The "Off Topic" thread...

To the young chicky babe on the Ipswich Motorway this morning , wearing the pink HJC helmet , pink Joe Rocket jacket & pink Draggin' Camo pants & riding the white Ducati 848 :drool: I have one word for you.............................. HAWWWT !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :BLAA:
To the young chicky babe on the Ipswich Motorway this morning , wearing the pink HJC helmet , pink Joe Rocket jacket & pink Draggin' Camo pants & riding the white Ducati 848 :drool: I have one word for you.............................. HAWWWT !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :BLAA:

Where are the photo's :BLAA:

He was too busy looking for his towel! :eek:
Had to get 6 stitches in my left arm after a small injury at work over the weekend, and its really hard to ride now!!!! The first day I could ride fine, but as its healing its getting harder to reach the bars without pain!
Had to get 6 stitches in my left arm after a small injury at work over the weekend, and its really hard to ride now!!!! The first day I could ride fine, but as its healing its getting harder to reach the bars without pain!

That sucks mate :( hope it heals fast & doesnt hold you up to long though :thumbup:

Enjoy those sleep-ins while its cold out there :)
Had to get 6 stitches in my left arm after a small injury at work over the weekend, and its really hard to ride now!!!! The first day I could ride fine, but as its healing its getting harder to reach the bars without pain!

6 stitches! Youch! Do you mind telling us how you ended up with 6 stitches in your arm????

Work part time at a butcher and was cleaning one of the machines and caught myself on the corner of a blade guard, tore quite a deep gash in my arm, and by the time I finished work it had opened right up!
Didn't realise I had caught myself till I saw I was bleeding a little, but definately felt the stitches :D
Much better, only got a tiny red mark where it is still healing!
Once the stitches came out it was fine since I got full use of my arm back, the stitches tended to pull if I reached too far or at the wrong angle.

Probably won't even have a good scar to show for it :p