The "Off Topic" thread...

We had 3 continuous days in 30's last week which for Tassie broke the record, yipeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

In other news I wiped out a cyclist in my brand new work van the other day. Didn't see him, he was in all black on a black bike doing 70km/h and I entered the intersection and t-boned him. Totally my fault, got a ticket for failure to give way which is more than fair, shook me up big time. The poor bugger has got a broken collarbone, fractured shoulder and bruised hip from the hit and road rash on the other side from the fall. Lucky I was going only 10-20 km/h otherwise I might of killed him and then probably done the same to myself given the way I felt afterwards.

It done $5500 damage to my van, which the boss is gunna love when he gets home from the U.S. He doesn't know yet, and to make thing worse both his new vans were damaged that day, a drunk driver hit the other one later the same arvo.

Watch out for cyclists!!! I thought I did cause I do road ride in summer and motorcycling I thought would of helped too but turns out not. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. Thank god the guy doesn't hold a grudge, and he is on the mend and should be back riding in 6 weeks in hi vis clothing I hope.
We had 3 continuous days in 30's last week which for Tassie broke the record, yipeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

In other news I wiped out a cyclist in my brand new work van the other day. Didn't see him, he was in all black on a black bike doing 70km/h and I entered the intersection and t-boned him. Totally my fault, got a ticket for failure to give way which is more than fair, shook me up big time. The poor bugger has got a broken collarbone, fractured shoulder and bruised hip from the hit and road rash on the other side from the fall. Lucky I was going only 10-20 km/h otherwise I might of killed him and then probably done the same to myself given the way I felt afterwards.

It done $5500 damage to my van, which the boss is gunna love when he gets home from the U.S. He doesn't know yet, and to make thing worse both his new vans were damaged that day, a drunk driver hit the other one later the same arvo.

Watch out for cyclists!!! I thought I did cause I do road ride in summer and motorcycling I thought would of helped too but turns out not. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. Thank god the guy doesn't hold a grudge, and he is on the mend and should be back riding in 6 weeks in hi vis clothing I hope.

That's horrible, for both of you! Thankfully the guy is relatively OK, even if he is pretty banged up....

Hopefully your boss will be ok about the van, and by the sounds of it, sounds like you have realised your folly.

$hit happens......
We had 3 continuous days in 30's last week which for Tassie broke the record, yipeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

In other news I wiped out a cyclist in my brand new work van the other day. Didn't see him, he was in all black on a black bike doing 70km/h and I entered the intersection and t-boned him. Totally my fault, got a ticket for failure to give way which is more than fair, shook me up big time. The poor bugger has got a broken collarbone, fractured shoulder and bruised hip from the hit and road rash on the other side from the fall. Lucky I was going only 10-20 km/h otherwise I might of killed him and then probably done the same to myself given the way I felt afterwards.

It done $5500 damage to my van, which the boss is gunna love when he gets home from the U.S. He doesn't know yet, and to make thing worse both his new vans were damaged that day, a drunk driver hit the other one later the same arvo.

Watch out for cyclists!!! I thought I did cause I do road ride in summer and motorcycling I thought would of helped too but turns out not. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. Thank god the guy doesn't hold a grudge, and he is on the mend and should be back riding in 6 weeks in hi vis clothing I hope.

Every body stuffs up once in a while......well....except me.....oh hang on...yeah I do....see.:BLAA:

Doing 70 in low vis clothing on a bycycle would make me take a little bit of care entering an intersection. We have to have our headlights on at all times and it does help to make us more visible. I think cyclists should do the same.

Not saying it's his fault, but he didn't help much. Don't beat yourself up too much mate. :thumbup:

We had 3 continuous days in 30's last week which for Tassie broke the record, yipeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

In other news I wiped out a cyclist in my brand new work van the other day. Didn't see him, he was in all black on a black bike doing 70km/h and I entered the intersection and t-boned him. Totally my fault, got a ticket for failure to give way which is more than fair, shook me up big time. The poor bugger has got a broken collarbone, fractured shoulder and bruised hip from the hit and road rash on the other side from the fall. Lucky I was going only 10-20 km/h otherwise I might of killed him and then probably done the same to myself given the way I felt afterwards.

