The closes I have been to a crash happend today


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May 24, 2008
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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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I was traveling down a busy busy 5 lane road today called W O Ezell Blvd west bound. I was in the far left lane. I was traveling about 50 mph. Is that the speed limit? I don't know. I was just trying to keep ahead of traffic. Well I thought I was. I was coming up on W O Ezell Blvd and Powell Mill Rd int. pretty quick. Now this all happened in what seemed a blink of an eye. I see coming out of my visor on my right side a Lexus mini looking SUV coming right into me. I could have kicked the car it was so close. I had no were to go traveling around 50 mphs. No thinking I grabbed the clutch, holding the horn down, hitting brakes, went into a instant slide, I hurried and turned my bars toward the slide which was towards her.(By the way never been in a slide before on a bike), as soon as my rear started sliding I released the brakes and straightened my path of direction the best I could. I had no choice. The whole time this is going on she is still coming. The light flips red. Some how and I never seen it she missed me. I don’t know if she sped up and me slowing made her miss or me blowing the horn. I do believe me instantly blowing the horn caught her attention, me braking and keeping control of the bike and correcting the slide. Or maybe this time it wasn't meant to be. I was mad as hell I tell you. But it was kind of awesome at the same time. Why? She ran the red light by the way and almost crashed still head on with a truck turning across the intersection to get on Powell Mill Rd. But what was so awesome all the ppl behind me seen all of this and seen her about to run slam over me. They all had there horns mashed. They may had even seen her before myself I don't know. I don't know where she came from. I have my CDL and drive dump trucks for the water system I work for. Well did when I worked in the below ground maintenance dept. I am in the Eng. dept now. But was taught to always watch all mirrors and know what is going on directly in front, up ahead, beside you and behind you. Also to always be looking for a place to bale just like a private plane pilot is taught to always be looking for a place to land. Those ppl all blowing there horns sounded like a freight train coming. When I finally came to a stop with my middle finger high 4 or so ppl were hollering are you okay? I told them yes soon as that light flipped green I caught her at the next light it was red. I want say what I did but I made sure she and her husband, bro whoever want forget it. Adrenaline is crazy. Sorry this is so long but thanks guys for this site. I have learned a lot reading these threads you all post. I meditate a lot thinking about each experience and reaction or what do I think I would do. That alone may had helped me instantly know what to do or how to react. :thumbup: By the way I have been riding for only 4months and still love it. Sorry also I want share what I did when I caught up to them. I was mad and acted wrong adrenaline got the best of me. Honestly. I'm embarrassed with how I acted. Lessoned learned. I will think more about that part now also.
I'd say the bottom line here is whatever you did, it was the right thing. you didn't go down. as far as the "revenge" thing goes, she had it coming. maybe it will make her get her head out of her arse before she kills someone next time!!!
Good to hear that you're ok and didn't get hurt. As for getting back at her and being embarrassed about it, I think that we've all been there. When you're angry and have an adrenaline rush, you tend to do things that you normally wouldn't do. It's understandable, and in this case, probably acceptable.


Glad to hear your alright. Good job on saving the slide. Yea it's hard to hold back on those things sometimes I am probably one the worst on self control when someone does soemthing stupid especially endangering my life. BTW I am going to be up your way tomorrow if the weather holds out. Be up around Reidville and 26 about noonish. SHoot me a PM and I'll give you my cell # if you want to ride some. Don't know where we'll be going but thinking about heading down around Union and the NF.
Great job and good catch would have been bad news if you zoned out. I think more people need to be told when they make a mistake, next time I bet she looks for a motorcycle, did they give you any response when I am sure you tried to nicely explain to her what happened? :Flip:
Great job and good catch would have been bad news if you zoned out. I think more people need to be told when they make a mistake, next time I bet she looks for a motorcycle, did they give you any response when I am sure you tried to nicely explain to her what happened? :Flip:
No response from them. Um I wasn't trying to explain what happend. They knew that part. I wanted to burn a reminder in there heads out of frustration and lack of care for my well being. :D But I will say the guy in the passenger seat who ever he was did this or at least his face was like this :eek: Inside as I was driving off I was was:confused: because I felt like this :eek: but was kinda :rof: at the dudes facial expression.
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glad every thing worked out in your favor, this time. i take it personal each time some one tries to kill me. i probably would have jumped straight up on her hood---do you see me now!!!!!
The group I go riding with all the time all ride very precisely, so we keep in a very tight formation, but that doesn't stop people from trying to force their way right through the middle of us. It's happened so many times in the last 2 months that we all start beeping our horns at the same time as soon as we see them make a move, and they get a boot shaped dent in their fender is they keep going. I can't wait until I get the hell out of the capital region.
The fact that you are here to tell us about this incident and not go down indicates that all of the corrective actions you took, Cluth, Horn, Brake, Slide and Release all played a major role in your outcome. Pat yourself on the back for your abilities to react and do all those things in a split second No time to think, you just reacted under an actual "real" emergency situation. You can practice all you want, but in reality, you won't know what your brain will tell you on what skills and abilities will be needed in emergency situations until you actually experience it. Trust me, pulling in the clutch, hitting the horn and grabbing a handful of brakes all at the same time is not an easy task, but your ability to do it just probably saved your ass.
The fact that you are here to tell us about this incident and not go down indicates that all of the corrective actions you took, Cluth, Horn, Brake, Slide and Release all played a major role in your outcome. Pat yourself on the back for your abilities to react and do all those things in a split second No time to think, you just reacted under an actual \"real\" emergency situation. You can practice all you want, but in reality, you won't know what your brain will tell you on what skills and abilities will be needed in emergency situations until you actually experience it. Trust me, pulling in the clutch, hitting the horn and grabbing a handful of brakes all at the same time is not an easy task, but your ability to do it just probably saved your ass.
Yes and thanks. I also believe meditating running senarios over and over in your head at least helps. I mean that is the whole meaning of training over and over again. It makes it instinctive to your mind. I also agree though you can't prepare yourself totally for every situation. But to be honest everything happend so fast once it was all over I had to rerun in my head what just happend to see in my mind what I just experienced.
Big congrats on some great heads-up thinking on your feet (or pegs). Great combination evasive maneuvers and horn work (and I note you have the louder horn). I'm also glad the other motorists protested her actions. Best of all, it's clear you are a proactive thinker, and that will serve you well. It's not only ride defensively, it's first think defensively. Maybe what ensued was an overreaction, but you will meditate your way through that as well, to that place where there is clarity of mind. And ultimately that's the safest place to be. God bless.