forum on my regular computer then closed it.. then went back to tapatalk and everything was working fine.. its a nice app, but nothing beats my big screen to browse the forum...
Sorry Dennis the tapatk app is still giving me the invalid user pop up so I logged out and then it tells me that the plug in of the forum is old and now won't recognise me so this is still via the phone but the full site on safari
I cantusetapatalk at all any ideas? I'll check gain on Monday morning( my time)
Thank for all you do
Cheers ade

So I just did a total de install and re load it works with no pop ups but I'll try in the morning and let you know if it's all good with a reply to this thread/post
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Ok I have my iphone next to me just opened tapaptalk and I get the smae pop up "System Message"
invalid user id is 0 then an OK button
I'm sure you know what it looks like
funny thing is tho I click ok it gives me my log in screen, I hit cancel and then I go exactly where i want be- the latest unread topics

any ideas???
Yeah same prob says invalid user Id or something I just hot cancel and go about my day but it's annoying not as bad as the little sis but eh
It's tapatalk guys.. Nothing I can do until they figure it out. We could drop tapatalk and go with forum runner....
Hi folks, is anyone apart from me having issues with tapatalk and viewing posts.
Ive tried to log in and I kep getting a message saying there is a problem with the plug in being to old or System message invalid user id is 0
or "it appears the server has some issue with Tapatalk or your session is expired If this problem persists, re -enter this forum from Accounts tab.
this doesnt help

I can see all of the topics/threads/ but not read any posts.

any clues?
thanks admin.

I get the same thing it says that id is 0 thing. (on my iPhone and iPad)

All you have to do is acknowladge the error message,
hit cancel at the top left,
and tap on the FZ6 Forum button again and it will work.

I assume that an update will come out soon to "fix the bug"
So weird.. I have been getting the invalid user 0 message, but then I try to log out and then just touch the forum bar (in tapatalk) and then it logs me in and all is good. Strange but I'm sure it will be fixed soon. Admin is on it and it might be an app problem which he can't do anything about...
It's tapatalk guys.. Nothing I can do until they figure it out. We could drop tapatalk and go with forum runner....

Forum Runner is a nice app. I use it for other motorcycle forums and it appears to be "faster" than TT. I think it is $1.99 to download it.
I just recieved the server side Tapatalk update.............. Installed... lets hope this fixes the problems caused by the last update..........