It done $5500 damage to my van, which the boss is gunna love when he gets home from the U.S. He doesn't know yet, and to make thing worse both his new vans were damaged that day, a drunk driver hit the other one later the same arvo.

Watch out for cyclists!!! I thought I did cause I do road ride in summer and motorcycling I thought would of helped too but turns out not. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. Thank god the guy doesn't hold a grudge, and he is on the mend and should be back riding in 6 weeks in hi vis clothing I hope.
Easy to say, but don't keep beating yourself up about it. Could have been worse.

I'm sure hi vis clothing will be an essential part of his wardrobe after recovery!
Did he have a light on?
If it was dawn/dusk or dark and he didn't, plus low visibility clothing then he was just yet another typical useless cyclist.
Really getting sick of them, I've seen them almost cause many many many accidents by breaking road rules, and just by generally being stupid.
They really need to enforce bicycle registration, the proper use of lights, and just some general rider education.

He's just lucky he is alive, and hopefully your not too stressed and will keep an even sharper eye out in future.
Oh lordy...that clown that called modded bikes
"Wannabe's" is in for a serve....just warming up the "pinkies" now to type a "deep & meaningful" response to the rant! LOL!

Nice work on your behalf too Kris!!!

Had this joke sent to me today!


A young Aussie lad moved to London and went to Harrods looking for a

The manager asked 'Do you have any sales experience?'

The young man answered 'Yeah, I was a salesman back home in Dubbo.'
The manager liked the Aussie so he gave him the job.

His first day was challenging and busy, but he got through it.

After the store was locked up, the manager came down and asked, 'OK, so
how many sales did you make today?'

The Aussie said 'One!'

The manager groaned and continued, 'Just one? Our sales people average
20 or 30 sales a day.

How much was the sale for?'

The manager choked and exclaimed £124,2 37.64!! What the hell did you
sell him?'

'Well, first I sold him a small fish hook, then a medium fish hook and
then I sold him a new fishing rod.'

'Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down at the
coast, so I told him he would need a boat, so we went down to the boat
department and I sold him that twin-engine Power Cat.'

'Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to car sales and I sold him the 4 x4

The manager, incredulous, said, 'You mean to tell me...a guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you Sold him a boat and a 4x4?'

'No, no, no... He came in here to buy a box of tampons for his lady
friend and I said...

'Well, since your weekend's buggered, you might as well go fishing.'

Haha when I saw the thread and his post I was basically :eek:

Still managed to make a fool of myself in another thread by saying the TPS was in the handlebars/grip, something I should have known wasn't true, teach me to post quickly while I'm meant to be walking to work!

Nice joke too, had a good chuckle! Did you see the one someone posted recently about his/hers diary? That was pretty priceless too :p
Haha when I saw the thread and his post I was basically :eek:

Still managed to make a fool of myself in another thread by saying the TPS was in the handlebars/grip, something I should have known wasn't true, teach me to post quickly while I'm meant to be walking to work!

Nice joke too, had a good chuckle! Did you see the one someone posted recently about his/hers diary? That was pretty priceless too :p

Lol! TPS in the handlebars! :eek:

Yes i saw the one about his & her's diary, very cool!

As for the Wannabe thread.......i really should post! Got me a bit angry, but i think he is just being a joker!

Please read note to teacher at the bottom!!!! LOL

For homework, a class in NSW were asked to draw their parents at work. This is Jessica's drawing:
View attachment 23632

Here's the letter the teacher received the next day:

Dear Mrs. Jackson,

I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer.

I work at Bunnings and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week after the floods hit.

I told her we sold out every single shovel we had and then I found one more in stock and several people were fighting over who would get it.

Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last shovel we had in the store.

From now on I will remember to check her homework before she hands it in.


Erica Cameron
Kids are great, my boy is 3 and whenever he draws people he makes sure he adds a *****.................even on girls.

Also the other night while I was at footy training he told his mum that Dad was kicking the football on a train. They are like your very own, crapping, whining, sooky comedians.
You know I can highly recommend a cat as an alternative. They match the FZ6, are self dependent, don't eat much, kill off the wildlife, don't argue back, and just like family can always be relied upon to not be there when you really need them :p
They also don't submit dubious drawings at school :D

Only problem you guys might face is trying to trade the little rugrats for the cat.
You know I can highly recommend a cat as an alternative. They match the FZ6, are self dependent, don't eat much, kill off the wildlife, don't argue back, and just like family can always be relied upon to not be there when you really need them :p
They also don't submit dubious drawings at school :D

Only problem you guys might face is trying to trade the little rugrats for the cat.

