The disgusting thread!

I am very concerned about me too. I left off some of the really horrible ones.
How about the guy and his wife who just murder some dude in thier house?
The mexican drug dealers who abduct, rape, shave the head, and dismember and behead a rival drug dealers girlfriend?
People are horrible and more of them need to be shot.
I promise there is much much worse.

The 10 year old that brutally murders a 6 year old over warcraft, dismembers him on the porch and tries to hide the pieces in the attic?
Crazy crap man.

Don't forget the sites that make a living by posting the rotten bodies of dead Iraqis.

Or the pictures of people who have been run over by tanks, hit by trains, shot by 50 cals, or eaten by wild animals.
I think the absolute winner is............"tub girl". For the curious, just google it but beware, you can't unsee it lol she will haunt you in your sleep, but for whatever reason I think tub girl is way worse than two girls one cup.
I have a cold and have been blowing banana pudding with dark chucks out of my nose for about a week now. I bet it's a sinus infection, smells horrible. When I wake up in the morning the same goop is crusted all over the back of my throat. Also in the morning I have boogers the size of corn flakes.
Great thread:D....Having spent some time in the Navy I've seen some pretty gross, sick and generally wrong kinds of stuff and this pick is about the best family friendly sicko picture I could
Great thread:D....Having spent some time in the Navy I've seen some pretty gross, sick and generally wrong kinds of stuff and this pick is about the best family friendly sicko picture I could
LMAO!!! That is awesome! :rof:
Gotta Love the Hoff!!!!!!!! have to agree, that "Soap" dispenser is pretty wrong!, funny, but wrong!

Years ago my uncle in Kennett,Missouri raised cattle. During the summer, Flies would lay their eggs in the backs of the cattle. As the eggs grow into Larvae and they make a large 'boil' on the caws back. The cattle ranchers have to lance the "boil' and squeezae the larvae out. This particular day, just as he is pinching the boil, he had to sneeze. But, as he did, he squeezed as he sneezed. You know where the slimey fly larvae went...:eek:..IN HIS MOUTH!! He said he threw up alll the way to the house and went to sleep :(

Years ago my uncle in Kennett,Missouri raised cattle. During the summer, Flies would lay their eggs in the backs of the cattle. As the eggs grow into Larvae and they make a large 'boil' on the caws back. The cattle ranchers have to lance the \"boil' and squeezae the larvae out. This particular day, just as he is pinching the boil, he had to sneeze. But, as he did, he squeezed as he sneezed. You know where the slimey fly larvae went...:eek:..IN HIS MOUTH!! He said he threw up alll the way to the house and went to sleep :(


oh Suga Momma - what have you started...... Bcutter - now that just ain't right, it just ain't right :) yikes.
I think the absolute winner is............\"tub girl\". For the curious, just google it but beware, you can't unsee it lol she will haunt you in your sleep, but for whatever reason I think tub girl is way worse than two girls one cup.

Wikipedia definition of "Tub Girl" is a redirect to a picture, tubgirl.jpg, containing a masked, naked woman lying in a bathtub, buttocks raised with her legs over her head, projecting a fountain of orange/yellow liquid from her anus onto her face. Before the launch of, this image was featured in a story "Fecal Japan"[6] claiming that the subject matter is popular in Japan.

I looked it up on Wikipedia because there is no way I,m looking at that pic !
Years ago my uncle in Kennett,Missouri raised cattle. During the summer, Flies would lay their eggs in the backs of the cattle. As the eggs grow into Larvae and they make a large 'boil' on the caws back. The cattle ranchers have to lance the \"boil' and squeezae the larvae out. This particular day, just as he is pinching the boil, he had to sneeze. But, as he did, he squeezed as he sneezed. You know where the slimey fly larvae went...:eek:..IN HIS MOUTH!! He said he threw up alll the way to the house and went to sleep :(


That's pretty freakin disgusting.....good story though! :D
LOL, I am in EMS, and much like th enurse that chimed in earlier, we have seen some of the absolute grossest stuff this side of any war zone.

Like the DOA we got called to where the 72 yr old guy had died in his chair next to a space heater, had sat for four days, and his cats had been eating his legs! He was all bloated and ripe, to say the least... maggots, fluids seeping from him onto an area 3" around into the carpet, etc...

Or the latina who thought it would be a great idea to try and run across the divided hwy and got clipped by a Honda in the fourth lane... she ended up rolled into a ball in the breakdown lane, and when I went to check her carotid, (neck,) pulse, I just felt crunching and squishiness...

Or the story told to me by a DeKalb County medic, about a labor call he had one night...
He goes out to a "Woman in Labor" call, and it's this big smelly retarded girl living in squalorous conditions with her family. She walks to the ambulance, and her family keeps saying she has been complaining that her back and crotch hurt for the past 3 days. Anyway, they are rolling down the street, and she says she feels like pushing... really bad. He goes to have a look and sees the baby's head. He dons his OB gear, mask, apron, and surgical gloves, and tells her to push. He said it slid out all limp and this putrid liquid splashed all over the stretcher and onto the floor, and he almost lost lunch then and there... His attention goes back to the baby, but it's all black and purple, and obviously dead. He starts to wrap it up, but the head falls off! He began powerpuking all over the back of the ambulance and stuffed it into a red biohazard bag... then he went to the far end of the squad bench and stared out the window, ignoring the retarded girls questioning as to whether it was a boy or a girl for the rest of the ride to the ER. -yuck.

My partner and I actually had a call last year for a lady who was having "issues" with her stoma, (where the colostomy bag attaches,) and admitted to me on the way to the hospital that her boyfriend and her had been "experimenting" with it a few days ago, and was it infected or something?" nasty freaking humans...

I wish God would clean the damn slate already!
LOL, I am in EMS, and much like th enurse that chimed in earlier, we have seen some of the absolute grossest stuff this side of any war zone.

Like the DOA we got called to where the 72 yr old guy had died in his chair next to a space heater, had sat for four days, and his cats had been eating his legs! He was all bloated and ripe, to say the least... maggots, fluids seeping from him onto an area 3\" around into the carpet, etc...

Or the latina who thought it would be a great idea to try and run across the divided hwy and got clipped by a Honda in the fourth lane... she ended up rolled into a ball in the breakdown lane, and when I went to check her carotid, (neck,) pulse, I just felt crunching and squishiness...

Or the story told to me by a DeKalb County medic, about a labor call he had one night...
He goes out to a \"Woman in Labor\" call, and it's this big smelly retarded girl living in squalorous conditions with her family. She walks to the ambulance, and her family keeps saying she has been complaining that her back and crotch hurt for the past 3 days. Anyway, they are rolling down the street, and she says she feels like pushing... really bad. He goes to have a look and sees the baby's head. He dons his OB gear, mask, apron, and surgical gloves, and tells her to push. He said it slid out all limp and this putrid liquid splashed all over the stretcher and onto the floor, and he almost lost lunch then and there... His attention goes back to the baby, but it's all black and purple, and obviously dead. He starts to wrap it up, but the head falls off! He began powerpuking all over the back of the ambulance and stuffed it into a red biohazard bag... then he went to the far end of the squad bench and stared out the window, ignoring the retarded girls questioning as to whether it was a boy or a girl for the rest of the ride to the ER. -yuck.

My partner and I actually had a call last year for a lady who was having \"issues\" with her stoma, (where the colostomy bag attaches,) and admitted to me on the way to the hospital that her boyfriend and her had been \"experimenting\" with it a few days ago, and was it infected or something?\" nasty freaking humans...

I wish God would clean the damn slate already!

2 words.. OH MY!!!