The "Off Topic" thread...

No Super X for Adelaide this year!!!! WTF! I just went to the Super X site (Australian Supercross Championship), and noticed that Adelaide is missing off the Schedule for 09!!!!

No chance to see Chad Reed!!!

Wait till the Wolfcub finds out...he will be devo!


Man that crud drives me's not like they don't get a good turnout.
Hmmmmm......hope you gents are ready for Summer, cause it looks like's it's starting early, with November in South Australia, already looking to be the hottest on record since 1894, already....tomorrow 38c, Wed 38c, Thurs 39c, Friday 38c, Sat 34c (Woohoo, a cool change!)

Lots of night rides coming yp for me at least!

Just checked the temperature outside.....41.4c!!! And it's 6.30pm at night!!!!

and i moved outta of a house with a pool in the backyard....2 weeks ago!!!