Nothing wrong with my boys...would'nt trade them for anything.....the 10 year old is a "cool" kid, he loves anything that goes fast!!! and his Idol is currently Casey Stoner, and he hates he cant be too bad...

And the 16 month old, well, he just loves the workshop, and is already showing better than average dexterity with his hands....

So if i am lucky, i will have one "World Champion" racer on my hands, and a mechanic to work on his bike......while Dad sits back and drinks beer, and tells both of them, that in his day.....

43 degrees :eek: :eek: :spank: Hottest day in 70 years :( for all our Adelaide friends , i feel for you guys but at least its that Adelaide dry heat and not a steaming sticky terrible Qld humid hot.... I rode home in 40.3 and 93% humidity on Tuesday and i gotta admit , for the 1st time ever i didnt enjoy the ride :eek: :(
43 degrees :eek: :eek: :spank: Hottest day in 70 years :( for all our Adelaide friends , i feel for you guys but at least its that Adelaide dry heat and not a steaming sticky terrible Qld humid hot.... I rode home in 40.3 and 93% humidity on Tuesday and i gotta admit , for the 1st time ever i didnt enjoy the ride :eek: :(

Yes it is absolutely stinking hot right now! Only go out when you really have too....keep the kids out of the sun, and cold salads for dinner!

And Night rides are the only real "enjoyable" option right now.....the orange bike, with the ceramic coated up 106c at the traffic lights the other day when it was 39c!!!!!

In some parts of SA, it has been upwards of 50c today! And yes, it is dry dry heat....moisture...what's that???

Yup,damn hot.........and this Tasmanian is NOT liking it !
Luckily my new job in the hills is about 5c cooler :rolleyes:

Here is the temp at my place 5 mins ago when I went for a ciggie.
Yup,damn hot.........and this Tasmanian is NOT liking it !
Luckily my new job in the hills is about 5c cooler :rolleyes:

Here is the temp at my place 5 mins ago when I went for a ciggie.

Yep...too hot even, to cook dinner on the Barbeque...which sucks...cause i got some killer T Bone steaks just begging to be eaten!

The air conditioners at work all have thermal cutout switches on them so that if the temp gets up over 40 degrees C they shut down to protect themselves:eyebrow::banghead:.

In my opinion the cold air is required more when it is hot:rtfm:.

If you trickle a tiny bit of water on the heat exchanger it won't cut out:steve:

But then Day shift go home and turn off the tap:rant:

By the time you can do something about it, you've been at work for 6 hours anyhow, creating even more heat with the use of steam etc.. The PC's have all tripped out due to the heat:stupidpc:. You've eye murdered everyone for a 10 mile radius, and you're having serious thoughts about the benefits of strangulation when used as an educational too:sinister:l.

Then you get to go home around midnight thinking of how awesome that evaporative cooling is going to be.......and it rains:disapprove:.

My whole week has sucked quite a bit really. Not enough to snap and go postal.......not quite:iconbeer::beer:
The air conditioners at work all have thermal cutout switches on them so that if the temp gets up over 40 degrees C they shut down to protect themselves:eyebrow::banghead:.

In my opinion the cold air is required more when it is hot:rtfm:.

If you trickle a tiny bit of water on the heat exchanger it won't cut out:steve:

But then Day shift go home and turn off the tap:rant:

By the time you can do something about it, you've been at work for 6 hours anyhow, creating even more heat with the use of steam etc.. The PC's have all tripped out due to the heat:stupidpc:. You've eye murdered everyone for a 10 mile radius, and you're having serious thoughts about the benefits of strangulation when used as an educational too:sinister:l.

Then you get to go home around midnight thinking of how awesome that evaporative cooling is going to be.......and it rains:disapprove:.

My whole week has sucked quite a bit really. Not enough to snap and go postal.......not quite:iconbeer::beer:

Sheesh...that's quite a rant! Just do what you normally do Mikey....go for a ride, or 6!!!!